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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... Now kehsy, pricr One Shilling, T1t SBCOND ZDITION *F 1MY LIFE. QU OUR SOCIAL STATE, PART I. a Poetn, by ERNEST JONES, I I YBarrjistcr nt Law. Full of 'wild (Ire'ns, strange fiarcieos and graceful images sntelrparsed aith tolny bright and beautiful tbhoughts, it.s ,hief (lefet is its bievity. The author's ii. I xspirallrti's so to gush fresh anid sparkling fromnjlippo. creno. lic will wavnt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORtTANT TO PItOTOGRlPkII8TS. N , applieationl was made on the 2,.d tpt.nbec, to A the Vike.tChanfellor of England, by Air. Beald swho, actitg nsede a inostextraotrdily del& s ,:1, considers Ijinscit thc esl. dlcstee of the Photograplhic ,laCOess b to ?? MIL. EGjlt',TON, of 1, Tcmple.str'.s, .ind 148, Fieet-,treet, ron t dking Photograplilu Port.Sa5,, Which li does by a proeass entbiely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTRAORDINAtRY CURES I or HIOLLOWAY'S O1INTMENT. wonderful Core safdreadfui Uloreaus Sores in the Face and Leg, in Prince Edward Island, The Tr1uth of ?? Stateerentil was dutly attested before a Algiigate. 1, HosGH MACDONALD, of Lot 65, in Ring's County, do hereby declare, that a mest woniorful preservation of my life ?? been effected by the use of Holloway's Pills and Sintment ; and I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Works constantly on Sale at JOH.N LEAYAT'S, Shoe Lane, Fieet Street. fN SATURDAY, MAY 9th, will be ReIseued No. 1, 0J price ONE PENNY, oETIIERESE DUNYVER, or, the MANOR HOUSE of TRE'T HARLEY. 'This ie without exception Sue's best work.-National. The above Work will be complete in Fifteen Numbers or in Wrapper Is. Gd. cloth 2s. Cd., with Number 1. is given a beautiful Wrapper, In Six Numosrs, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... coot4A TOlR!HE CHA TZUT - ~WOESD. - - To be had Of John Cleave, and all booksellers., (Price One Shilling.) TWO ORATIONS AGAINST TAKING AWAY HUMAN LIFE. TNDElt any Circumstances; and ia explanation and U defense of the misrepresented doctrine of- Non yesistance. (Delivered in the National Hall, Holborn. en the evenings of February 25th and March ith.) These orations, regarded merely as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUGIS. `HOARSENESS. AND ALL ASTI- MATIC AND PULMONARY COMPLAINTSI EFFECTUALLY CURED BY KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. U PWARDS of thiirty years' experience hasprover the e U ikifillibi;ity of these Lozenges in the Cure of Winter, Cough. Iloasseess, Shortruss of Birseth, and ether Pul- It monary nlah&idies . The patroll,,e of his liesty the ?? of rruesia has been bestowed on them; as also has that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jst ps'l ihsd, Sixteestl& Edition, iustrated with cu aes, and ci fu l-lngth engravings, price 2s. 6d., in a scaled envelope, it aw d sent free to any part of the kingdom, on the receipt vi of al Ias.0or oder for 3a. d. n THE SECRET COMPANION, a MEDICAL WORK on nervous debility and the con. L A cealed cause of the decline of physical strength and T loss of mental capacity, with remarks on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THOM.IAS COOP;R, THE CILARTIST'S (To be'had ot Johu Cleave, and ell bookseliers.) Just published, price It. TWO ORATIONS AGAINST TAKING AWAY HIUMNAN LIFE, TT$DER any Oircumstances; and in explanasios and V.- defenice of the misrepresented doetrine of Non. Resistance. (Delivered in the National Hail, Holborn, on the evessings of February 25th and IMsrch 4th.) Chapman, Brothers, 121, Newgate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now ready, Price Ono Shilling. THE SSCOND EDITION Or MY LIFE, OR OUR SOCIAL STATE, PART I. a Poem, by ERNEST JONES, Barrister at Law. We hope the author will be encournged by the public to continue his ?? Gazette, An unequivooally strange anid eventful ?? In its qualit3 .-V0fnia's hIerald, Lady Ceerleon and her Lord are portraits true as ainy that LawvreRWO erer paixted. lienutifut ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UBER&AL BOOKS an POLIlI ICS, rT EOLOGY, AND SOCIAL PROGRESS, PabIished, and Sold, Wtolesale and Retail, My L BY JAMES WATSON, ,Queen's Head Passage, Paternoster Row, London. THE REASONER, a Weekly Journal, consisting, like the Topic, of one carefully written article on a subject F of mnom ent in Literature, Communism, Education, or imagesi Arts. Edited by G. J. Hlovrot&S. Price lid. thought ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .THRE D A I LY NEWS NEW LONDON MORNING NEWSPAPER, PRICE TWOPENCE OALFPMENY9 PUBLISHED IN TIME FOrR THE MORNING MAILS. WHITEFRIA19. JUNE ilth. TB Proprtors of THE Da, NEWs regret to leart that the paper has not alwaystreahecd the subscribers so earvly or so punctually ns miglht reasonably have been antiipa~ted ibeirt apood oereohbdnu es, ofe lvthe gethex Y% b e rs., -evan exth all xpetatontha ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE AFFLICTED. W M ESSRS. BRUCE AIID Co., CONSULTlNo SBUo 'ONe, WI No. l9, Crsnmer-place, Waterloo-road, London, Sole Proprietors of' BRUCE'S SAMARITAN 'PILLS,' du which 'for seventeen years have effectually cured every 4 ,ase brouight under their notice during that period, amounting in all to upwards of 50,00 patients, continue 1 to be consulted at their residence, as above. BancJs ...