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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... ?? STATES.. . ARRIVAL OF THiE AOLDAJ-IM1PORTK5T NEWS. WAR! t Livcaroon, THURSDAY. sic OREGON AND TEXAS. Se SaNi~ATz, Dsc. ltl.-Mr. Allen, chairman on foreign 18; relations, gave notice of a joint resolution giving thre thl twelve months' notice to Great Britain, as required CO by the stipulation of the conventions of 1816 and OP 1827, for the dissolving the joint occupancy of the Pe0 Oregon ...

Summary of the Week's News

... *ummnarp of tbe Wttk'O Aetuo. tion MONDAY. ale, FREE TRADs.-ThI protectionists and anti-mono. iiah polists are marshalling theirforces for the grand fight tinq which commences on Thursday next, while the Times our is directing its thunder at the camp of General Rieh- did mond, the Commander-in-Chiefof the Protectionists. hat The drilling that the squeezable county members are tice receiving at ...

Chartist Intelligence

... Vbartiot , InUffia-mm- ? SBlFFlEIED. IMB COOPER AT SurEat LD.-The~fbllowing should c have been atthisoffice by Thursday, the 18th, instead - of Saturday, the 20th] Mr. Cooper wrote to us to get him up a meeting in behalf of Frost, which, after a little consideration, .1 we determined to do. We considered Frost's case our case; and we thought Mr. Cooper's giant talents *, could not tail in ...


... :.3EiEE TO TTOMAS C0oPEflT t, ClA.;j TIST POET,-~I %. ~I~e ?? aniersary of the -liberatos ?? 'Yord gaol ?? Cooper, the' Chiartist poet, pre orti ad1~sg~t was celebrated -on' Monday it il nigt, n te C55rtih H'all, 37urnagain-lane, Skin- Wl no-tet bt two hundred, persons of beth Bet see atoko .a and coffee, althoug th mon il nay ftrwrd ?? a conusderal ace yoou litnt h uhsq n~ft proceedings ...


... So then the man who reigns in the hearts of his countrymen is consigned, like a cask of small beer, as the Times informs us, to a coal cellar in the House af Commons, from which light is all but ex. eluded, and with a Saxon menial, whose office ap- pears to partake more of the spy than the attendant, as his only companion; and this is the present situa- tion of the lineal descendant of ...


... CO.OeInsTOION.-This village not being lighted with gas, a considerable portion of the inhabitants, principally weavers, have bven in the habit of co operating nitually, and in 'the summer seasons purchasing, when oil was at the cheapest, as great a quanstity as their individual circumstances would permit them to do of this indispen. sable article against the coming winter. At a meeting held ...


... i CAPTIVITY AMONG THE SIRUS. are The following is an extract fromu k letter from an it of officer in the Indian army:- rmil. English CamRp on the river Stitlej, near omi- Ferozi-e, ie Jasticary 1, 1S40. *tes My dear M,-I hlave now to relate the ucost ro- mi- mantlie aaid dangerous incidents oft my life, and wvill is it do so in as few lid es as possible. On the 5,h of last .and, month I left ...


... MELANCHOLY SHIIPWRECK OF 't1E SCHOONER BALIUS. LIVERPOOL, MARCH 20.-1For the J.aat three weeks near there kas been gieat solicitude for the fate ci' tihe lialiu%, the lroperty Oft \Mes5srb. Stgolikdle and Soria. tro- It ti known that ~Ile Jefl, Iiigstonl, jamasica, in NV ill J LUiuRVY, and ?? days tkaving elapsed be-! last yondl the time in which she had commonly made the lrth, voyage, she was ...


... TO ThE 1h4PER'ALCGIAR TS. d ::loa ?? ?? k 41. i MY DxRAB Farares,-I have been relvey s0 per.- plexed and occupied this only day iu the week that I have to day I muss,7for the first time in iy Ilei claim your in1gence. The fact is, that writing my two letters h talaken up some time, while- most of the'day has been occu- pied in counting Post-office orders,- bank orderc-, and ucih a complexity ...


... DUBLIN, OCT. 3. Every day adds to the certainty that the people of this country are about to pass through a fearful l ordeal. It is only now that the extent and probable effects of the calamity are beginning to manifest themselves, for it is only now we are beginning to be- lieve that there is a deficiency of food in the country. Heretofore the potatoe failure was reoarded as the sole evil of ...


... ATVE OOLLISION''ON' T ATERN OOUK.g !IE - - TIES WA IAl 0On Itociday, s,it ten o'il ock, Mr. W. Baker, Jun., deputy the coroner for the 556,elrn division of Middlesex, and a Jeri ejopl of highly respectable 5-Iiabitauati of the parish Of Rack. Y'ard ney, comnmeoc LI an lovesetigation at the Doke of Rich. uous , n ?? Dmsltofl, touching the death been of Mr. W. Hond, a gentlemina lately residing ...

Forthcoming Meetings

... Jfortfiromfiug O.1cetin90. BILSTON.-A general meeting of the members of the Chartist Co-operative Land Society, will be held at Mr. Linney's on Sunday evening, April, 26th, at six o'clock. MILuL.-A lecture will bedeliveredon sunday even- ing next, April 26th, in the Large Room, White Nart, Saithonise-lasne, at seven o'clock precisely Subject: 'Ihe Peoples' Charter, reasonable scriptural, and ...