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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Summary of the Week's News

... ? &UMIllargOf .4b; Moko ACW04: ?? - ?? ?? ? ?? YWar.-The Time. of this morning has a tremnen- dous warlike article, intended, no doubt, as a side. blow at our anti-warlike declaration of Saturdayl The Times, as is its custom, extols and eulogises peace, while it has the effrontery to declare that the aristocratic antipathies and dislikes of England to vulgar republican institutions and ...

Chartist Intelligence

... . ?f 1: ?? fiddliffmce. CiIAR'IST READING AND ASSEMBLY ROOMS, 83, DEAN-STREET, SOHO. These rooms was crowded on Sunday last, No- vemberlst, to hear Dr. M'Douel lecture on and refute the objections that have from time to time been urged against Chartism. Mr. E. Stallwood was una- nimously called to the chair, and briefly introduced I he lecturer, who, in a long and able discourse, dis- posed o ...


... NATIONAL ANTI-POOR-LAW PRtOVIDENT AND BENEVOLENT UNION. At apulid ' eat ied to ' Ats-t i b- Jects of this inatjt'W0Qii, was held on Thursday after- noon, in the large room, of the London Tavern, Sishopasgate-street, the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor in the chair. Mr. B. B. CABBELL, M.P., one of the chief foun. ders ot the Institution detailed the proposed plan to whichae f not remove the distress ...


... MESSRS. M'GRATH AND CLARKE'S TOUR. mn GREAT MEETING AT BRISTOL. On Wednesday evening, October 28tb, at the hour appointed foar the meeting to take place, the Mecha- h nics' Institute was crowded,.h On the motion of Mr. Rogers, seconded by Mr. c Cooke-, Robert Harris, Esq., was called to the chair. Silence having been restored, he addressed the C meeting in nearly the following words :- b Mly ...


... ECorreopon'brite. ACCIDENTS IN COAL MINES. g TO THE EDITOR O0 THE 5I5WCASTLC QUANDIA!5. GENTLEMtEsN,-In bet week's Gsuardfisa find an ex- yi tract from a letter by J. Scott, of Hasewell Colliery (and t whichit appears, hasgone theroundofthopress, London el and provincial), in which be states that, a few days f ago, while a boy was brushing the tram plates with hay, In one ofthe diatrictts of ...


... TAT.;L WCOIIENT ON THE RHAVESEND AND ROCHESTBE R&MLWAY. On Fkiday afternoon, between four and five o'clock, an accident, attended with loss of life. occurred on tile Graveciend and Rochester Railway, The facts of the case will appear from the following evidence given at the in- quest on the body, which was held on Saturday after. noon; at two o'clock, before Mr. Lewis, coroner for the eity and ...


... (From the .orsing Chronicle.) IlAMBURo, Aug. 11, 1846. The Prussian government is acting upon a strange and arbitrary principle, and it is impossible that the present discontent 'in Prussia can last long without some awful demonstration. A short time ago the two important newspapers published in Bremen- papers with very liberal views and well-conducted- were prohibited from circulation in the ...


... Tim week has been again characterized by much work and some useful talk. If our collective wis. dom could only be as sparing of the latter, and as rapid with the former, in the month of March as they are in August, it would be a decided improve- ment in Parliamentary practice. Among the more important of the measures dis- patched this week, may be enumerated the Railway Commissioners Bill, ...


... Egsa.t EixHuritION oF ANoraa BODY AxD IMPOR- TuNT Discovmalts.-COLv aBIMI, Tuesday Night.- Last week we gave an account of the examination ftf a woman named Sarah Cheeseman, before Lord Bray- brooke and other magistrates of the county of Essex on a charge of attempting to poison a child belonging to another female, by rubbinga quantity of salve over and in its mouth, which was found ...


... - TO THE SOMERS 'TOWN OHARTISTS - Unios Btrengtl. MY DxAn Falsnls,-For some weeks past I have observed a disposition upon your part to force me into an unprofitable controversy. I have always ab- stained from fruitless controversies with men whom I respect, and parties upon whose co-operation we must mainly rely for the success of our great national project. You have lately evinced a ...


... HE IMPERIAL UIIARTIST9. tfr DEAR VR1iXDs,-OnCe More We are called upon to rally round the old standard and unsullied trio A most unnatural and anomalous coalition has been formed between the men who coerced Ire- land and pledged themselves to resist Repeal to the death, and the man who has pledged himself to Ireland never again to place the question of Re- peal in abeyance for the convenience ...

Public Meetings

... 13111)lir 'ffitrtillgo. FANENn IN IRELAND.-A numerous meeting of tbe working classes was held at the Guy Earlot (arwick, Gray's Inn Lane Mr. D. Brick in the chair, to devise some means, according to their power, ftr the alle- viation of the existing distress in Ireland. Several addresses were made, and a collection was made in the room, the meeting having pledged itself to small l weekly ...