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Advertisements & Notices

... THE Q UEEN'S R OY AL THEA TRE. THIRD APPEARANCE OF MR. GEORGE WILD (Late Manager of the Olympic Theatre, London). First Appearance of Miss FANNY WILLIAMS (of the Olympic Theatre). f'N T HIS EVENING, (Tuesday), Sept. 15, O tbe performances will commence with a Now Drama, as performed in London with unparalleled success, in Three Stages, entitled THE ROAD OF LIFE; OR, THE CAUDOAN'S CAREER. Tim ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT ?? L Persons professing Repeal Principe5l and A who may be entitled to be admitted to the ldedom of the City of Dublin, are requested to send in fortbth the p rtiuar of their claims to the Committee Rooms, Corn Exchanga, when the necessary steps will be taken to faoj tors. T. M. RAY, Secretary. MRS. C. MATHERS, COURT MILLINER, TrAS the honor to inform the Nobility and ntry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REPAL ASSOCIATION. HE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO. T CIATION OF IRELAND will meet on THIS DAY, the 16th Macoh instant, at ONE o'Clook, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. I The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for AssoCIATIES enrolled within Tw ne t oths; they will Occupy the floor of t he Hlall, the ch under the end gallery, and also the benches °) Sje gallery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIst Appearance but Two of MISS HEEN FAVT TIT, Mr. CtsW[ICK and Mr. }ENIY FABRIEN Iwill .do appbar. N THIS EVENING (Wednesday),tebl1th, 0 , will be perforasndi Bberiden Knowleaa popular ?iI of THE WIFE; A TAtE. OP MANTUA: Julian St. Pierre,' Mr. Creswiok;, Leonardo Gonzaga, lsr. E: Bland;-a Ferrardo Gauzaga, Mr. I. Cebke; Ma. rlana, Nfisi Helen Fauelt, After which the New Voinlo Piece, called ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUBLIN CITY B STRY. IMPORTANT NOTICE A LL Persons professing R epeal ip1snd who may be entitled to be admitted to t dm of the City of Dublin, are requested to sen rthwith the particulars of their claims to the Committee Rooms, Corn Exchange, when the necessary steps will be taken to faci- litate their Admission and Registry as Parliamentary Elec. tors. _r. M. RAY, Secretary. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEA TRE ROYAL, DUBLIN Mliss HELEN FAUCIT is engaged for a short period, and will make hbr fourth app oralice. Mr. G. V. BROOKE will make his third appearance HIS PRESENT EVENING (Wednesdsy), ' 28th October, 1846, will be performed Shake. ?? of AS YOU LIKE IT. Orlando. Mr. G. V. Brooke; Duke Frederick, Mr. Barry; Rosalind, Miss Helen Faucit. Incidental to the play Glee 1 Under the Greenwood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1,jTE lAL) D UBLIN. ?? e hut Thre Mss HELEN FAUCIT. PP9r G. V BROOK- wI also appear. I (Satujday3 19th December, ~lWXD $;ilhe rformneddin compliance with many er, N~r G V Brookb; Mrs Haller, Miss Helen Ih To 0onclude with t'ie Comedy of THE WONDER, J 4ornoenDing vi'h the Second Act. 1e Mr Caleraft; Gibby, Mr Duff ;/onna Dio s Helen Fauoit. et5 tplaces to be bad of Mr. Joy, at the Box ketg ni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OF IRISH STOCKS DURING THE WEEK. Ac.AT. a per Ct Cons. - 5 h Reduced do .. - q per CtStOcll 97%% 97 34 D)ebenturefl. - - L Annlitls .. - - Bank Stock.. - - R.Canal Stock - - G.Cansl Stock 7% 7% Do Debs 6pr et - - Do Debs cpr ct - - Do Debo 4pr et - 393 Do Debs 4pr et new.- - City do 4 pr ci - 85 Do do4prct now . ?? _ _ 4 pr et Bal Off DebswithGov Security ?? - 90'A per cent Pipe Wat Deb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL 'REPEAL ASSOCIATION. 7I'HE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL AS- TSOCIATION OF IRELAND will meet on MON- DAY, the 31st August instant, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. THE LIBERATOR WILL ATTEND. 1W The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for AsSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve Moutbs; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the beishes U the end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Twnit mperance ot VI ISS HELEN FAUCIT Trient ieth App~Lr 1, 1 r icK Eighteenth' Appearance of MrIV ESIK Bleweth Appearailce of Mr. ]HENRY FARREN, Son o' the EminenttPerr. .meI. MNr. William Farren. cSN THIS 1iVE~N14G- (Tuesday), Feb. 10tb, Yc.F will be repeated, in co'pliisrlce with many qpplica iohn, anid for the last time during the present engagoment. Ssbkspet~re~ Tragedy of ADJ~E ROMEO AD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T5ABTRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Lest Appearance but Three of Mise CUSHMAN, and her Sister, Miss S. CUSHMAN. Mr CnESWICK will also appear, his engagement having been prolonged for the express purpose of appearing with Miss Cushman. T HIS EVENING (Tuesday), Marcb 24 the J performances will commence with Shakspe la . torioad Tragedy KING JOHN. ENGOL11. Jobn, King of England, Mr. Caloraft; Faulconbridge, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - THEA TRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. , ixteenth Appearalbce of MISS HELEN FAUJCIT. * purteeuth App58arane of Mr. CRESWIC3K. sith Appearance of Mr. HENRY FARREN, PSon of the Eminent pp .Iomr Mr. William Fairren. ~ N THIS EVENING (Wednesday), Feb. 4, 0 will be produced a New Tragedy, called. NINA SFOERZA. Written by R. Zouch S. Troughton, Esq., And acted with brillidnt Success at the Theatre Royal,~ ...