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Advertisements & Notices

... FORTH AND CLYDE CANAL. ( K1'T I C | I UST NAVIGATION is to be STOPPED, for Repairs, frota T Leok 26, (CluotrerW) to Rowling Bat;, onl TUEi SDAY -NIGHI, tih 8th, ard it ic expected to be Qspen again on SA- TURD AY the 12th coirrent. ?? From Cloverhill Eastwvari, the Canal ,will be kept Open as usual. C CANA]L OFFIIE, I Port-Dundas, 4th sept, 164G.J6 LETTEIR LOST. , SEALED LIETTRil, addressed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LEND), 0\ .l:RTx'LE61U IV fl. rrv~ ThOUSAN P~lL NS of ?? FittiN inva lesthan- £500. 4-, TwotII itr li1o~ e Apjiv~ to Will into Aiknmatm, rItViU nc ?? - - M ) U 7 T11 KN1 bie Non-, or.r itt nest U-rioi, rr.i t., I EE TIIOUSANi) P!N> gV £3111to £dI-etO : to b' e Latz I ciiirst 1eia,- I ards being preti'Ll'i'd. A. W. A. & J riraltat,' writer-, 421. Geor.',- .&YNU-ITY' WANTED) ToP (1A N ...


... SCHOOL Or DESIGN, 1f 12, INGRAM STRlET, I WyiV1 be Re..,.eyeed an Monday the 2d February, 1846. S C o ' M wfI rT Er E. d: President. T .AinrfllfALD AiselsoN Esq., Sherifl of Lanarkshire, ?? W Vice-Presideass Pi JOrn N LEATDN3ET'ET E, Esq.. Dean of Guild. IY5v'.oxsR CCitro, Esq., F.RS., Clico Printer. ci Members of Committee. E t T!lt ljon. Jas. Lumsden, Lord Samuel 1R. BrownEsq., Sewed Pravot- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )IoNTEITTR ROOMS, 6,. BrCHANAN IMTREET. T'iE BEST AND CHEAPEST AMUSEMENT IN GL ASG OW. Evern Afternoon and Evening. GRAND VETHIOPIAN CONCEtTS, And Entirely N . EW PA NO il A A. ACCOPANrP-'E) BY A FULL MILITARY BAND. it - W. P E L It * ' S Comrpanr, the Five Cele- j hriel an!i Unrivalled SABLE BROTH ERS, j ps ,,,jr during each -peribrw-rce, arid sing several New Songs, in: thermselves on their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... irec- ears, TWO GUINEAS REWARD. done Lost, about three weeks ago, between Carlton Place and I Iders Buchanan Street, Rank A ROSE DIAMOND BREAST PIN.. Any pesnwh a were A hare found the same, by returning it to Finley & Field, Goldsmiths, Buchianan Street, wvill receive the above Reward. 2d- 28 March, 1846. -iter, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ginal DPOCKET-BOOK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOl TilTE T1.l MroTyRs' OF ., IIE T O I Rr ) Ai 1'C P AN .L 1:4 T r I C T -Y pECT most ?? t- thitn;b vcl f'ar the verv warm andl jeardietil i-hlpl'it s~ii ch. I i-i 'e\'ti .In Sil aneI l' iOU at the Eleetin an t is:c.fov las 'ji.v rnstc!i, riunt the asandiei19g ofI oly ,.:1e andts. a the alimtitt I t hy ?? j00 of ha'ving pre- I . eies h lt-I'S i *that-o :snl hait;g b-tt-r kilotan rhuhl ?? to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cos= d obDV0D SXLE: POSTPONED. !- HE SALE of TIMBER, adrertised to take place at Inverarr. 1. ArttIlsli ire, on Wednesday the I7th Jane current, is POST- - pON EO to a future day, to be intimated by after advertisementse 2d June, 1846. _ S T O 1E N OII. S T RA Y ED, J .~ {:On Thursday Evenizig WVeek, f BPACK P O IN T E L BITOlTC i ansuers to the name of e ,kNr.L.n.Anv person retoning her, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. ANDRE W'S CHU1RCH. - TN consequence of some additional Repairs, this Church will I not be e-opened for Public Worsbip till Sabbath the 20tb carrent. Cotencii Chambers, 3d September, 1846. F O U ND. A NEWFOUNDLANiD DOG. The Owner meay have him A ,`on application to Mr. James Fulton. spirit dealer, Port- Dundas Road. If not claimed within eight doys, he will be Sold to defray expenses. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IFOSITMrLY Vol' ONEF WqIGHT OUNIT. HER 3-,Uil - L SSLL V Tlze Shi1p oil. F at r t ?? The Wi' ?? in hnou . &vn~O-NE VOCALErxr.II?N il *ereyeIscs1I`1t'l kig.- Lire and Character, IN 'TfTIIE -Ci I TYiI A LL. tta Ouhixa titan oftur'd ,flit;,e, fml~ tl~e LT1Ljt:O of ord -U :j s c~eherain] ?? II'I-p'rV. *.J1I f j j l1 1Tir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LO ST, Sre lutwoseeh the Steanm-Bloat Quay and Miller Street r A WHITE PLAID. Any Person returning it to 53, Wilson Jk Street, will be handsomeqy rewarded. Glasgow, 2d ISlay, 1l46. CLERK WANTED-, t F ORg WRITER'S OfFICE-Applyby lettter, addressed H1J, flerald Office. WANTED. AL Smar t LAD). for~ a Builder's Office, from i 5 to 18 years of 11. age, excert at calculations. Letters ,in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7a OeloherwWINl hi Puebifelab. I ricee ONa SrerLLnGre, L2ime, sewved, F ISt147. .i A A ?? srrpnlv thle Mercantile world -h-. I ii pe rece on informntaioni On till Matters i tE`Ali's. trod theilal vit nrwthire of businless aHtiet' Brolkers, and Traders generally itwil en' c'I i)nziti parable upon all Goads imported into the ?? andl Ireland, arrangedl agreeably - - I i 1011'itivith copttous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i' ?? 0 SP E CT u S OF TItE j, AISmi4T .V'P BM'TIIGATE. ANi) MONE1 rND AND I - i2,'.UlAlt JUNCTION RAILWAY. i r ?? T I..t0 . v01I 2400 S57AnEs OF £25 EACH. Dreo\S r. £2: 10S. pzza Snl-taa. o- l'l'ovftsrt>lw.. Colrsr-r . at ?? DI X' ). Ew1t of Gov:nhill,. Wl^l..r \M 3;RRAY .-I1 t F .Esq. of the Monkiand Ironwaorks. .b %V1 EAl ;M W iKIL. Esq. of Easter Mot~at. I l 1 iv *h }AtNRiit E. Lsq. of ...