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... CARDIFF AND GLAMORGANSHIRE LIBRARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION. The General Annual Meeting of the members of this institution was held in the Library, Crockherbtown, on Wednesday last, the 18th instant. We observed present the Very Reverend the Dean of Llandaff. Mr. Bruce Pryce, Mr. E. P. Richards, Mr. C. C. Williams, Rev. Thos. Stacey, Rev. W. Lei^h Morgan, Rev. James Evans, Mr. R. Daw and Dr. ...


... ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSION.-The first general report of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Englaud was printed last week. The document with the appendix extends to 69 pages; it c ntains a great deal of information connected with ecclesiastical matters, and no doubt will be regarded with some interest, at the present period. The Commis- sioners in their report to Her Majesty treat of the onuin ...

Hiterarg ^artctifs

... IJoetra?. PROVIDENCE. Just as a mother, with sweet pious face, Yearns towards her little children from her seat, Giví's one a kis3. another an embrace, Takes this upon her knees, that on her feet; And while from actions, looks, complaints, pretences, She learns their feelings and their various will, To thuI a look, to that a wonl dispenses. And whether st ...


... TV^R ^ook has just published a letter, addressed to the •shop of St. David's, On the means of rendering more the Education of the People. We have read 18 letter—and we scarcely know in what terms to con- yey the impression which its perusal has produced. As, owever, we utterly repudiate the unfair practice of condemning any one without adducing evidence support of our censure, and as we ...


... BRECONSHIRE. REPRESENTATION of THE COUNTY.—In a for- mer number we stated that a requisition, numerously and influentially signed, had been presented to Joseph Bailey, of Glanusk Park, Esq., M.P., requesting that gentleman to allow himself to be put in nomination for the representation of this county whenever a va- cancy should occur. A correspondent has since assured us that Mr. Bailey has ...


... i (Continued from our fourth paqe.) HOUSE OF LORD S.—MONDAY, I TCri.iGious OPINIONS KI-LIEF RILL.— IHE Bishop Hxoter PROCEEDED «ITH ihe motion of which he h id - tier-, respecting the RELIGIOUS Opinions Relief RI!l~ and in A S leech of considerable length deprecated 'he (Isnsnron* ex: r,i,V nt OF repealing those portions of the acts of Kiizabeth which asserted the SUPREMACY of the ...

BA,N KH.U P L'S. -(Prolll the London Gazettes.)

... *(, FRIDAY1.—II. Brooker, Hi^h-street, Peckham. grocer. Williams, ilriest-court. Foster-lane, warehouseman. W, Boltie, Dover, grocer. W. llodsoll. South Ash, Kent, farmer. Stuart, Stoekbridge-terraee, l'imlico. baker. T. (raining King-street, Seven Dials, aud J. Mott, Broad-street, chees«j mongers S. Cunningham, Minerva-street, Hackney-f0^' sawyer. It. Ilallam, Newcastle-under-Lyme, grocer. A• ...


... U DIAAiVD CHINA. ANOTHER DEFEAT OF THE SIKHS. MALTA —MARCH 17.—We have received India news by the Peninsula and Oriental Company's steamer Ori- ental, although she brought no mail, of the following dates Calcutta, February 7 Bombay, lath and China Jan. 1846. Sir Harry Smith's division having reinforced Colonel Godby's division at Loodianah has encountered the Sikhs. On the 28th of January, Sir ...


... CARDIFF PULIC E.—MONoay. [Before R. Reece, F.S.A., Mayor, and Rev. J. Evans.] D RUN KENN ESS. — William Richards, a man who was recently committed to prison for smashing the window of an office in Bute-street, was brought up in custody by Su- perintendent Stockdale. chargcd with drunkenness and with having attempted to commit suicide. Mr. Stockdale said, that on Sunday afternoon he observed ...


... To the Editor o f the Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian. SIR,—The letter on Education in your last is, I think, an excellent production it shows the writer to be well acquainted with men and things and if the latter part of the third paragraph be attended to, I have no doubt of its accomplishing the object intended. So thinks the Clergyman of one of the Churches in the town where resides Yours, ...

Swansea Valley Line anil Branches

... Proposed Railway from Abercrave Farm to Swansea, with branches to the Old Rolling-Mill—to Ystalyfera Works—to the Cwrntwrch Railway, and to the Ynis- cedwyn Iron Works, with Power to the Company to be incorporated for the purpose of constructing such works, to purchase and alter the Swansea Vale Railway, and to sell or let to the South Wales and Great Western Railway Companies and amendment of ...


... I^HE PATENT CONCKNT;IATI2D MAI.T AND HOP EX- TRACT enables private individuals to make fit.e Home-Brewed Ale, without employing any Brewing utensils. It has only to be dissolved in hot water and tormented. Sold in Jars, for medicinal and other purpo- ses, at Is. and Is. 6d. ¡ and in Bottles fur Brewing Nine 'o Eighteen Gallons, and upwards, of Ale, at Gs. 6d. and 12s. 61. each, by THE BRITISH ...