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... THE MINISTRY.—The Russell Ministry cannot hope to get through the business of the next Session with the present Parliament, for the Conservative majority is ra- pidly re-uniting, though not by the process that Lord Lyndhurst would suggest. The 112 deserters are now reduced to sixteen at the most; and whether these sixteen pass over to the Whigs or remain neutral, Lord George Bentinck will ...


... THE DYING CHILD. I weep t'lat I am dying, yet it is not death I fear; >To sin is on mv soul, mother, but life is all too dear; The winds are iow and soft, mother, and very blue the sky, And God will pardon the young child who thinks it hard to die. Oh! do not close the curtains, for the sunshine is so bright: Perhaps it is the way God smiles-that broad and golden light; I feel a little ...


... In the decline of life the most safe and efficacious oc- casional medicine for giving tone and strength to the stomach, and acting at the same time as a gentle and healthful aperient, is Frampton's Pill of health—a Family Restorative which has conferred the most essential benefits upon those who have fortunately had recourse to its health-restoring aid; enabling them to apply to themselves the ...


... We have some hesitation in prefil ing the above heading to the details of an event which probably might be more correctly described as a marriage anticipated. To those of our fashionable readers conversant with the movements of the fashionable world, the engagement of the Lady Rose Somerset, fourth daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Beaufort, to Captain Francis Lovell, (of the 1st Life Guards ...


... INDIA AND CHINA. We (the Times) have received by extraordinary express from Marseilles the dispatches in anticipation of the over- land mail from India, brought to Suez by the Hindustan. The intelligence is from Bombay, via Madras, up to the 2d of July, only one day later than that received by the last mail. Ibrahim Pacha reached Alexandria on board the Avenger, on the 8th inst. He was in ...


... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. WILSON'S CONCERT.—The lovers of music anticipate another rich treat on the evening of the 31st instant. when this gentleman will again appear and give his Songs of Scotland at the assembly-room, Bush Hotel. Owing to the unpropitious state of the weather, it is feared that quantitiesof hay and coru are greatly damaged in the hilly parts of this county. The TafF was ...


... ANOTHER IMPORTANT TRUCK INVESTIGA- TION AT LLANTRISSENT. LLANTRISSENT, 27th OCT., 1846.-Before Lieut.-C Smith and Wm. Meyrick, Esq.—Michael Sullivan (art o informer) against Thomas Powell, Esq.: being an i' o formation against Mr. Powell, under the Truck Act, for tI having paid one David Grimth, a collier, wages in goods- IMr. Owen, solicitor, of Pontypool, supported the infor' matibn and Mr ...


... PUBLIC REJOICINGS AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF RESPECT AT MERTHYR-TYDVIL, IN HONOUR OF THE MARRIAGE OF R°BKRX THOMPSON CRAWS HAY, ESQ., OF CYFARTHFA CASTLE. (By our own Reporter.) Thursday last [yesterday] will be a day long remem' bo^k by ^inhabitants of Merthyr-Tydvil and its neigh- in rhoad, all well as by every person who happened to be 'he town upon that day, as an occasion on which was 8 ...

[No title]

... 01 some other business; he also expressed a wish to retire,hut did not rClmn, anil we are told that hc was seen going ia the direction of Trpdrgar, with his utmost velocity, having, no doubt, felt that he had already enough of his excursio!1 to China. Upon the retllm of the magistrates, she conse- quently was discharged. Richard Taylor an,1 Robert Wyhle, two hullies,' were charged re ...


... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. On Friday, the 7th instant, a meeting of the Cambrian Literati took place at Goodrich Castle, the residence of Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick. At about one o'clock up- wards of sixty ladies and gentlemen had arrived, who sat down to a magnificent dejeune laid in the library. Mr. John Thomas and party from Merthyr, accompanied by Mr. Llewellyn Williams, harpist, of ...


... AND LIST OF FAIRS, NOTICES, ETC., IN THE COUNTIES or GLAMORGAN, MONMOUTH, AND BRECON, FOR THE EN- SUING WEEK. SEPT. 27. SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. iorninsr, 1st [pMon.2udchAp.Ezek.; 2nd ditto, 28th L-hap. Matt. Evening 1st lesson, 13th chap. Ezek. 2nd ditto, 12th chap. 1st Cor.— \fnr>n'« Onartor. 28. Sun rises oh. 57m., and sets ah. 44m. 111 29. Michaelmas Day. 30. St. Jerome. OCT. 1. ...


... FRANCE.—The Paris journals of Thursday week are not of much interest. The state of Italy, hnwevpr, at- tracts much attention, for the opinion is prevalent that the country is so ripe for revolution that it can only be averted by the most straightforward conduct on the part of the Pope. Indeed, the Paris Radical journals affect to doubt the powers of the Pope now, even by the fulfilment of ...