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... SWANSEA VALE; VALE OF NEATH; TAFF VALE; MONMOUTH AND HEREFORD; NEWPORT AND ABERGA- VENNY; CAMERON'S RAILWAYS. &c.-A committee, con- sisting of Mr. W. Evans, member for North Derbyshire, (chairman), Mr. Gibson, Lord C. Hamilton, Hon. C. W. Howard, and Lord C. Fitzroy, to whom they have referred the Bills comprised in Group No. 47 of Railway Bills, viz.:—Swansea Yale; Shrewsbury and ...


... N°^??J^,HEREBY GIVEN, that the NEXT HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of ^is Company will be held, pursuant to the Act of Parliament, at the Paddington Station, Lon- don, on WEDNESDAY, the 25th of FEBRUARY instant, at 12 for 1 o'clock precisely, for the Election of Four Directors and an Auditor in the place of the same number, who will retire by rotation, and for other pur- poses of business. The ...


... U TLLSLLIITE. The Duke of Beaufort is confined to his house by a slight attack of gout, which prevented his graee from joining the dinner party given by the Earl and Countess of Wilton on Sunday evening last. ABERUAVENNy.-OIl a brilliant ball was given at Llanover to the party there assembled, among whom were the families of Tredegar, Ruperraj and Hendre; Lady and Miss Edwards, of Machynlleth ...


... TyjOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Act authorising the construction of this Railway having received the Royal Assent, all persons holding Scrip Certiticates for Shares in this Company, are requested to transmit the same to the Secretary for Registration, at the Offices of the Company, No. 449, West Strand, London, on or before Thursday, the 10th of September next, with their Names, Professions ...

Enteral HUsicdUns

... Cucumbers are now imported in considerable number from Holland. BRISTOL SUGAR MAnnET, June 24, 1846.-There has been a good demund for all descriptions of British Plan- tation Sugars, this week, and about 1000 Hhds. have been sold at an advance on previous rates at fully h. per cwt. Mr. Dunn, the barrister, has been held to bail to answer a charge of perjury preferred against him for swearing ...


... BIRTHS. June 15, Mrs. Richard Jones, grocer, Market-square Mertlivr of a son. J June I, at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Lort Philinns Haverfordwest, the lady of J. Henry Philipps, Esq., of William- stone, Pembrokeshire, of a daughter, still-born MARRIAGES. „ 29• a.1 Church, near Neath, by the Rev. D. H. V o,a Doaaoue. Managing Clerk to Alex. Cuthbertson, Esq., Solicitor, Xeath, to Miss E. ...

dFavetgn Intelligence,

... FRANCE.—The Paris journals of Friday and Satur- day, are as devoid of interest as those of the previous two or three days, being again filled with strictures on the article of the Debats, imputing a political character to the late attempt at assassination committed against the King of the French, their remarks being, moreover, nothing but repetitions or amplifications of what they had be- fore ...

Jt|0XM(H'TllSm RE

... CARDIFF AND GLAMORGANSHIRE LIBRARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION. The General Annual Meeting of the members of this institution was held in the Library, Crockherbtown, on Wednesday last, the 18th instant. We observed present the Very Reverend the Dean of Llandaff. Mr. Bruce Pryce, Mr. E. P. Richards, Mr. C. C. Williams, Rev. Thos. Stacey, Rev. W. Lei^h Morgan, Rev. James Evans, Mr. R. Daw and Dr. ...


... ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSION.-The first general report of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Englaud was printed last week. The document with the appendix extends to 69 pages; it c ntains a great deal of information connected with ecclesiastical matters, and no doubt will be regarded with some interest, at the present period. The Commis- sioners in their report to Her Majesty treat of the onuin ...

Hiterarg ^artctifs

... IJoetra?. PROVIDENCE. Just as a mother, with sweet pious face, Yearns towards her little children from her seat, Giví's one a kis3. another an embrace, Takes this upon her knees, that on her feet; And while from actions, looks, complaints, pretences, She learns their feelings and their various will, To thuI a look, to that a wonl dispenses. And whether st ...