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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIAi ON. T HE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL AS- T SOCIATION OF IRELAND will meet on MON- DAY next, the 1st June, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. TE1E LIBERATOR WILL A'TE 0- The principal door in front to th rouT or is free for AsSOCIATES enrolled within ve Fouths; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the eno usneder the end gallery, and also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. FOR THlE BENEFIT OF SIGNOR FORNASART. LAST NIGHT BUT THREE OF THE ITALIAN OPERAS, HJE Company includes the following distin- Tguished Artistes :_ Madame CASTELLAN, Signora CORBARI, Signor MARRAS, Signor ClRA NTT A, and Signor FORNASARI, Conductor-Signor ORSINI. Leader-bIr. LEV EY,. ERT ?? SALA.BERT. The Engagement will certainly terminate on SATURDAY, 12th September. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. HE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL AS- T SOCIATION OF IRELAND will meet on MON- DAY, the 19th October instant, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. Ah The principal door in front to the ground floor ia free for ASSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end gallery, and also the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS EVENING, FRIDAY, THEREAsVILL BE NO PERFORMANCE. Fifth Appearance of Miss CUSHMAN and her Sister, Miss S. CUSHMAN. N TO-MORROW (Saturday), March 7th, qJ will be repeated the Tragedy of t ROMEO AND JULIET. (From the Text of Shakepeare.) . Romeo, Miss Cushman; Juliet, Miss S. Cushmatn. (As performed by them for 27 successive nights at the (A performed Theatre Royal, Hay market.) f To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEA TRE RY0 YAL, D UBLIN, t Appearanee but Two of Miss CUSHMAN, and Last her Sister, Miss S. CUSHMAN. THIS EVENING (Wednesday), March 25, will be performed, in compliance with numerous lications the Operatic Play of 8pplatn aGUY MANNERING. (Commencing with the Second Scene.) Colonel mannering, Mr H Bland; Henry Bertram, Mr t T Bishop; Domine Samupson, Mr Baker; Dirk lHattersick, hi Mr II ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MusC HALL. l R MONVDAY, APRIL 13th. IIlCiINTOSIS BENEFIT NIGHT. h1 HENRY RUSSELL ,f MONrAY, 13, and TUESDAY,,/th. the fennR cgNTVSH has the honour to an- I ?? Ct Bthat hi, B3ENEFIT NIGHT will take 1 1tLDOUD~S tER gONDAY EVENING, for which - ,!Ce ° VDiomimbleVocalist, o JIt, ENRY RUSSELL, is engaged. sequence of the number of engagements | Inr enry Russell has to fulfil, he cannot, by any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? '83 CLUMB. TICKETS for the Dinner at the Rotup n T TUESDAY, the 17th instant, will begf at WADLEY'S HOTEL on SATURDAY, M Yjy, and TUESDAY, between the hours of Tw fa Four EDWARD BRODERICK, Secretary. FRANCE. We have received the Paris journals of Monday. The Conseitutionnel states that, in consequence of the bad news from Algeria it has been resolved that the Duke ?? shall be sent out to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LoROYAL, DUBLIN. q Tal'reagedy of IPHIGENIA IN AULIS Tie is5 Cloejved with most enthusiastic applause, will ,red ry Evening this week. p 1,,nt of MISS HELEN FAUCIT. aen on. Mr. G. V. BROOKE and Mrs. potbis TERNAN will appear. SEVENING (Wednesday), 2d December, S ill be produced the celebrated Clasejcal ?? hjbos been long in preparation, f the Euripide, ralled e n3k of IpIGENIA IN AULIS, Id in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATI0N. HE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO- T CIATION OF IRELAND Vill meet on THIS DAY, the 9th March instant, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. g The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for AssociATxs enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the BHal, the bnois under the end gallery, and also the benches of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I;ATREROYAL, DUBLIN. MISS CUSHUSAM E'as respectfi1llY to announce that her BE- - NEFIT, and Last Appearance in Dablin, will take ElTI EVENING (Saturday), Ma1c8 4 8, 1846, t] n sehieb occasion Miss S. Cushman will also make her Last E ?? OS- p (jshcESi V!CK will also appear, his engagement having 0 g prolonged f or the express purpose of appearing with ii Mjis, C.,hman. . p The performances ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~5~L NATIONAL REJEAL ASSOCIATION. 3 E LOYAL NATIONAL REPE AL AS. 3 T1- SOCIATION OF IRELAND will meet on TRIS DAY, the 4th May instant, at ONE o-Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN.EXCIIANGE ROOMS. IW The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for AssociATES enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end gallery, and also the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIHEATRE no YAL, DUBLIN. ; ,,ntbh Appearance of Miu' CUSHNMAN, and her Sister, ?? S. CUSHMAN. O4r CRESWICK will also appear, his engagement having srolonged for the express purpote of appearing with Miss CusbWtfl. HIS PRESENT TUESDAY, Mareh 17th, 1L will be performed the Operatic PlBay of GUY MANNERING. Colonel Masneriig, Mr H Bland Henry Bertram, Mr T Bishop, Domine Sampson, Mr Baker; Dirk ...