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Lancashire, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... RORGE BATEMAN, Bliam ANcon, Mlarket Place, Preston. Splendid A L E; best London PORTER, draught and bottled ; choice WINES and SPIRITS. 47 I ._Investuent. S SALE, SHARES in the CHOliLEY GAS WORES, paybig Seven per Cent.; BLACKBURtN WATERWOIRKS SHARES; a Freehold DWELLING HOUSE and GARDEN, now let at £18 per annum. Apply to Mr. W. K. JACKSON, Share Brokor and Agent to the Union Plate Glass ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N qaaeday tbe 4th of Jan , 1846,>TW>3 SHW li 1 wvill be prenched in ST. GEORGE'6 'Piittoe 'that- in the Morning by the Rev. WILLIAM HARRISON, M4A., > Assistant Minister, and that in the Evening, by the Rev. WILLIAM SKIRROW, M.A., of University College, Oxford, when collections will be made in aid of a fund for maintaining the efficiency of the Choir, which, will be aug- viented as usual on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . CCATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Charity seranons. OWN SUNDAY MoirXIN a, JUNE 21, HIGII MASS Will be celebrated, at ll o'clock, in ST. W ILFRID'S, And the R v. W. C O B B, S.J., Will preach the S E R M 0 N. In the Evening, the RE v. R. C A R R O L L, S.J., Will also preach in the samle chapel. Service rill commence at Six o'clock, and conclude with S O L EMNi BENr.DICTION. Collections will be made after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'wrjnitYr Si a Schools. 'UN the Morniing ?? Tning of' SUNAY mixr, Angult -J 2tid, 1846, T NERMONS'ill be preached Ia 'TsmEtlT 'Cesusecer, in b lfaif of the Trinity Sunday Schools, by tho Rev. S. I. Allon, )I.AA vicar of Easingwol.L :F O' A: 1 D Y O N L Yl Ti6*6AZAAR FOR THE: CHRISTIAN. BROTHERS WVEiL IEMAIN, OPEN FOR TH1S DAt.(SAT'URRPAY) ONLY, 1011 the . S SA L 'Bof tho remnalning STOCK of : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL. Unr Public nrc. ]respectfullv informledl, that this elegalit acc of Enter tahilnment vill olioll for a limited po riod, Oil molnihy., Jly 20, 18.16, Under thc elitire directioll Of Mr. C. J. James, (lessee of the Queenus Thcatre, Lonwdon.) Durilln thle recesm, the BluildIing has been rc-decorated ani eibellishicd in tile illost Costly ilitinierI. The follow- in,. Lalies anid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ch itC huvrch, Preston,6 SUNDAY AND INFANTS' SCHOOLS,p NIGHT SCHOOLS, AND DISTRICT LIBRARY4 O N SUNDAY NEXT, the 29th t stant* the ANNUAL V SElRMIONS In behalf of the above riigitutiois, are to be Preached In Ctlqist C'tunet;-in the Mornhig and Afternoon by the Rev. R.-T. WHEELER, M.A., minikter of St. John's, Backburn. Preston, November 25th, 1840. THE NORTHERN Cltkurch of EIEIR;Umd Sehool, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /,-0,]Dobso0, Dlhl1worI, & Bobsouait, CHRIm ONICLE OFFICE, 17, MIARKET-PLACE, PRESTON, HlAVE JUST RFCEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF P OCKET BOOKS, in Rtssia, Milorocco, Ctlf, &c., wilich 1they are offering at low prices; also, a quantity of PAPER CASES, with or without locks. Mletallic Mein- oranduni Books in great variety. Pocket Books, Card Cases, &c., &c., made to order, on the premises. D. I. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .t- qg~lroConhuuhIssioIR. NOT 1 C T I. T P, Tithe Connuissioners for Englandl and Wales T 11EREBY GIVE NOTICE, that a CoPy of the Draft of Apportionment of the cnt Charge agreed to bo paid in liou of Tithes, in tile Township of Whittle le. Woodls, in the Parish of hoyland, in the County of liam- castor, ?? been dpositeld at tho houso of EDWARD KIRl.LElT, of the Bay Ilorso Inn, it tho said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O on Thursday next, 8th 0 111st., EXAMINATIONS of St Paul's DEAF and DUMB J and INFANT SCHOOLS will take place in the SCHoon RoOM, Pole-strect, commencing at Ten o'clock in the Morning; and in the Evening a SERMION will be preached in St. Paul's Church, by the Rev. A. HEW.LETT, M.A., Incumbent of Astley, near Manchester, and a Col- lection made in aid of the above Schools.-Divine Service to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. Baniks, BOOKSELLER, No. 23, AiARlET PLACE, PRESTON. IN acknowledging the great patronage that has been extended to him while he has bcen in business, begs to announce that he has on hand a large Stock of NEW and SECOND-HAND BOOKS, at low prices, eomprising School Books, and works on the various branches of Science, Divinity, and General Literature. LIBRARIES DOIUOGT, SOJD, OR EXCIHANGED. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,. ,. - - Zvw COME AND . The Gilpsys IEntcrtaltuiCeD 1 I ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT. rTjIE Committee for providing Weekly Concerts and IL Lectures, have great ploavure in announcing that they have succeeded in making an engagement with MIR. RANSFORD, OF LONDON, WVHO WILL. GIVE A VOCAL E!NTERTAINMElNT, ENTITLED THE WANDERING GIPSY TRIBE, Interspersed with the following Original Gipsy songs, ,The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I IIF t .ON TllE ' I1TI OF YOUTHI AND MATURITY. V71.xl TW1ENTY-rIVE COLOUREID EUiGRAVINGS. Tiez day is Published, Sixteenth Thsousand, in a sealed i Envelope, price 2J. 6d., or forwarded,post-paid, to any addreesfor 3s. 6d. in Postage Stomps, ! EiLF-pREBERVATION: a Medical Treaties on Marriage, 'i and on those Infirmities and Disorders of Youth and Maturity ?? tend to destroy physical and ...