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... 0~.tttive per Citnt. atdedltloty Is pabyatbleton altl atr~loles snbjeet to duty, texoept Gazin, P obr, jugae, Mlass1Fes, tand Spirits. COLONIAL PIIODIIOE. aRI555To55,TO5CtS11 nCCinE tt1 Ceco& per cile. Lea bond,: dul;, Sicily ?? £s15- 7 0 TS'inttaad Id., Guojsequfl etnd Co) pcrlh Broaeil*.perib. a. 0. a. c' siler, ungarbicA 0B 3- 5'6 T~rindtidad. .. ..37 O@42 0: ?? . 9-6 0 Uosrxeper ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1525 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Commerce 

Shipping Intelligence

... 1. FRIDA Y, MJARCH 27.- Winad WE.. ., moaeatc. n Htarvest Home. Heron. from Caleutta at thir; port, sailed 2ii h j~Now, and tho te Cape of Go00d ?? 29th Jan. s Pnoe, Bdmoe, roms Dragomestre; Wilconn, Campbell, I from Trinidad; Louisa. Patlot. from Vaipoar'ieo;* Wannan, Cor- e nluns, from ilo Oronde, Janet, Gathrle from Fatagonlia; Fire KinG, Wfilsont bencefor Niew York; and Lucinda, Soilay, ...

Published: Friday 03 April 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1789 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Commerce 

Shipping Intelligence

... 4 -- . -- *11cipping Enteltiotnte. 0- - ?? lie A trawiboat arrived here on Wedoerdy IAst, which hbrdtin tow, on the previous day, the hulk of the schl-onor John. of - Liverpool, with bith mastk carried away, ani no pers-n on 5t. board. Owing to the galoercori g the ?? nt la to abai- .et don the wrecir off the north of tre Ionrd.-N,-as lHerald. at TS LOeT STrS%.Rxe ST. DAVID.-Frcs.s toe puricu ...

Published: Friday 09 January 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 685 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Commerce 

Bankrupts, &c

... 331fultruptdt &v. From Mhe London Gazette of Friday, Jan. 30. BROWN, John, joiner, Liverpool, to surrender Peb. 13 and March 6, at eleven, at the Liverpool District Court. Atte, t Owen and Co., Liverpool ELLIS, Thoiamvwine merobfaut, Great St. 1elen's, Loudon, to esurrender Feb. 10, at half-past twelve, and Mtarch 13, at twelve, at the Court of Bankruptcy, London. Attorney, Starling, Sackville ...

Published: Friday 06 February 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1354 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Commerce 


... STATE OF TRADE:. LANCA5HcMS, TgunsrDh, Pca,.de-Te cblookblklntiflg b trade, at Manchester and the neighbouring towns, Sleveydull; ; and, on an average, operatives have not haf emplojment At Blackburn, during the last ?? has beena ood do- mend for most descrlptlons of cotton goods; but manufutturers a oomplain very much ofthe small amount ofprofits, The Ysarn; market remains frm, and, In somoe ...

Published: Friday 06 February 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 577 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Commerce 


... he From a paper just issued from the statistical depart- to uent of the Board of Trade, we are furnished, amongst be others, with the following quantities of articles imported, Ity and quantities entered for home consumption for the five vy. months ended 5th June. 1845 and 1846, respectively .- /as COFFEB imported, 1845, from British possessions, er- 3,741,931 lbs. foreign, 8.178,978 lbs.; ...

Published: Friday 24 July 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 889 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 

Liverpool Share Market

... I tiVbtroTl. Dtairgfre tet. 44~posg ~rZ~'c~cck, ?? 186i * 11 ~is far Shore. qnatod 38,e11tr erd., * Se~R SArILW tod db P NThlied~ay. I 51o 15SAberdeen ?? d li 25 2) Amborgate & Eastern Inaction Ilsiad 9.6 33 2# 'Ditto Registered . I d I i - 25 rbrodth and Forfar. ?? 26 28 20 424 Hirkenhoead & flolyhead Juno. 32s60296a0 It) 2) Blrkenhead, Laneash. &Cheshf. if la a, Ii 10)100 I BIrmingham and ...

Published: Friday 04 September 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2056 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Commerce 


... 8TATE OF TRADE. LAUCAsniO5R, TNsUBD&Y, Novreste 19.-The broad fancy silk trade at Leigh, Middloton, Failsworth, Manosliester, and their vicinities, is no worse than is usually the case at this season of ewv the year. Plato and common qualities of goods are not much oUS inquired after; but thore are somo new descriptions of fanc# flgured and checked goods In particular request, and tho best ...

Published: Friday 20 November 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 977 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Commerce 


... , REVIEW OF THE BRITISR OURN TRADE by (from the Mark-4ne Expree.) By the official accounts jtst Published it appears that the ira ports of wheat into Great Britaiel during the maonth ending 5th ult., amounted to 138,694 qrs., and of Flour to 216,130 cws )m The entries for home consumption were eomnparatively trifling L is duty having been paid On only 64ti0 qrs. of the former, and en 31,811 cw ...

Published: Friday 05 June 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 855 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... (From the Mark-lane E Rrpre.) Although the weather has, throughout the week, been v highly favourable, and rapid progress has been made with a the harvest in the north, which would, under ordinary I circumstances, most probably have produced a further v depression in the corn trade, business has already, in some P degree, rallied from the temporary inactivity of last week. n This must be ...

Published: Friday 11 September 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 603 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... YOREsHIRE.-There was a slight improvement at the Leeds cloth halls last week, more business being (lone. For winter goods there was a fair average deniand, In the foreign woet trade prices were unvaried, but the deneand was limerited. The Englisb wVOD rerarket was flat. In Tuesday's market there vass no alteration to report. At, Huddersfield, on Trresday, the market was dull, and in the ...

Published: Friday 09 October 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 754 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Commerce 

Shipping Intelligence

... ?'hI4)pi)TST 3?tt?Utgtne* rieat eral Eose OF h5 larer Irs &~oO, AND PLU.WBRINO or 7155 M~lI. Los his B~ssa-The above vessel, sehieb saileit trom Bostou in lbs early 8ar eere perteoflast year, on a tradieg voyage to the islanda of the PnoSdo, Th.i was lost at Waungawal, On the coast of New Zealand, in Jui Tb oars last, durlng a violent storm. Tbe vessel got amongst the break- Jol rch, era, and ...

Published: Friday 08 May 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2620 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Commerce