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... I . FASIIONABLIe INTELLIGENCE. WINDSOR, MoNDAV.-Her Majesty, Prince Albert. and the court, honour her Royal Highness the Duchess of Xent with their company at dinner this evening at Frognore House. The Countess of Desart took leave of tier Majesty previous to her ladyship's departure for Bristol, en route to Lord D.'s seat in the county ot Kilkenny. Viscount and Viscountess Dungannon are ...


... ear TO THE EDITOR or THE FREEMAN. DEAR SxR-Christmps Day in our city presented to the in- eye of the philpntropist, and, to him who-loieasto witness ir'. ?? of gcod piderand virtue throughoui',th:e com- ed,' muity,' a scene on which he looks with delight ' o which net the mind may restvwith uinalloyed pleaisure. Father Spratt of held another of his happiness-diffusing open-air meetings on that ...


... { .FASHIONABLe INoES.LIGBNCE. KCi-, WXNDSOR, TUESDAY._-The Earl of Lincoln, Sir Robert sily and Lady Peel, and the Right Hon. Sidney Herbert, atrived at a tire Castle to-day on a visit to her Majesty. red The Viecountess Jocelyn has succeeded the Countess of ast Desart as Lady in Waiting to the Queen. Lord Rivers has ar- of rived at the Castle, and has succeeded the Earl of Warwick as em Lord ...


... i FASHIONABLE INTBLLIGEN CN. WlN;nson, TuusasoAv.-rhis being New-year's Day, the Queen, Pilnuc Albert, the Duchess of Rent, the Princ of Walej, the l'riscesosRoyal, and the Prineess Alice, proceeded to the Riding.schlool this morning, to be present at the distribution of the royal charity to the poor of the borough. 11er Majesty was attended by Viseousstess Jocelyn and the two maids of ho. ...


... ENTERTAINMENT TO THE LORD MAYOR OF IDUBLIN BY THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. (roRt OUR COlRRESPONDENT,) The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of London en. tettnined the Lord Mayor and deputation from Dublin on last Saturday evening, at a splendid banquet given in the Mangion-house. Every delicacy of the season was profusely spread out, and wines of the shoicest vintage were most abundant. The ...


... FASHIONABLE INIC'LLIENE. I 0 ysps>iI SUNDAY EVENING-Her Majesty and his 9;1 yfllOCs5 Prince Albert, accompanied by their Royal (ji;ai the prince of Wales, the PrlncesIl Royal, and the t h~9Ake, will leave the Castle for Claremont oa Tuesday 15king their departure from Windsor immediately after 1'r .1anclueoSn. It is expected tiat the infant Prince Alfred '40 4ielOnpany his illustrious parents. ...


... - ?? . . .. .. . _ ., 7) . A new piece, entitled Elizabeth of Russia, or tthe vi.i I emma, was represented last night for the second time. I we were unable to notice it upon its first production. We ow subjoin a brief sketch of the plot. Alexis, a young II facor, has been committed to prison from motives Of' alousy and private pique by the first minister of police. i Vhilst in this situation ...


... LITER4TURR, THE DUBLIN REVIEW FOR JANUARY, 1846. n (London: Thomas Richardson and Son; Dublin: John . Comming). We congratulate the conductors of the Dublin Revifw, d on their new year's number. It is of more than usual in. a terest, and more thau usually Irish. It contains three p articles relating to the history and literature of Ireland, d which we will notice separately. t] No. 1, ...


... I yS-UASIONAELB INTiLLIGENCE. M. n~arquis of Ormonde took his departure from the eon Tuesday for the Court, to resume his oflicial duties ylsljesity' househCld.-KiLltR-iNNY JOUCRNAL, b Marquis of DowDshire is about to break up his p5,, establishment at Baxterley Hall, near Atherstone, It 5derstoOd to be the Intention of the noble marquis to chiefy at Hilleborough Castle, Downshire. Viscount le ...


... J-F E INTELLIGiENCE. I pePRTURE OF THE COURT FOR CLAREMONT.- TVVaDAY Evs;u.qv -Her Mujesty and the Prince 35.ort, accompamied by their Royal Highuesses the Prince of Ies and the Princess Royal, left the Castle this afternoon, at at two ogclocl, in a close travelling carriage and four, ,srted by a detachment of the Sd Life Guards, for Claremont. 1jrGeneral Wemyss and Colonel Bouverie, equerries ...


... L1TERATUIJ R. DOL1IAkN'S MAGAZINE, No. Xi., JAN. 1846. kLondon: Charles Dolman, 61, New Bond-street: Cum- Ming, Dublin: O'Brien, Cork.) The only Catholic magazine in the empire is again be, fore it. It commences the new year hopefully and strongly. The present number contains half.s-dozen prose paper, on roried subjects, but each of a high order of merit. The Countess Clemence, by the ...


... THE QUEENS THEATRE. ar-lrt- l Miss Louisa Lyons, of the Theatre Reoyal, urnry-iaev, and Mr. Barker, of the Theatre Royal, Coventtgardesr, appeared last evening at this popular and prospering eott- blishment, after amost successful provincial tour in Ireland. The audience was numerous and respectable, all parts of the house-the boxes especially-behig well filled. An in- teresting operetta, ...