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Daily News (London)


... Southampton, Tuesday.—The royal mail steamer Dec, Captain Hemslcy, arrived here this morning at 8 o'clock, with mails from Antigua, Nevis, Tortola, Montserrat, St. 1 Kitts, St. Jago de Cuba, Jacmel, Jamaica, Grenada, St. Thomas, Barbadoes, Demerara, Berbice, Trinidad, Tobago, St.Lucie, St.Vincent, Martinique, St. Domingo, and Gaudalope. Her dates arc, Demerara Dec. 19th, Trinidad 23rd, ...


... Continuance of Madame Albert's Performances, and Third Appearance in london of it. Laferriere (of the Theatre du Vaudeville) THIS VENING the Performances will commence at Eight o'clock precisely with, owing the great which attended its production last week, the favourite Play of ELLE EST FOLLE. Sir Bernard Harleigh, Bart., 11. Lafeniere. After which (by particular ie«ire) the new and ...


... THIS EVENING will be performed the Opera entitled MAUITANA. Charles the Second, Mr. Borrani; Don Caesar Bazan, Mr. D. W. Kin#; Don Jose de Mr. Stretton; Lazarillo, Miss Poole; Maritana, Miss Romer. Between the Acts, Professor Buiejr and his Sons. To conclude with a new Christmas Comic Pantomime, called HARLEQUIN GULLIVER ; or, Giants and Dwarfs. The Boxoffice open daily from 10 till 6, where ...

The Daily News

... LONDON, THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 184 G. In the Speech fi-om the Throne to-day, Her Majesty, after expressing lier satisfaction at again meeting Parliament, may expected to refer to the friendly relations which at present exist between this country and the Powers of Europe, and the gratification she derives from the assurance a continuation of them. To the alliance between this country and France, ...

We have received accounts from Greece up to the 3rd of January. For the week following the opening of the

... Session political agitation had been great in Athens, and for a moment the stability of the Ministry was in doubt. Each of the fractions of the majority that supports M. Coletti wished that the administration should be reconstructed, or at least rendered complete by the addition of members each of these fractions. On the other hand a coalition was nearly formed between M. Metaxas on the one ...


... The Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal, arrived at Buckingham Palace at ten minutes past three o'clock, yesterday afternoon, in a carriage and four, from the PadcUTKton termini,, of the Great Western Railway. Prince Alti'ed and the rnncess were in another carriage and fou»', accompanied the Dowager Lady Lyttelton. The Royal suite occupied three ...

Even day has its meeting, or rather, different places, its many meetings on the Corn Laws. Their number ..

... notice which else would be due to no small portion of them. They can only be regarded in the aggregate. In some instances a particular feature stands out so boldly that it cannot be ovcflooked. Such as that open air meeting of the working men of Liverpool, in Clayton-square, where once were heard the rival thunders of Brougham and Canning in their memorable contest for the representation of ...


... The Earl and Countess Grey have been entertaining a fashionable party in the country, which broke on Monday last. We regret to state that Lord Alvanley is seriously indisposed at Badminton, where he has been for some weeks partaking the hospitality of its noble owners, the Duke and Duchess of Beaufort. Wobum has lieen the scene of princely hospitality during the last few weeks. The Earl and ...

A Consistory is to take place at Rome on the 19th inst., when the titles of the Patriarch of Lisbon,

... the Archbishop of Naples, and the Archbishop of Aix, who have been created Cardinals, arc to be examined. It is said that the Pope refused to grant the second hat demanded the French government. The Pope still continues to refuse permission to build railways his dominions , The PRESIDENT Steamer.—The Madrid Gazette of the 13th states that bottle had been found floating in the waters near ...

LONDON, SATURDAY, JAN. 24, 1846. In the House of Commons—Lord John Russell inquired -whether Government ..

... the order of the House respecting railway deposits. The Chancellor of the Exchequer declined granting any relaxation of the present system, and denied that a crisis brought about by immoderate speculation afforded any ground for affording extra facilities on the part of Government. Mr. Mangles considered that the commercial interests of the country would be benefited by alteration in the ...


... Petitions presented, Jan. 23.—1. Ayrshire and Gall away Railway; 2. Wakefield, Pontefract, and Railway (Methley, Askern, and Oakenshaw branches); 3. Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, Wakefield. Huddersheld, and Goole Railway; 4. Edinburgh and Peebles Railway; 5. General Terminus and Glasgow Harbour Railway; 6. Epsom and Dorking Railway; 7. Direct London and Portsmouth Railway; 8. Manchester and ...