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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... MAILBOr:OuGH-STREET. ASSAULT 0 HES POLICE.-On Friday, Johsns Holmes, a printer. and Henry Smith., gunmaker, were placed at the bar, charged with committing a violent assault upon the ?? 59 C stated, that about eleven o'clock on the precedingrnight he was on duty in Titchborne-street, when he saw the two prisoners come out of a public-house, quite drunk;. Tbey no sooner got into the street than ...


... M ANSIONq-EOUSE. DARiNG BURGLARY AT A JEwaLLER's.-A D IERmOED CAn- DATE FOit TRAoNSoORTATIONc.-'iliiam Henderson, a wretched, aniscrable-looking being, was charged before the Lord Mayor, with the following daring robbery upon Mr. Leach, watchmaker and jeweller, 5, Great Tower-street.-The prosecutor and his son, cor- roborated bypolieo'constable Summerfield, 533, stated that about six o'clock ...


... C a m COURT. For. eeo 7 a ~ a; wie, aged 20, was ptgebi 7; ^ t d ^ the murder of James Doetock.- 5 l ?? Messed as when be ap- peased at Bow. as 'Wfilred in a somewbat smartly-cut blue frock coat, black saticn waistcoat, and dark silk handkerchief very fancifully tied. He main- tained the most perfect composure throughout the whole trial. He was defended by Mir. Ballantyne. Mr. Bodkin, having ...


... TgO FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT on the EASTERN CoTTNTiiS RAILWAY. COlMMITTAL OF THE ENGINR-DRIVER AND STOKER. On SMonday, an investigation into the circumstances connected ihe recent collision on the Eastern Counties Railway (reported l erlete.t editio last week), wascopened before the Ilford bench cina israV s in the governor's room, Ilford County Gaol-The &tsirstosontbeechhwere (inthe absence of W. ...


... MONDAY. The March sessions were held, by adjournment, this morning, at the Gaildhall, Westminster, before the as- sistant judge and a full bench of magistrates. There were only ten cases for trial, involving twelve prisoners, eleven of whom were indicted for felony, and ose for a common assault. The grand jury having been Sworn, the assistant judge proceeded to deliver the usual charge, in the ...


... POll-CE INTELLIGENCE. MAXSION-HOUSE. ATTErZnr TO SCALD A MAN TO DEATH.-A savage-looking fel- low, named lorence Leary, was on Wednesday charged with hav- ing sca1ldod William Tuthill in a dreadful malmer. The com- ?? has been, since his calamity, which took place seven or sight weeks age, under medical treatment, and was not able to move from the hospital until Friday last, ?? and the prisoner ...


... ?? 1 lQ-UESTS. . .-.Tjouse ofe -C~etfo h ,e nor. The decoased 3 Oiler. el id' f ,sep embr., from thelMacybe- F 5iD tho 1%nd disturbance,i and being an- ~iiglfa-rieao. lie was found to be of ti- Ot ~r hiS ad% food -whatever, slthough ritorvS i ?? t length recourse was or' bijr~d'r~ w is threat be refused to talk 0~ 07~1essed sod like ae hild; he o be hcad pthat he would take his ,ee aiisd ~athe ...


... _ HODRRh. MURDEPS .A1D -SUCIDE., - For some days past, the villag f jarentto the town of Folkestone wvere minst painfully excited by the-commissioew6foa dsnble moi1srdi4, il the parioshof Elliam, about ten miles distant, and. the suicide of the murderer. The ?? ?? and cdll ofth' e wretched perpetrater of ftlie'died, n&aod .Slick Rich'ardBragg. a, bricklayer: On Wednesdayhe rose it on ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE- COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. TuEBSDAY. RsGINA v. H~asrc'r PuWAxsn-This was ass indictment whielh charged the defendant with having kept her illegitimate lunatic son in a state of imprisonment and filth, although she had a suffi- eicnt allowance to keep the young man in cleanliness and comfort. The defendant bad been found guilty at the trial; but upon a former occasion a rule was ...


... YOLICE INTELLIGENCE. BOW-STREET. ATTEMPTED ROBBERY.-On Thursday, James Fcuniog, a deni- zen of Newcastle' court, was brought before Mir. Ball, charged with the following attempt at robbery. A shopman to Mr. Levy, al out- fitter in King William-street, Strand, saidtihat about six o'clock On the previois evening he observed thle prtsooer malie an attempt to remove a ceat wthich was banging at ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CHARGE OF 'EES BY JUSTICES' CLERKS. On Friday, a case of considerable public importance was finally heard before three of the commissioners, at the Court of Requests. Osborne-street, Whitechapel. The plaintiff in the case was a Mr. Bishop, a highly respectable inhabitant of the parish of Hackney, and the defendant Mr. John Smith, an attorney in good practice in Leman-street, ...


... )th~en sever. of ti0e( ulty, or nqU:ST, S. ers foll,..2 , , or,. C- ieo' resumed ana :o~th 1-- Oe35f'i~ jy Ut - U - to 1r n tie yoe' ' Am Hesmfgr.i 50 w5k ,,,o try,,hmtos elt thip i b,%6a 'c ed ineha alre..dy been malde or p en a vii it to ?? Lockwood, a meedi- em9200 3 . ?? - icrit terraco. Horsemogser-lanou t t ,1elt loin reedino en the sofa and on his re- ccl fatr0 tlled deld -na cold- ...