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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... DESTITUTION & HORRIBLE I OF A RELHARING OPFIc>~. WOCuESTaRa. SATURDAY-A droadfal and heartrondiing oe f destitution and death occurred at Worcester last week, and excited large amount of indignation against one of the relcvinc es, of the Worcester Union, su whose cendact a coroner' ?? ?? a vote of censure. The facts of this deplorable case are as folloed A woman, named Sarah Dovey, living in a ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. ROBBERY or 170.-CAuON TO STRANGEas ix LONDON.- Three men named Chiub-e, Thompson, and BRfliswgtn, well-known slar.)irs in town wete tlogh1t up ll tile ?? of [iavdeni of the Citv detective, for filnal e.millation, on s11he clar~c of (,blilog a Seet,.bman ronet Smith, of baolk notes tothe mno:irt lf 71, the particulars of which nvill le found in another conlocti. The case not ...


... - VR;MZNAL COURT. N, ,zi-e X S k,' -OsNAT. Theeorrtiu esumed its sittings this days The pro- needings were opened by the Lord Mayor, the recorder, Aldermen Hunter, Challis, Hughes Hughes, the sheriffs, under-sheriffs, &c. The number of prisoners for trial at the present session, is 124, and the offences with which a considerable number of them are charged are of a more than usually aggravated ...


... - MANSION-HOUSL, Woc KING by 'nor MERCHOANT SEAMEN s A Cr.-On Wednesday, Wgilflnss Finch, master of the ship Eden, lately arrived in the port of London, was summoned af the instanceofthe Court of Admiralty, for having neglected to tranomit and deliver, or caused to be trans- mitted or delivered, to the Colleotor or Comptroller of Custems for the port of Loedon, within forty-eight hours after ...


... MURDER AND SUICrDrP A sensation, impossible to describe, was caused in the neigh- bourhood of Bishopsgate-witkout, on Wedneaday night, by the dis- covery, at the latter part of the evening, of a dreadful murder which, it appears, bad been perpetrated by a confectioner of the name of John Toomey, upon his wife, living'at 15, Widegate-streets Bishopsgate-witho ut. But the fact will be best ...


... I BA2IM ROBBERY AT BERWIC-UPON-TWTr. A great degree of excitement was caused at Berwick-upon-Tweed, on Friday morning, by u rumour, which was confirmed by subse- quert inquiry, that the premises of the North of England Joint-stock Basokinog COmpallv, situate in Bridge-strect, had been entered during the preceding night, and a large sum of money stolen therefrom The bank at Berwick is a branch ...


... SATURDAY'S POLZCE. EFROM 6UR LATEST EDITION OF LAST WEEK.] GUILDHALL. A Nzw DIRECTOR OF THE HIGHWAYS.-THE LORn MAlon's AUTHORITY SueeRSEDED.-Francis Mfathews, a carman, was summoned by the City police, for creating an obstruction in Paternooter-row, at the doer of Mr. Steil, thebookseller, whereby the highway was stopped for more than two hours, to the groat inconvenience of the public.-Hiewel ...


... - T L - .I COJRT. * ~~~SAJSLUrXZ AVr, Tito CLERICAL DELIc;QUENT.-Ofl Mr. Baron Rolfe tak-ng t is seat, he inquired of Mr. Ballantine whether he hait aty. farther informnation as to the whereabouts of the i sses in the case of George Green, a private in the Gras ier G sards, and Janes Thomas, who is well known to ale the rector of a parish in the north- western ouask-jta of London, who stood ...


... BOW-STREETM LARcENY-John Sheerer-s, alias Crowley, and his companion, Were brought up before Mr. Jardine, on remand, charged with the follow- iag ?? Aone Wright, servant to a shop-keeper in Broad-street, St. Giles's, deposed thaton Monday last, bctweeneleven and twelve at night, she observed the two prisoners following a tipsy man with a Macintosh cloak on his arm-at the same time a girl went ...


... WESTERN CIRCUIT.-WINCHESTER, JULY 15. SINGULAR CHe&RGE OF SHOOTMNG.-ThSOaS Shurseer was in- dicted for shooting Thomas Brealy, at Upper Clatford, on the 7th of February, With inteS I to murder him, or to do him some grievous bodily hanr.-Mr.Poulden was counsel fsr the prosecution, and Mr. Missing defended the prisoner. It appeared that the prisoner was a timekeeper at a building near Andover, ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. A ROMANTIC MYSTERY.-On Monday, a young man, of respect- able exterior and good address, named Henry Smith, was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having annoyed Mr. Sparks, of the London Assurance Office, by asking for relief.-Mr. Sparks said the defendant had called at his office, asked fosassistance, and re- fused to leave the place, contending, that as be had been ...


... EXTRAORD3KAY OUTRAGE. At Lambeth ?? on Tuesday, Thomas Smith, William David Ealse, and Ann Jones, alias Smith, who have been in custody for some days past on a charge of being concerned is the daringi robbery at the house of Mr. Hamblin, an aged and infirm gentleman, No. 3, Crayford-street, Cold Blow-lane, Camberwell, were brought before .-r. Henry for farther examination.- Previous to the ...