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Manchester Times

Advertisements & Notices

... C ANNON - ~~STREE UDAY SCHOOLS.-N The AN UAL Ell ~S in ?? DB IN, fL, . of Triseit7 College, Dublein. .Setvo nte ]E morning 'It ltalfpaest ten, and its the evening at hialf-past six. welt! SIY- STREET CHAPEL SABBATH'' m S10L.toANNUAL SERMTONS onl behalf of the above School. will lbe I'reacodie, SUNDAY, May l7th, by the 11 q AUETL MNAi i, o Weninster, after which Collections wil e ?? their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (1-RAND AMUSICAL PEUFOYAJANCES.-~ ~~FREE-TUADE HALTLt.-TWO Granid MUSICAL PEII - FORMANCES 'ill be given in, thle LlbOVe l14ll, ei the evening1s Of 1Monday the 31st of 'Igngst, mid lwritneqsiy the 251d of Septernbter nex~t, consisting of Instrumnentail and V'osi Selections from the great masters-1'urcelHIdjsll, Ijathiii 'Mozart, 11ietl..ovef, Weber, Mqendlelssohon, Ilossini, Biellini, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Q-UITE A NEW DNO MORE SUF- FEIUNu Friom' NS'or ONS.-JONESS8 of Ciiorns, 1IC I Bunton1), or t* le i~rf arid Core iii Corns, Ioniorro, &c:A '~ffirert toi e Public as quite original, and totally differ frem all o2 rs thati e been hthe rto adverv ised. t wi - finned e rer , anti, try artentiton to thie dIre.tioris, wilI ItimattI'y tile wolrst COrn or bunion liii ever irt; lt 'rbineily: si ic Sault ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE COBDE N NATIONAL TRIBUTE, FUND. W. B. WATKINS (Mayor), Chairmen. JOHN POTTER, Resq. (Aldlernian), Vice-Chairman.j ROBERT I-. GREG, Raq., GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Joint Treasurers. B WILLIAM RAWISON, Esq., ~ SUBSCRIPTIONS. £. e. d . Amount already ?? So Frederick Schwenni, Huddersiield ?? 00 Robert Gill, Esq. .Slsnsfleld Wo'odhouseo, Notts. 1050 0 Starkey Brothers, ?? 1000 0 J. Travis Clay, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~ORSHIP of the VIRGIN_ VARY, ANGELS, y _.SAIXTS,. IMAGES, ?? as TAUGHT., and PFRACTISED in'the CHURCH4 Fo ]dE.- SERMON IOn this subleot ivill be preache iade Chapal, Yorkc- street, Cheetbatm Hill Road. clay mrin et, by the Rev. SA.UiJEL PHILIP AY iate d monk ofr the order-of the presentation. 7W 11A.THELOW NEWCHAPEL.~,The~;above- iUL ~ ~ ?? OPENED on Friday,'Jund 19, 1846, -by IIELIG U. gyCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLO P RAPHIC MINIATURE diloe prices, con e ery improvement, and at re- dneede place, ester.- taken, daily, at the Gallery, Mele Plaees loa~f~he he wonderful fidelity of the ?? p s, th ~quisito chiaro-scurO, delicacy of the detailq ty ass ithfilness Of colour Which charac- tenise thOt*ctuOe5 o jpresent licentiate, nowl render these P E li he mo~pl easing and valuable specimens Cf Aid51t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ipplicatiotns by letter respecting advertiscmintis otist be post paid 'j or they wilt not be received. Applications directed to be aode at the printer's must be personal: in such cases, to written cots- mutijcaltions can be attended to. Pe'sotaai insuiries cannot be avswered, when the address is to be by leiter. t _ _- _ _ A _ . _ _ 1 YONGLADY, 22 years ofae is an ?? wvitl a A sitnatioU as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T LOYD-ST1iEET CHAPEL TOTAL LiABSTINENCE sOC.,IE'4.The.HIR ANNIVERSARY SEMNL teMtlt'5P Finso this Society will be TF Preachedi hr the Bev. WILSiAMN MCERllROW, Iin floyd-street his Chapel. onl the mofrning of Wrext Sabbath l.TO-MEORROWV), ashen athle collectionj will be matte in aid of AS fttiois to 5f USICAL PERFORMANCES, FRIEE ST] TTAGHALL, Mlon , August 3ist, and Wednesday, C ~septemnber 2nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Or7n the CenceaWeg C(aluse of C'omitautsonar or 4cqunired DebitiWes ?? ~- :of e Geierative System. - V HE SILENT FRIEND, 19th Edition, price 2s. 661., and sent free to any part of the United King-: dom, hl a sealed envelope, from the establishment, on receipt of 3s. 6d. ia postage stamps.-A practical popular medical work on nervous debility, local weakness, and consumption, the result of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 R. J AM ES IVE LL S,ofthe S1flOY Tabernlacle, Boreo Road, London, -will (D. V.) 'Wednesday, and Thursjnext, July 27tb, 2,9th, 'and 3eth, in the Chapel lately etpe ythe independents, Gortenl- lstreet,- near the llfwyBige,1 Greengate, Salfortd,- ;Service to commence echenig at seven o'clock. THE COBDEN NATIONAL TRIBUTE FUND. T a M E E T IN G of Merchants, Spinners, A anufacturero, and ether ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A MIANCHESTER TUPSDAY NEWSPAPER. THE MANCHESTER EXPRESS, The conductors of the Manchiester Examiner beg to Rt Iannounco, that. owing to the signal success which has- % alrd;atended their effortt, to establish a Saturday news- J paper, they have been induced to taks the necessary steps p for supplying a want, long felt in Manchiester-tA it of acc newspaper publishier en T1'c'sdaypncornfvg. R At ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 Y TMPORTANT TO ?? REES' COMPOUND S ESSENCE OF CUBEBS.-The mnost speedy and effectual remedy evor discovered for the cure of discharges, gieets, istrictures, weakness, whites, pains is the loins andkidneys heat a irritatioss, aid gravol, faeqen'dyremoi, everdy kidleys, hiseas, ai four days, someti pt i s in a concentrated state r parilla and other choice nersi in altf uable for t eradicating ...