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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... SUPPOSED MURDER AT CBESTERFIELD. A most awfulcircumstance hasthis week been brought to light, which has excited in Chesterfield and its neigh- bourhood feelings of the greatest horror and alarm. The t appaillig discovery of a mangled human body amon1gst a some night soil in a vault in the heart of the town, ha tqauged this univet'al excitement. Fromi the exposed I and dangerous place in which ...

Police Intelligence

... polite InteIlignre. GUILDHALL. VIOLATION or A CHILD.-On Monday, a man, namged George Simpson, aged 32, but who looked much older, was charged before Alderman Sidney With hasing violated the person of Ann Davis, a child about ten years of age. It appeared from the statement of the child, 'hose father is a cork-cutter, residing in Bridgewater gardens, that the prisoner called on Saturday ...


... OxroaD, August 10. The ?? of Woodsteck, Sturdy's Castle, and Jlackley, have been thrown into a considerable state of alarm in consequence of the discovery of the skeletons of three human beines, in a pit on the.rigbt band side of the Banhury turnpike-road, and within fifty yards of the Sturd'es, and which there is every reason to fear are the remaens ofsomcunfortunatefellow- ...


... : frelanb. DUBLIN, EB. 22.-CoNFicr BETVWEX row POuICZ AND THE ROCsurEs.-The following appears in the Limerick Chroniek received this morning:-' About eleven o'clock on Tuesday night, a police patrol from Kiltinnan station, consisting of constable O'Brien, subeconstables Roohan Kenna, Kearney, Donoghuejand Ireton, ferl in witl an armed party of men, with . their. faces blackened, from twelve to ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CHARGE OF DETECTION AND W GRIM. CON. STRSND SESSIONS, JoLt 25.-Ellen Hughes, a good th looking female, attended before the bench, to support a ti summons which bad been taken out against her hus- bI band, Mr. John Rughes, lately an engineer in the ser. rl vice of the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway Coar- r pany, by the guardians of the Strand Union, for allow_ tt ing her to ...


... THE DAGENHIAM MURDER, a- DAGeNrsAM, THURSDAY NIGHT.-The adjourned in.. orquest, relating to the atrocious, and now truly mysteriouS be murder of the police.constable, George Clarke, was again. :ir resumed this afternoon, before C. C. Lewis, Esq., the Coroverfor the Southern Division of EsEex,.at the Croes' es Keys Ian, Dganham. 1 Abraham Batfoy was the first witness. He ?? was false what I ...

Assize Intelligence

... pf I ar f - I At th GfrtdoAisixe *0 Noptb, aged nineteen, as diotdo'l% ~ if~ mtnirdie' o` a child four months , old,'named'ir IiIiBsrfo' by anoinistering to It a large quantiq of ol ?? vitriol. Mr. Clarkson prosecuted and Mr. Locke defended the . prisoner.' The prisoner was in the service of an omnibus pro. f prietar at Wandswortb, and had the charge of the infant in question,, end being ...


... TIIE FATAL ACCIDENT ON THE NOTTINGHAM AND LINCOLN RAILWAY. The adjourned Inquest upon the body of Henry Glo. ver, who was killed by the unfortunate eccident which oecurred at Conalstone, on the Nottingham and Lincoln line of railway, was resumed in the Committee-room of the General Hospital, at ten o'clock on Monday morning. The firstwitness called was Samuel Higton, whobeing again examined, ...


... TRIAL AND CONVICTIt OF MORTIMtRz.-At the Central Crislit ii Court ola Friday. Joseph vlr .ler, aged 38, described as a labourer, eas indicted fur eloniouisly i;tcrmarrying Caroline Wright,. on the 7tl of lane, 1845, his wife Josephine Laugborne, being thea aliv(e. No ?? was engaged for the prescecution, and the prisoiser who was undefended, pleaded not guilty. As soot as tile indijemetit had ...

Police Intelligence

... ?? *nteltgciie+5. d MANSION.HOUSE. d MONIDAY.-TimE STAGS. -A man named Robert Thompson, who was known is, the neighbourhood of t1 Stag alley hi Bartholomew-lane, at the time ot thierail. iway fever, was brought before the Lord Mayesr in the cus- tody of a policeemnp, charged with having solen ai ban- ker's receipt for money on account of a railway company. Mr. James litcbhin, of Newvington ...


... The awful sensation created in the neighbourhood of Downing.street, and indeed throughout the empire at large, relative to the mysterious disappearance of the unfortunate gentleman above named, in 1841, is, we have no doubt, still fresh in the recollection of our readers. Imagination was literally exhausted in sur- mise, while the circumstance, so novel in itself, led to endless, indeed ...

Accidents, Offences, & Inquests

... I Ametnto, 4Pfftmto, & *fqlqtot4t. DES'itUCTIVE FIIL. NrWOAsTLN.uponxTTNx,TcxiDAY.-A mostdestructive flire occurred this morning at the ?? locomotive. engine nuanufaetory of Messrs. Ui. and W. Hawthorn, at the Forth Banks, in this town. The principal portion of the manufactory has been completely destroyed, together with i number of locomotive engines in progress, and nearly the whole of the' ...