... «. Benefices Vacant. —The Vicarage of Billingborough, in the county an! diocese of Lincoln; patron, the Earl of Fortescue: value, 237/., with glebe house. Vacant by the death of the Rev. Thos. Latham. The Vicarage of Semperingham, with the curacy of Pointon, both in the county and diocese of Lincoln; patron, the Earl of Fortescue. Value, 131/. per annum. Rectory of Ballybrenan, diocese of ...

The Hero of Aliwal.—Major-General Sir H. G. W. Smith, Bart., G.C.8., entered the 95th, now Rifle Brigade, in ..

... adjutant at the siege, storm, and capture of Monte Video, and was thanked by the Commauder-in-Chief, Sir Samuel Auchmuty, for his intrepidity; was in the affair of Colonio del Sacramento, under Sir Dennis (then Colonel) Pack ; was taken prisoner at Buenos Ayres, in the church of St. Domingo, with Ganeral Crawford; proceeded with the army to Sweden, under Sir J. Moore, and with that army to ...

FRANCE.—The Mauritius.—The'Patrie says: Several journals have alluded to a species of conflict which has ..

... Consul of France (M. Barbet de Jouy) and the English Admiral (Daeres). According to the Cerneen, journal published the island, the following are the circumstances: —' Oa the 15th of August last the French Consul received from Capt. Stanley, and his officers an invitation to a ball on board the frigate bearing the Admiral's flag, but commanded by Captain Stanley. On the following afternoon two ...

By a letter from Paris, we learn that Louis- Philippe is sending his sons, the Due d'Aumalc and Due de

... Montpensier, to Algiers. The Marquis of Douro returned to London yesterday. The Earl of Auckland and the Honourable Misses Eden, have arrived for the season, at Eden Lodge, Kensington Grove. The Dowager Countess of Scarborough, whose death the papers announced two days ago, wus the aunt, aud not the mother, of the present earl, who, though of advanced age, is in good health. The Earl of ...


... The following is the latest intelligence which has been received with reference to the insurrection of the Poles :— ' ienna, March 6. —(From the Austrian Observer.) Dewald, who has just arrived from Lcmburg at three the afternoon, with despatches from his Imperial Highness the Archduke Ferdinand, Governor-General of Galicia I lied Podgorze, on Tuesday, the 3d, at four o'clock in the I ...


... The Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal, left Buckingham Palace, in carnage and four, half-past eight o'clock on yesterday morning, far Osborne Hou«e, Isle of Wight. Their Royal Highnesses Prince Alfred and the Princess Alice, accompanied by the Dowager Lady Lyttelton, followed in another carriage and four. The Equerries in waiting, Major-General ...


... Their Royal Highnesses the Duchess Gloucester and the Duchess of Cambridge, accompanied by the Princess Mary, her Majesty yesterday at Buckingham Palace. Tae Queen and Prince Albert walked yesterday in the royal His Royal Highness Prince Albert afterwards rode out horseback, attended by Colonel Bouverie, equerry in waiting. Their Roval Highnesses the Prinee of Wales, Prince Alfred, the ...

have received, by Express, our private correspondence and the Paris papers of Wednesday. The departure of the ..

... Algeria is officially announced. He is to be accompanied by four officers of his own staff. The private meeting of deputies which took place on Tuesday, in one of the committee-rooms of the house, caused great deal of anxiety Ministers. M. Guizot seemed to be afraid that such a demonstration might be construed into quasi official measure; and he made great exertions to prevent members of the ...


... Livbhpool, March 3.—This dav Mr. Spence, a muchreipectui broker, was brought before Mr. Rushton, the sitting magiUrate, on the charge of having pledged goods handed to him for sale. It ared in evidence that a manufacturer in Yorkshire de. lining business last September ordered a quantity of oils to handed over to Messrs. Spence and Co., brokers, in f.r th, purpose bciiu? sold. There was a ...


... WESTERN CIRCUIT.—WeIIs, Aug. 8. The assizes for the county of Somerset commenced here . yesterday morning, Mr. Justice Erie presiding in the Crown Court, and Mr. Baron Piatt on the civil side. 'There are i twenty-two causes entered for trial, but, with the exception of two, they are all common jury cases. The calendar con> tains the names of fifty-two prisoners, respectively charged with the ...


... The Musical World Concert.— I The principal Parisian musical journals, the Gazette M:tsica!e and the France Huticale, are in the custom of giving several concerts every year, to which their subscribers are gratuitously admittcd. This example has now been followed by our weliknown journal, The Afmicil World, by whose proprietors concert was given in the Hanover-square Rooms, yesterdiy morning. ...


... The words by express desire, which headed some of the kCsofthc St. James's Theatre, last evening, prophesied the presence of illustrious visitors. Her Majesty, Prince Albert, and suite, were accordingly present, and seemed to witness •ith much gratification the vaudeville of Chacun chez soi, ind the domestic drama of Grisette et l'Heritiere, which was produced for the first time in ...