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... I ON THE ROUGH COMING IN OFTHE NIEW YEAR. Says poor old wora out '45, What. all this note ? Why all this rous . 1.Ts d, says- 46, alivo !- The plaes 1 mine-get out, get out I Mancheter. THE3 GAvR-YvAnD AT ICtHABOB-Ichaboe, a solitaxy island, abonet a mile anid a half from the main land (if Africa, has been, for some years past, the destination of innumerable vemsels, where they resorted ...


... | SAT URDAY EVENIUN CO NCE Rid f TmA. FRTY. AT, THE~ CONCERT HA LL Ra On 'Tueoady evening; las a -tea psr1Jy, ia-.coats with the Saturday evening conmate was 1eld14, Conceitiball, Lord Nelson-satreet,'t need sarel stated, tlastthei establishmient of these coaclarts has eq -the DQI~sS of bringing within the reac of the indutct classes the fi rat musical andl liteiry talent of the Prst 1 ay ad ...


... 4-Mriginal.. .. I ? 'v, a ~T 0 - SY T. M5. C.p ForgivE me! couldst thou read the heart, t.I ILI need not make that prayer to thee; One took would bid all doubts depart, And teach thee hose to pardon me-- sh( Would sbow that, as in fome days, ltemenesntace lingers round thee yet; tal Whilst, even now, thy voice can raise The dreamis I woiuld, in vain, forget. e I will not now recall ties past, ...


... LiTfERARY NO T'l'C8. Arpacr1Mioses KEPAsC5va'n 1545, by Thornus Atbin, SPAldIfng Mv .-This Is, Indeed, a literary cariusity,, elegantly got ups by the thi gentlemnis whose namo Is givens above, and who is author, an -printer, binder. and publieer. These Poetic. aspirations froum the Penstof Lincoinshirs, ought, wq~should think, from te rars eireamiltancev under whioh they appear, to soy ...


... o t(ttv!!dn-- CHRISTIAN UNION. AINZ* YEA-U'S HYMN. 6D41fAllPY. Di nA r'LK - ohn ?? . fl*21. One ?? hlis iople ,a Al, lidbeolublyowono; Esch, n hls rigit haisia, -a's Bright with glorles not his own, Zanb, withdrawn fro-m natures mine,- An inestimable gem, Destined evermore ti chine in ELmMnuors'diadcn Im Mingled hues one Boew compose, Gqd's own. sgn to mortals oven , One vast Ocean ebbs and ...


... SHEWING StOW A SEELV YOqG HANNE WOLD SELL ESYS SOUL TO SATAN, AND WHAT FOLLOWED THEREFROM. (From Punch.) A youths there was of changefulle lotte, Now bryghte, now seedie brounoe Hee called iyniselfe a kiddie swelle, And lived upon ye toume. Hys youthfulle pryine bee waisted alle n ne and godiesse revell; And ot played liee mnlafaull gaimes, And oft lhe played ye devill. Atte length a freend ...


... ?? ?? l?';,VARlETlMS,,' I At Bradford, the. requisition to Mr. Buefield and CoL Thompson hasaiready. rcelvedabont ?? signatures. A tunnel, 400 yards -In length, throught the Calton-hill,. Edinburgh, has just been'coxjpleted. Skew ?? wre ebuilt in Spain 800'years ago. *A slight shbck e of'rthquake was felt'at'.Delbi, on the 3rd of Eo~veiinper;.;; - .! ; Large . quanthitis ot toq~afors trtm ...


... -- II I :? 2? I:,- , : . I 'VeM o 1, , ?? ? ?; V?Vj .. . . m'RM,79 7 1 : OtOLD YEAWBS TRACL It bath ottiglt tbat shadowy chore To'tb dreainor's memory known, ?? T h. place of the-ydars that come no more Blath the Yeinlest pilgrim flown. ' And WrWbaila 'mortal searcher meet y htraiqkO those swift and soundless feet7 :tn v iesw' re another spring * Its wealth of leaves bath plied , th-'er ...


... eriatnil ` G LEN COEB. The lingering daylight had shed Its last bokeam lat e O'er the mountains of Morrenl then Covered with a555.O ~ to Th cosreplied to the plover's shrill scream, on Adtetretswept chill o'er the waste of Glencoet, arn The fox. and the hate to the Cavort had MOP hea In the cave of the rock lay the slumbering doe.u While Mao Ian's hold clan in security slep4 te * And alt ...


... *tlativad. . I of tbi VITAL ADVANTAGE OF TAKING A rec NEWSPAPER. of A trustworthy Yankee Editor tolls the following important ag tale, fat I knew two friends as much alike inf As o'er yoa saw two stumps; b And no phrenologlit could find th A difference in their bump, b One took a paper, and his life th Washappierthann king's; 741. cFIJrn. all Iol -.1A ?? wr .-A And talk of men and things. The ...


... .. - ?? - - . 1 .. . . . .. the THB FEMAite'S FRiEND: No. L-This is the first number of a m0w monthly periodical, issued under the sanction of the Asesoeiae tee, Institution, for Improving and enforcing the laws for the protee- 0m- tiono of women. The work is got up in a good style; Io conducted [gilt with the most benevolent spirit; containt welU writtenarticle, Ilc advocating the claims of ...


... is THE ALMANACK OF THE MONTH. l- This is another emanation from that mine of fun, frolic, e and satire, the Punch-ofice, Fleet-street, London. It F purports to be a review of every thing and every body, A-and is edited by that very clever contributor to Punch, y Gilbert A. A'Beckett. It is neatly got up, is illustrated Ysomewhat in the style of Punch, and as a specimen of its ie ...