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Advertisements & Notices

... ENGLIS1H AND SCOTTISH A- AV L I F E A S S U R A N C E I AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. L cc is Londzen.-21. WATERLOO PLACE. ?? inc Edintzisr,-qilO PRINCE SSTRET. EsTA.t.LISrED 1519-xvtTAL OxE MaILLIOT. T'rI LIFE DEPART-IMENT even description of ris!k contingent upon Life, and is ie satsrt and most approved principle, and with ai r Ito thie lan-s beth of Scotland and England, so as to secure o,, e ts e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WITUTE WOVEl7.N 2 7 SHXWLS.. 1-g'fHASERS of'WHITE WOVE LONG- and SQUA~rt I 1? BA~iL'S will fida Lag ssrmn At the Tl 6l, Br'OHAZVAN Srnrv.', 81. ilite 4* ,?repri~~tors~~ LANGLEY BROTHERS, respectfullyj solicit BO-A an inspection. C L AN T A RT AN W A REMHOISE Fronting the.Arcade, Buchonax Sreet. to T -n4 ) KEMP respectfully invites the. attention of the 1 j) I.oil'LlTi ,GENTRY, 'and STRANGERS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ;O;, A ND C AC T T r W I LL B I: US i D. Glasgow, 25th June, iS46: FOU ND, On Wednesday. tie 24th current, in Buchanan Street, A B U N C H of K EY S.-Apply at thee Glasgow Police AOffice. FOUND, AT ARROC -I.R, A Small Brown SCOTCH TE RRIER- If not cained witlhin A eight days, it will be sold to defray expenses. Apply to D. De K,.r, Kirkfield, Akrruch,.r. 25th June, 1846. FOUND, u mflITE ...


... N: AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY.I I. r9N ,rcs. ?? ?? STRE:T T ix.. . 7 P/ , ~ *, t'cil.' Iy, T1, ?? , , ?? D AMEF ?? '.ri.r!r ?? eroorw I In;; ~ttt?- C, vC riot,. I vt Bire ?? I S ' -1, r:: 1 D. S.,an.11.o Eq. of Bart. [ Wacter F. 1'ar, 1'sl. p1 ;J Rtlr, ?? ,.Esq; . IJ. Il. horneit Es. John alfcrie. 1 - . D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w?1? -. - - - - - - -- - GLOBE INSII URAN-CE, ;7ALLr-_MALL ANiD CORM;711L., Lo.^;r90r- 7~- .urlt> Go t.ise~rn Es.1.. t-hal.romn;l. -.'33r TITE. Frrss. P.1>S 1>ctvyChairotan. -;;Jrflt: C~irn. ~lOSf, Err1., Treasurer. ESTAnLtSITED 103, 1 n , .\ND LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES, ANO THE .'UJ'CIIASE o0 1-EY'VEF;:srox-s AND LIFE CONTIxGEyiCES. ..>A2tT.kL ON;E Mn~rzcn S. ETrInyn .N . .1 'tTm L.;i ) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARTNTR WANTED, WVANTED, lE TN E R. arho could advance £800 or £1000 into a JrW, 1rzr nt'e Ersie,.sS, where therearegood prospects 7. b a:>eiteturn. Ui4)le who is practicallyacquainted with ?? *tiql;e reered. 3 .n ;rnincipalk addressed DS.N, and left at the Herald treated with corfidence. fT T O M A _N U F A C T U R E e1: S. &c. c b WANTED, c C' tudMISSONS for Leadon ant Slanchester bya a n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -LTIONAL FIRE AY-D LTFE INSYURANCE C'M1PAM Y OF SCOTLAND. 4_)rFICE IN- GTLASGOW, Sr. MIARY's BuILDINGS. lid, RtFIELD ST.REET, GLASGOW BO)ARD. E XrrR.soun~~teaY DuitErcORi5. .;kr Williamll Miiltihen, Napier of Miilken, Bart. Robert 3a.irl. LEt . Grt-sherrie. George Bl-otle FEq. -of Rousemonnt. Alndrert, i' h3hatter. ?? . of Auchi otorlie. Archihalid Cauruir!l. Yop. lounger of Jura. J;,L'IO5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SC' T T T T N Q T A BLE' ~~,'pi'aak~vl i IOVA''L C'i.;liTEIR. toT, tiIt. - S C F'V 'EN T SiT i 1' r. t ?? ttiiGATE STRPE-T, Tfhi'i I ' S AS>UR ?? OCIETY. in which the WHO!. t -El ' 'indVix itilol anicvasz tile Policy Holders ?? 15iTTNC ASSURIANCES':' anonint to 77(5 tt1litNSLO !L NIED TIhU~sAN~D Ft I - N ?? ei A C C UT. A . FUNTD, cxco~o r~Rt1~ 0- znE XND FIFTY TIUA7 T reA-1AL i'EV exed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LaO- YI)UNfl MA'N MISSING. jYlsCNG' MAN, namied *iAMIES SEMPLE, belonging to LAlleoxsl, Parish of Glassford, at present lat~ouring, under abperration of intellect, left h is, father's house on Tffesis`a mnorn- infg, the 62h, ?? htas not since beer! Iward at'. Ilec is alsbO I t t weaty onsInt, y-ears of sg, fair complexion, anl of Slender make, Ile wa' r Bills ;Iressetl in a C-rev Ch-eck ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIIUlCI?, GREAT HAMILTO'N'STREET. expw:)ei to Pu~blic Sale, within the Reval Exchange %Vc neirrear, the~ 11th March next, at Two ?? VESTRZY. SCHOOL. arid DWVELL- Sqi E-i!uiQl:andl, in order to cerc e competition, Ithe, ice brn dciiat.L~0, ireuriiral cost heavec o--leu-s an'. :nn-i''rate. to `'ruItitlt':ri ?? hamilton, auction- Ace-, to G. it. Tenneor. write-r, 57, Bii- tire t13 'ret of wcot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T r ISSES9 LUTENLORS' SEMNTI N A R Y for the' of YONG LDIES is now - OPEN4 v's'I .U}YNI{ il REOPN her GLASSES for Ol\l\G CHLK EAD, ad LN-DSCAPE DRAWYING, EDUOATION. fECLACZES in 7Sinfs. COILTART'S Establishment are To tormn ing for the Session, under the superintendence of .1nia, ouiostinand Liter-i Mr. C. W. CONsoM'o, kAM., ar~~ Coittlim . C ~~late of Liverpool. rththe Lee of the Mr. D. ...


... t;1 COUNTY OF RENFREW. ?EII IT me to return youn m best thanks for the honoorable P jijsdctof I have just received at your hands, in being e to repreient your inlterests in Parliament. Be assured that l icon most anxlioas endseavour, by a zealous attention to dluties, to prove mv sense of their value and impor- -f the colitdenco youL base thus seen fit to repose I have the honour to be, Gz ...