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Manchester Times

Advertisements & Notices

... /ANCH'ESITR~ ATH-EiN~-F 'UMLl-Tie GRAN\D M ANNUAL SOMlEE of thea Members of the Manchester Athernvenm will be hield inl thle Ft'1EE.THADE HALL, on 'Thurs. day', October 22,d; Thle Right Ro1t1ll Lai AIieon'It M10r1tTHt,ilh.p. int~ur. The followiligPeat, ao~eu nd G entientel have varenayl accepted invitati~lt itii Thl e 'R glit IteeelltctriBSHOP of NIOPAYTCH. Th ?? tle, Lord BISM8-1l' of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N'BW WEEKLY'COM~IaioiCJA, AG 1iCULTURAL ANiD FAMILY NEWSPAP'ER. On Saturday, 21st.February, Wvill he published, THE, NEWCASTLE GUARDIAN, ,,ta NewV Weekly Pape~r, thorogl-11y Independent ill Poitis ?? Recligion, to lie issued every Saturday mornling. Thle wast of ajournal to explain atd defend the prisseiple of Evangelical Dlissenters, to set forth their positienI, tleioi claims, and their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J¶1RAMPTOU'S -PILL OF 'HPALTH.-The manifold A.. advantages to the heads of falmilies fromt the uosses- shil of a medicine of known efflicacy, that may ho resorted to wvith contfldoneo, and osed with sucesso fin cases or temiporary' siehneot. occurring in fotnitics, more0 or less every day, aro 3o obvious to all that no question can tbe ruised ci' its filportance to every houooholder iii tilo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAT EST ED IITION. A FRICAN 3eFSIONS.-SERMONS will be -.IL preached in lyd- t et Chapel, onl SUNDAY NEXT, the 25thl *anut, connection with these Ais- sions. Jn the fling ,a hlf-past ten Wo'lock, by the R1ev. WILMIA JMl N, I ?? ait Goshel, Jamaica, an owb t to, a Mr. A Vad(del, at Old Calabar; the Rv. AlIt BALD B3AIRtD, D.o On Alon caing, seven o'clock, a P U 13 L I C lMIE ETI N. o h rid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEANNIVERSARIY OF THE EAST TILANOASI-14E1 AUXILLXRY TO THE LONDON MIS. SIO\NARy SOCIETY wvill be hold as, follows: On Saturday E,,enieg, June 20t, 1846, there will Ilioa Special PRAYER ~MEETING, in Mosley-street Chapel, ait which thle 11e,. Dr. Alexander, of ~diiibuirgb, will presido; to (commen,01co at half- iast gi.~ o'clock. ON LOID'S DAY, Jime 21, SERMONS will 13e Preachedl, to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'kJ BIRKENHE!AD 4NCTION 4tAILW4J h i~t * e olunnoince'to ?? the eslt fte ETN 'st he1L in the Towin Hall, Oldn- neyth 1thnt.i t lpursuance of thle new sessionM catfpahsnn The mseeting was attende9 GM O hs,~l. cd]det 1;further continuance of the toi5UtO Opriaetftis os cI *piary'i bill, having been, Ila'b ?? twa prve fi with One dissentient. a pr o 1i 2 Scrip prodnoed represenlting 14,000 lsharo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOLaD AND BAkNK NOTES GIVEN AWAY! r GSubscribe IMMEDIATELY to THE ?? TfIMES.-Tlh flocks will SHORTLY CLOSE, anti then the roe GOLDEN~ P) Nl hI I never, occuragaill) an: Will be. lost of obtaining i. SAND POUNDS T1 P3articulars of this ffdertailling may-be tiht obtained from, sod S. -vd byII y ok tis: ?? agoist, or~ ?? eei reas:or by ?? W 0 ordrfr£.s 7.o 4 r.CARLES EVA~O 5 ob ie fie 8351, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Applications by, leger, i,pertinq adwrtisrnicnts nauust be post, paid, or they nt-ill not be received. Applications ttit'ctied to bie mande at the pr'inter's miust be personal: itt such calses no lsci'ie, con. IMtMIcaliol's cnn be ottendedl t0. P~e~sonot inquiries cannot be ansivered, whent the address is to be by etite,. -VVA'N'TED, a stout, ?? souse.- t T0 JORNYM N LEILL F RSSPRINTERS.-j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -P OLY I',IINI U L GRREENGATr, ISALFOR, N EVE EVENING, wsith a GOfstantivariety of V DAL an INST RUMIENTAL ENTERTAINbIEN ewA N p tly Change of Ethiopian Novelties -Eng~ageuS of dofessoMBlYERS, the cele- brated Accordion Pl fer. j j TNDIA RUBBER GA ?? ?? bY -3. the Queen, and recou elnded bcW~1~ulty, aS a preventative agntnst Cold a lkdnrap.JAn extdnsive supply just received by t. .1-i 'lS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE; NEW PATENT SPIRIT LAMP, GOuG RRPASSING ALL OTHERS.- CHARLES LA WIP ;s * wh ?? Manehester, 'ffers this Improved as C GIl Pera et ofidence in it e uperrority.N o VE-G.-soe .laLent for tbe .PATE lETING t'o A l'1ATO warranted -to cur chimneYs.-' ~o A large assOrtent of t'iaths of Irons Rgfisgtelrrt ?? gs c FRSR ARRIVAL of Chan i Paper Machee hi Work. -General Smiiths Work, Bell r nmen, arid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E D I OA L ADYTOVI, t No. 2, LOWER MV AMOSLEY-STREE'j, HAC ET~.-er.IENRiY ?? sturoeis, and sole pioprietorsuf the COJIlDIAL BIALMX OF SPEliC, which hals re'stored strenlgtlt tuc vigolti to hundreds of debilitated. Inidividutals, of both sexes-, deemied. pest receovety, troem iniveteraite cooipilatiits; lot it~s re-attinmi ttingpowcio itexceeids almost,50 1.credibtility. Its ilute, rich, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UTLERS TASTELESS SEIDLITZ POWDER, in B1 one Bottle.-ThisAuseful A erient preparation, be- sidesformng a e~sall wenct a more agreeable drauh'r thban thait produced ?? smdg much less time, mnd with finitely s chc 'rala evri Thirst, a tesspoonful, in, atyr, f s draught. Being enclosed , bottle, i will rexpainjuredby husnidity during the l2n yest'oage a and jouney. Sold t 2s. 6d. the b~e (N i is ...