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Morning Chronicle


... LITERAT UR'.E. The Silkhs and 4glhians. By SHi A1MAT At.r. X I I Iu r ay Shahamat Ali is one of the imost proini-iiig off- shoots of that rysteul of E nrop.'an Cli ueatimti .a- blished in India by tile genirotrS phllila tilropa of t Lord Anmierst's governt nt, tile benctits of se ibtelt to the natives of that country have subse(lulently been extended and lollowt'l up by tihe ('eliltlitellf Ila ...


... HOLIDA Y' A MUtWSE TS. DRURY-LA.~TL TH!EATIIE. (ii ristrn'ili 1A come again, and the genijui of pantomnsie J ogain at work. At Oid Drury Hecr Majesry,, Flervaotfi Carrie out oil Sliturday night w~ih IHoi~helliii ?? S;- George ctod th~e Dragon, a subject~ which hue, .lready bee-, fnre~quently dramatiIed, but Which Vet seemed to afford ionpIL nmiterials for II showY ?? : 4d indeed nothinqg ...


... IIEli .3AJESY'S TISEAiLL'1. Semiraimi(le 'vas given after a strange filslion last nigrit, by 1o 15l cus creditable to tile gicat lyrical establishient of the modern ilabyloun. The composer, called lo sasiN, wbo wrote) this opera, had a notioa thait Ieo created tlrcoa splendlid parts for at prima donna, a contralto, anlld a baritone. Ile liever contemplated, perhaps, that the in- signiiceant ...


... lI-IUSICAL, INTELLJIGENCE. CONCERT OF ANCIENT MUSIC. The fourth concert was given last night, at the Hanover- square Rooms, conducted by Sir 1-I. IL Bismol' ; Mr. Lu- CAS presiditig at the organ, and Mr. T. Cnntcn being tue dief ?? in the orrhestra. The director of the present scht me was his Royal Highness Prince Ac.nuit'r, who made the following remarkable solection rAPT I. 'rio Notionni ...


... HAY MJARKET 'I'THEAT'RL'. Our stage is fallen on stllugo timaes indeed, when the opera. of Guy M1oimorring is revived for the purpose of ex- hibiting' the tulents ofae young lady ns lleg dIerir'ilies, for upon no other grounds, surely, could the light comedy com- plny of the ?? Theatre bave launched on such a venture. The pursuit of opera under difiviulties may be imagined when we' look at a ...


... PRE'NGH PLAYS. 5 The season of French plays at the St. Jamtes's Theafre V will be commenced on Wednesday, November 11. Mr. if MITCHEsLL has resolved to open ibis campaign at this early eperiod, following the example of lact year, although such .an undertaking, before the large body of his fashionable i' supporters have returned to tow n, requires no ordinary con- rats on the part of a manager. ...


... LITERA TUlRE. The Poeticae 1l orksjol HorAcr SMcITHn. [London: Colburn. 1846. All our duty with regard to these delightful little volumes is to give them a word of welcome. Mr. Smith lhas long been known by every reader of English verse. Those udmirable 1 Rejected Ad- dresses first, which parodied the styles of tine poets of five-and-thirty years ago with such feli- city and good hiumour-and ...


... jZI S F1O R2 TIlE 3IONIll. I bliihis new number, with an lin- t l~:Ile article ?? the 1 Comtmercial Ile- JI , A elt algo. lhe~r.eaders of the iilfr&'q aelt (IpportoUIttIVs Of IICTOm in g I the vilst field that lies open for pro- omngthe 1 thougind isles'' by Itelion rosin ~~~is studdeiid. Endowed e'hlitte 'Wh~oe exubtrun t ?? al- tilt' Cold ilaO'iiations, of thle diveilers of a''nice: ...


... MUSICAL INTELLI GENCE. SACRED HlARMONIC SOCIETY. ?? lnis e en the uisiom of this society, for several soea50fl, to elevoto rne evenin.-.' to the l'trfortnieince Of ?? rn'i.Last ceight Exeokr-icail wee crowded for, the orerett01l n1inny amateurs comoing' front the euuntry expre'syt - to tendlie hr rmet' ug. Thes chrl' body was accrnricl.It'd o-n 10' the ithai nuoniors orgatn by Mr. TuRtLFc, Of ...


... TIHE P OLITIC AL B ID)S-- OT 0 T lER I A .ANIMA LS. (NOT OF ABRTSTOVttIANEs.) ?? THE IlEhiSE. Quirl;! quirlk! quirk! qllirk quirk' C obble! gobille! gobl)le! Here 's a pretty piece of work We're in t hobble. To feed on the land Our species wItS born Bet our ruin is plaun'd Throughi Free-Trade in corn. What a ?? shle me Let us hiss Peel and Graliin. Oh !cani' they the slid lug-scale Inatiape to ...


... LITERA TUR E. A History of 0.eere. L. Legendarn Greece. 2. Grecian Histo)fly t/, the. 'enivn of Peisistrutus at Athens. By GEOnrisn GROTri, Esq. Vol. 2. [Londou: John Murray, Albemnarle-stree-t. 1slCON(D NOTICE.] Me Mr. Grote, in this volumDe, CommenceS with tlle ;- closing events in the legendary history of Gret cc- Th'liese are the re turn of the IHerakicids to Pelopon- eness: thie origin ...


... ADlLPII THAlEEAT2'R H. We owe many a stirring melodiramna to TMr. PRAKE, but his last iight's Devil of Maerseilles is a demon of a very inferior breed to the lhmous old Bottle Imin. Yet the title was pin avilie, and we entered the theatre in I le full expeetation of bein6 treated to a wondrous three-net legenil of diablerie-fall of Adulpbi-thirilliiig interest, of treniendoesly critical ...