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... SCHOOL Or DESIGN, 1f 12, INGRAM STRlET, I WyiV1 be Re..,.eyeed an Monday the 2d February, 1846. S C o ' M wfI rT Er E. d: President. T .AinrfllfALD AiselsoN Esq., Sherifl of Lanarkshire, ?? W Vice-Presideass Pi JOrn N LEATDN3ET'ET E, Esq.. Dean of Guild. IY5v'.oxsR CCitro, Esq., F.RS., Clico Printer. ci Members of Committee. E t T!lt ljon. Jas. Lumsden, Lord Samuel 1R. BrownEsq., Sewed Pravot- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE. ROTAL, DluNLOP STREET i FOR TUE BENEFIT OF -MADAME CELESTE AND AMR. WEBSTER, kndt atsiited.V thier IAast Appearance but One, asthey performin ?? loal, Newmastle, on Monday the 19th jest- 1 -TF:G. RSI E T AT rJ AN T !4 . T TIlE LIONESS OF THE NORTH. The Empreis -Elizabeth, Madams CurESTZ. Alexi~s RoniaXInowki, Mr. WEBSTER. After which T HT E WOV N M A E A T E R Th Rersreourg, Mr. WVE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERLOO ROOMS. MION-DAY FVENVAING FIRST. I9th Jaunary. HIEN-lR Y r. U SSETL L'S CELEBRATED MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. ; M TR HENRY RUSSELL (from AinericL). Composer of' AI the popular Songs. Ivy Green, ' I'm Afloat. ' Thce Maniac. ?? Ship) on Fire, Old Arm Chair, &e. Re. most respectr'uliv intimates to the NTobility, Gentry, and Public. that he Vill give one of his Celebrated IMUSICAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE POSTPONED. HE PPublic Sale of PROPERTY in Wallace Street, Trades- I ton, advertised for the 21st current, 'WILL NOT TE;E PLA CE. A4 MAN FOUND. On Sunday the IIth instant, MAN, apparently about 45 rears of age, of Dark Brown A lflir, and about 5 feet 9 inches in height, wras found sitting onl the sile of the Carlisle Road, in the parish of Lesmahaoow, about a mile to the east of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ons ite3 NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. STOLEN OR STRAYED, A White Rough NEWFOUNDLAND DOG.-Whoeverri A turns him to 17, Scott Street. Garnet Hill, will be rewardec Any one in whose possession he may be found after this notico will be prosecuted. LOST, On the 'Durmbarton Road. on Saturday afternoon, A GOLD SNUFF BOX.-Whioever lisafoundthe same,by A returning it to the Herald Office, will be Rewarded. 17th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I2 &An, ZTW MW 3STIEW. ji ESSRqS BIURWELL, in respectfully acknowledging the' v very liberal patronage they have received this season, beg titmate th-t their Bazaar will continue open for two weeks er Ia addition to their alrea: F-extenisive Stock (*hlich eon- .oieversthi-tl~ ovel, unique, anid fashionable of the season) ev are l.ustin receipt of a sleldido assortment of PAi'lF-, . t )c' ODS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O~ 0T IC E I S H E RE BY G IVEN, thtaSECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the S.IA1XEHOLDERS of Tbe aOS BERDEEN RAILWAY COMPANY will beheld within the FtorAL HOTEL,Aberdeen, on WEDNEsnAy the 21st day of January current, at Twelve o'clock noon, to consider an agree- ment entered into by the Directors, for leasing the ARBRiOATE and FOiFAVa RAILWAY, and to Sanction and give effect to the ,,id 54ireement By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I COM I SCOTTISH CAPITAL, £100,000 Sterling (with po wer to increase). E2togbished in Aberdeen, 1840. ONORtiAitY DIRSCTORS. ANDREW BLACK, Esa. of ForesterhMilH Captain JAMES CAMERON, Aberdour House. JO1N CADENHEAD Esq., M.D., Aberdeen. JAMES DONALD, Esq. of Maryfield. ROBERi DAUN Eso . MD., Chaconra. Old Aberdeen.' ALEXANDER EWSJr;nG, Esq., M.D. of Tartowie. WILLIAM HUMPHREY Esq. of Cuttlehill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBLY ROO-MS, GEORGE STREET. PA4 TRONSES. LADY IMACKENZIE. LADY DICK LAUDER. LADY DUNBAR. LADY HO;NEY1MAN'. MRS FULLERTON. MRS IMERCER. MRS 3MACKAY. DIRECTORS. SIR THOMAS DICK LAUDER. CAPTAIN SINCLAIR. tIHE DIRECTORS be- to announce, that the FIRST I ASSENIBLY f.orthe Season wvill takeplace onTHURS- DAY the 22d current. In compliance with a request to that effect, the Directors beg to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLEARING SALE, AT 1C3, unien Street. _ ILEX. SLIGHTr. being about to sive uo Business in Aber- , deeno is now SELLING OFF his whole STOCh at Re- ducecl Prices for at fewy dabs ouly. l 19th January, 1846. Just received, and On Sale by the Subscriber, > Lr \'j4sl nTit3l,~adnd otlher DAM ;:rS.tsl STILTON, CHESUItE, DUJTCH, &ce. CHEESE. SueirTABL.E BUTTERt. Alwys n hrda elet sockofthe choicest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G.AiJ OW COLINIERCIAL -EXCHANGE COMPANY.! D)}BC ross. RO'BERT' M'BAFE. Esq- of Eastwood, Chairman. James Scott, Esq. _Merchant. Glasgow. - Thomas CLuthbertson, Esq. of Longdales. William Bruce. Fso., ?Merchant, Glaszow. Alexander 3a Rensie Eirkland, Esq., Ierchant, Glasgow. George iannear, Esq., Banker, Mfanager. reST Company has been established for the purpose of making ara.¢,ltaes on Railw ...