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... Under the Direction of Madame Celeste. Tins EVENING will tx> presented THE CRICKET ON THE HEAKTII: a Fairy Tale of Home. lohn Mr. O. Smith ; Caleb Plummer, Mr. Lambert; Tackle ton, Mr. CuUenford; Edward, Mr. Dot, Mrs. FitzwiUiam; Bertha, Mii? Woolgar; Mi* Tilly Hlowbov, Mr. Wright. After which, PHANTOM BRFAIt- FAST.' To conclude with HARLEQUIN AND POONOOWINIiKEEWANGFLIBEEDEEFLOBEEDKEBUSKEEBxNG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATION$. Onl Saturday next, the 24th itaont, will be Published, illistrated with it Col. red Geological ?? of the County of Colttwwill, Eln- grivs hic, of 1teSects ailfcting Corn-clerpo, and numerous 'Woodeuts, price 51. IlE JOURNAL of the ROYAL AGRICUL- TURAL SOCIETY of ENGLAND. Vol. VI., Palrt 2. -1'51MA tY OF CONTENTS: 1. Mr. Itorklind's prize Iteport onl tilE Farming of Kent. 2. Mr. ...


... * WINDSOR, Tuesday. The Queen anil Prince Albert walked out this morning. Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred, the Princess Royal, and the Princess Alice, were taken their accustomed exercise in the forenoon. Albert took the diversion of shooting to-day. The Man of Granby and Colonel Bouyerie were attendance on hi- Royal Highness. The Marquis afterwards took his ...


... CONTROVERSY BETWEEN MIL COBDEN AND MR. WODEHOUSE AT NORWICH. BY SPECIAL EXPRESS. (From our own Reporters.) NORWICH, Tuesday, 10 p.m. A meeting of the inhabitants of the city of Norwich, convened the mayor (John Betw, Esq.,) at the instance the Committee of the Corn-law League of that place was held yesterday evening, St. Andrew's Hu'l. More than ordinary interest had been excited the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P'UBLIC' AMUS'EMJIL'NT, JUST OPENED, ait tlif PAN ORAAMA ROYAL, ?? II V.1 W 0hof lt o01'i1on und1 lhisorivallv intrle'Ilill' '12'OF 1101' I ; colillisilig tlie '1(01' Seil~l' od ifs ?? t111 ,ill two 11l'lepo, M01oMo St. flalhrll''im, 211dbb .2 St1 Sey001, Ibo, (,iI I' 0 t.oliooill, aloll ?? tfie ?? dibje~kl tI his pie 'Y11t10 oily' 1111 its ll'001itv 'ITo' Xi.'w-ol' Naolklit,' with1 ii.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. FoarthAppearance of MISS HELEN FAUCIT. Last Week of the New Pantomime. . IN THIS EVENING (Wednesday), Jan. 21, i| will be performed the favourite Play of THE STRANGER: The Stranger, Mr. Creawick; Mrs. Haller, Miss Helen Faucit.rn.aryPnoie After which, an entirely original GrandFairy Pantomime, called, H.kRLEQUIN BLUNDERBORE I loft, TruC ENClfANTED FAWN. Writtenand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fill1 L to'41 ?? i'V- eTA VAR iEN I-evvk ilf i iE I I14 liwks ?? it ?? I vill.5. hi. Wdii Ii litti. sil Itt I S.',li I tl tt i I Isu..lttI it 1i ITFAli ii O I. t iii l il I. ?? AM BA Cpto .\HEHII 1EN 'ieis'itk Th HlCIBERNtIA Captinii'.X 'tsit. ss i- it 'Fn~kmMitc i.ti Px i o intorI, 22p7o,S~ili i'til. fi ituxm o s3ll't 34 Sgti II'. 1.,,r ,ifl it ?? Itl ?? dn hulittbo .d z~l-zlld ?? ww ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I2 &An, ZTW MW 3STIEW. ji ESSRqS BIURWELL, in respectfully acknowledging the' v very liberal patronage they have received this season, beg titmate th-t their Bazaar will continue open for two weeks er Ia addition to their alrea: F-extenisive Stock (*hlich eon- .oieversthi-tl~ ovel, unique, anid fashionable of the season) ev are l.ustin receipt of a sleldido assortment of PAi'lF-, . t )c' ODS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O~ 0T IC E I S H E RE BY G IVEN, thtaSECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the S.IA1XEHOLDERS of Tbe aOS BERDEEN RAILWAY COMPANY will beheld within the FtorAL HOTEL,Aberdeen, on WEDNEsnAy the 21st day of January current, at Twelve o'clock noon, to consider an agree- ment entered into by the Directors, for leasing the ARBRiOATE and FOiFAVa RAILWAY, and to Sanction and give effect to the ,,id 54ireement By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. EW A-ND TA TLISHAEoI.lE5IE AND SCHOLT. WOOU, PrInted fo r v teedrs.s. L oostIMAN arid Co. 1.-THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, & h. l. Rq. PALLICER'S MODERN POETICAL SPEAKER, Dedicated, by 1ivrpiloirs to, to the Dowager Luit Lytvton.l2tor. 1°os. t 2. IE T. v.1. .1YCROOFTIS COURSE of .IL lENGLIS T READING, adapted to every Traste and cipoelty. 8',1OVO. fls. 0d. ER. F. GRAhiAIM'S ENGLISH; or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W. FERNEylHOtJGI, TAILOR AND HABIT MAKER, 34, SADLER GA'TE:, D)ERBY. 1EGS to return his sincere thanks to the Gentlemen ?? have so kindly and extensively patronised him during the past year, and at the samc tine, desires to call attention to the SSISTEM OF YEARLY CON(TRACTS, 0 pursued by him with increasing success during the last seven years. Froun past experience lie feels assured that those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I COM I SCOTTISH CAPITAL, £100,000 Sterling (with po wer to increase). E2togbished in Aberdeen, 1840. ONORtiAitY DIRSCTORS. ANDREW BLACK, Esa. of ForesterhMilH Captain JAMES CAMERON, Aberdour House. JO1N CADENHEAD Esq., M.D., Aberdeen. JAMES DONALD, Esq. of Maryfield. ROBERi DAUN Eso . MD., Chaconra. Old Aberdeen.' ALEXANDER EWSJr;nG, Esq., M.D. of Tartowie. WILLIAM HUMPHREY Esq. of Cuttlehill ...