... LITERAlRY EXAMINER. 1J(I. O-itn ?? Uo EURnoiE, by Novalis (Friedericli You 0 dtI. I-tardsilleirg). Traiislated from tLe' Gersi'aii by lie o _ ltoy. John Daltonl. The work before us is not a translation hot a trclsnmutotio. 11 It is a change not of fornin merelv, but of substance. T'i e _ aim of the ltcalehenist was tile triumsmntsdtiot of base ?? li into gold. Mr. Dalton has admirably ...


... IUSl'.ICAL LNV 'ALLI(, CENLL. MADAME DULCl(E~N-S THIRID SOIRIE MUSICALE. The last ronwert Of thL priesent seriea wos given last night, fund the rooirs were throured with amateuis. There were two nloveltiies of Vreat intexest in the pro- qratiilo-thie first a ' (;rtinde 0101 oto Symphonique it qulltlre. ranhits -we quloto the scheme-composed by Mo- SCInIHTAs; and It nekV trio lin C minor, for ...


... The following are the material portions of Major-General Pasley's report to the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for trade, the fatal accident of the 20th of January, on the South Eastern Railway, occasioned by the falling of a bridge under a goods train. (This report was yesterday issued by order of the House of Lords.) Railway Department, Board of Trade, Whitehall, Jan. 23. My Lord ...

We have received with our usual enct the Paris journals of Friday. The sitting of the Chamber of Deputies of

... Thurw although exclusively occupied with questions of wars, was remarkable for the unusual hannon} prevailed amongst members of all parties. The amendment proposed by M. the Expedition to Madagascar, was remodel! M. and M. Gcbot. M. , .. lt himself assisted im drawing it up, and per- ] for the first time agreed with the Minister for - *- M. de then followed F °TTrwiie«t to the Cabinet to ...


... LiterAtItUt |R A ^ ~A~tEN#^Q^lQ IP, flh, Pool I 01usl Brolitad. Th'O prepesilot tiusilboer of Ithis ablo rQVetiW opelim with a pa per On ' MHIl III his Moultl silointiongl In whiholl the difiloult etIWolN Oft a' osiltni l sin in OlcItIvas ab o ni roat length. 111i11g prllr IA iovardeui to Presidout hll1warthi op A11isi'a, whoeo trernt work 1111 thitn tihonise lo well kwiom tbo Lbsot II'O ...


... Her Majesty, Prince Albert, the infant royal family, and the royal suite, arrived in London on Tuesday from Clare. mont. Amngest those who are most likely to be well informed it is confidently stated that her Majesty's confinement is not ex. peeted before the end of May. Sir W. H. Clinton, Lieutenant-Governor of Chelsea 1Hoe. pital, died on Saturday at Royston, Herts SUDDLN DEATH or MRS. BRAH ...

Preparations for war continue. We read of increased and increasing activity in the arsenals; of hurried labour ..

... of the equipment of troops; and, more, occasionally stumble upon an advertisement, smelling woundily of gunpowder, calling upon certain officers of militia to dine together on a certain day, that the exercise of knife and fork may agreeably preface the handling of sword and gun. Champagne, corks, and then ballcartridge. We have no doubt of the patriotism and valour of the militia ...

Sale of a Collection Articles of Verti*. —Ou Saturday salt' by auction took place at Mr. I'hil- I lips's rooms,

... Xow Bond street, of a most extensive and rare i collection of beautiful cups, and urns in oriental agate, 1 sardonyx, jade bloodstone, &c., ancient bijouterie, carvings in I ivory, wood, &c., the property of Is. Hertz, Esq., the well known collector, who had been a great number of years I making the collection. There were near lots, principally consisting of agate cups of the most beautiful ...

The Theatres

... CO Cbtatrto. THEATRE ROYAL, MARYLEBONE. We recently visited this popular temple of the drama. The enterprising lasses has engaged Mr. White, and his highly-trained wild animals, who are performing in a grand spectacle, called The Lion of the Desert; or, the French in Morocco. It is, as its name purports, a spec. tacle, well adapted to show off the great prowess of Mr. White and the docility ...


... I : I 11. BE L LI A N CE. 'When the gtoom is deepest roand thee, when the binds of grief have bound thee, And In lonelinests and sorrow, By the polsonod springs of life Thout sttest' yearning for a morrow, That will free thee from the strife; took not upward$l;' for, above thee. No Bun. no star is gleaming; Look not round for some to love thee; Put 0ot faith In mortal seeming; Liphtly wosld ...


... I oIN Q THE DEW.DROPS. One morn I marled two dew-drops bright, Impendant on a thorny spray; 4 The gems had caught my roving sight, Gay glltt'rlng In tbe sunny ray. A sudden breeze pa'd o'er the ground, And shook their faithless resting place They ?? a bound, Commingled Inakind embrace. 'Tib thus, thought I, with loving hearts, When adverse storms sweep o'er their sky, In closer union, eaeh ...


... ? I , - ?? 1. 1. lose J ~ lsit, 'foil &itsI VAI. Cari ,OM '5 . -lU BNO dlie os And hope emits the brightest boars, i -Wbsa roun&dthe heaxt andin the mind, thdn Iwe 1. An unity of love's snsbrtn'd .. the Ints i' Butilarerfteonnever be tair ~r ~ Nor deeper sorrow any see, tahe Thans stwl through life to boar the' pain weeea~ -Of having lov'd, aind lov'd in vain. aol obn ?? sm ers mwith ...