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... ITHE EARL AND COUNTS~ OF SEPTON AT- ThE LIVERPOOL SATURDAY EV.ENIKGI 'CONCERTS. sn-1 VOCER~iTh. it- The succes which has attended the Saturday evening fo oriecratinsfor the working classes, since the preslentfo - lyr ?? refused to allow his name to heused is- as one of the patrons, has been greater than could hare 1 ~sr benanticipated by the meast sanguine expcctations of 8ani he those who ...


... MADRIGAL SOCIETY, TUFESDAY, FEB. 10, 1846. F RIOGRAIIMME. 8( - i'ART I p 1.-Motet ?? . 0 be jofuT' . ?? . Pailestriia. 1' - 2.-Madrigal ?? Adieu, sweet Ainarillis . .. Wibye. al 3.-Madrigal .. Hearken to thy faithful swain . 3orales a, 4.-Four part song .. ?? Where the bee sucks ?? Dr .?noe. b 5.-*IvMotet .. Forth from the dark ?? . .i (i-Madrigal . . . Come again, sweet love ?? L1. Este. ...


... THEATRICALS,' &c. elie fat is natare.-SBAZBIZKB. SnUaEY.-The most crowded and enthusiastic snot- Ience bhids the walls of the Surrey theatre Icave con~ ltajoed for some time past were preseit a few minutes after the doers were opened, ott Henday evening, to wit- Frueaa the bong expec ted productien of a new dramatte apectacie, coiled The See .fieqsVc ow. The hocus, pit, aud gallery wore ...


... : i= = Metingb LAYS OF THE LOOM. A SELscTIoX OF POETICAL PscaCS av JkYES Gow. Dundee: G. and J. Taylor. This unpretending collection of poetical pieces is another evidence of the mind and ability existing in the ranks of the working-class. To one of the most unfortunate sections of that class JAmrs Gow *balongs,-he is a handloom weaver. In his short and simple preface the author remarks, ...


... THOM.S . . aZA.TI'S I o g I THE PURGATORY OF SUICIDES. A Prison Rbyme. In Ten Books. (one Vol.,w%. 6d:) The most.w6nderful effort of intellectual power pro- duced within the last entury.- The Britannisae. I ,Here we have a genuine poem springing out of the spirit of the times, and indeed out of the heart, and ex- erien of one who has wvrestled with and suffered in It. It is no other than a ...


... Rtbirivo. THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL-PArT I. London: Artisan Office, Wellington-street North, Strand. We hail this publication as well worthy of its title, and well deserving the people's support. We have looked through most of the articles contained in this Part, and have perused them with much satisfaction. The object of the People's Journal, as stated by its editor, is the combining amusement, ...


... L ITERARY NOTICES. eid Mvoie.- TonP HArI' MAncliser OF Core Retsn Aylh Jts' lie Wasyr. Composed and arranged by Jenny Jones. Londocl Oteteler. Livcrpool: Hime. Here we have a prattling ditty. mn dedicated to the Royal Nursery, and calculated to actluse er young party wvho from experincne are ready to admit ?? ie- Cherry pie is very good, and so is currant w~ine. Those5 vh Ste remember the ...


... llebietw0 Parliament having re-assembled, and the questions already mooted therein being of the utmost im- portance, and involving the necessity of our report. ang the debates at great length, we are compelled, for the present, to curtail our ] TAITS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE-Fsur. Edinburgh: W. Tait, Prince's-street; Lmdon, Simpkin and Marshall. Tait opens this month's number with a well-timed ...


... AOBRIDGIED AND ADAP'TEDJ FOR THE USE OF~ P1ROTECTION It1BET1N(;5. Friends, farmrers, coluntrymnen, lend me your ears; I croe to sp~eak of Peel, but not to praise hint.A Thi'lne bs tleit s;(onic toels Pus live isfter them; Some hkurry titeir own measures to their praves: Sot fares it with thle ci idiusx-scale. ffir Robert ,liatit toll you that the Corio-haWR are pernicious;: If son, to pasis ...


... POi.TFIY. 0lt on itt o 140OeDIRDi.g( Tierss ?? tr ltA COOK. Thares ?? al l loveo deariv-.4ho toidmlt of bliss, TaCotnelithe comk.,cl; 1 leant llite to missa WVhee ilira tilbts in a !, ,ioek, we tuti iU ad ot -h re Sticks grace the cornor, ad hato lie about; ,bhess no I lirc, dere comrq tto annoy or almuso Vi4 heir 's arezihg-csl' buttzet of seo~tioiotus norvs e'ije>,e YOcm oi tb, ...


... 'lIiE M (;AZ h.'ES. The contents of Bentley's Miscellany for this month are unusually miscellaneous and varied; whether in the nature of the subjects or their treatment: there is the continuation of en Irish tale by the author of Wild Sports of the West,a Chapter on Gaining and Gamnesters, a Tale about Two Bouquets, a collection of theatrical anee- dotes, and sketches by Mrs. Gore and ...


... 1:iDlerree0 ?? * What different dooms our birthdays bring! For instance, oun little manuifin. thing Survives to wear many a wrinkloe; Whilst Death ferbids anothbir to wakej And a eon-tha ittoolnine months to make, Expires without even a twinkle! Into this world we come like ships, Laanch'd from the dock, and stocks, aud slips, For fortuuo fair or fatal And one little craft is cast away, In its ...