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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... The committee met for the transaction of business, as usual, on Tuesday evening, at their office, No. 13, Angle- sea-street. Mr. LANGLEY in the chair. The Honorary Secretary reported that he continued to receive from editors of the provincial press letters express- ing the utmost willingness to promote the interests of the society, and agreeing to insert the prospectusin their papers without ...


... FASRIONABLE 1A 2ELLIGBNCB. THE QUEEN S LEVEE. At her Majesty's levee on Wednesday, Lord Keane re- turned to her Majesty tle insignia of the Gross Cross of the Order of ?? Bath, worn by hiis late liather, Lieat.-General Lord Keane, G.C.B. Tue general circle was attended by- Earls-Clare, Raufurley. Viscoulls-Newry, Palmerston, Hawardan, Clements, Hill. Lordr-Claud Hluaniltoss, John Russell, ...


... THEATRE ROYAL-NINA SFORZA. Nina Sforza, a tragedy written, as the bills bad ar- fnounced, by R. Zouch S. Troughton, Esq., was represented for the first time, in the Dublin theatre, an last evening The opening scene discovers to the spectators Nina Sforzu, the daughter of Sforza, a noble Venetian, and Biit Sforza, the sister of Sforza, respectively sustained by Miss Faucit, and Mrs. T. Hill. ...


... DRURY-L E THEATRE. Mr. G. A. Maefarren'stomic opera of Don sQuixote, produced last night, met with a reception highly creditable to the composer. The success was evidently not one result- ing from a packed house-nay, the indifference of the libretto produced an alienation of feeling which the music alone could overcome. The opera bad a few struggles in its course, owing to the ineffective ...


... I-FA 2-Hl0MBL' INTEL GENCE - rdAiEST I95 DnAlrsNoii.ooMm.-Her Majesty held racnd ?? for the seaon at St. James's Palace on tietr t wich was very brilliantly and numerously attended. .Thurdilay of the weather had the effect of attracting a great aie u persons to St. James's Park. The Queen and oocue rtL attended by the great officers of the household, Fri.ClUc iam PalaAe about two o'clock, and ...


... -I ' ?? ' L'rEkRUR . ?? ?? .. .. THE IRISH MONTHLY MAGAZINE. We have before us, for the frst time, A numiber (if thi. publication, which is numbered as its tweltth from the commencement. Some of the articles in the' unrnber for this month we have Mead with interest and satisfaction, while we also found others which Be read with far dif-l ferert feelings. The opening article is on the ' Appli ...


... SHO WING 1101V PEEL IVENT FURTHER T[IAN HE INTENDED, AND CAIRE SAFE HIOME AGAIN. (From Punch.) Sir Robert was a Minister Of credit and renowni; And eke, by virtue of his place, Adviser to the Crown. Now Richard Cobden said to him, Protected corn has been T'Thro' thrine ten tedious years, since sigh. ?? Teea hundred and fifteen. Yet landlords and eke tenants say 1 Of profits they despair; ...


... F4SH!ONAELE INTELLIGENCE. The Queen had a dinner party on Saturday at Bucking. ham Palace. Tile ?? included her Royal Higlhnes tle Duchess of Gloucester, is Royal Hignaess Prince George, the Duke of Wellington, the Marquis of Douro, the Earl of tin. colt, the Earl of Auckland, and the Ho. bliss Eden, the Eall Jermyn, Lady Caroline Murray, and Lord and Lady Dalmalzy. Viscount Palmnerston ...


... F '4SJI1ONABLE IN2ELL.I&'ENCE. I Sir Robert Peel had an audience of the Queen oa Friday. Her Majesty and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal, left Bucklngham Palace on Friday afternoon in a carriage and four for Clare- mont. Their Royal Highnesses Prince Alfred and the Prin- cess Alice, were in another carriage and four. We are gladto learn that Mr. ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE, I v . n .. .. _.1 , -- . .. .. . I BiUCEINrHIAM PALACE.-Curds of invitation have been issued from the Lord ChamberlaIn's Office for an evening party at the Palace on to.naorrow. .. To-niorrow will be the sixth anniversary of her Majesty's marriage. SIR ROSERT PEEL.-Thursday last was the anniversary of the natal day of Sir Robert Peel, who has now completed the 58th ...


... IBLB INTE~LLGENC. 'sty' held her first levee for the present season at er 0Jesy on ednesday Shortly before two o'block , Jaimel5 nd prince Albert, attended by the Great Oailcers of ?? 1 1d and escorted by a detnehument of the Life tile Hit5e1 1Buckingiiam Palace in three of the royal carriages, iu'rd eded to St. James's. Her Majesty and her illustrious 0lrt were loudly cheered by tile ...


... FAhSHoNABL INTELLIGENCB. I Monday was the blrth-day of the Duke of Cambridge, ho completed his 72d year. ,The Counteai De Salis and Miss De Salis arrived in Loudon on Saturday, from their residence at Dawley Lodge. The Hen and Rtev. E. S. and Lady Maria Keppel have rved at the Earl of Charlemont's, Grosvenor.street, London, arm a visit to the Earl of Leitrim, at his seat, Killadoon. The Duke ...