... |I _ _ A few days ago there vdis formed at Glasgow The Glasgow Commercial Travellers' Total Astlinence Society. There is au arintocracy olf rags, as there in ad atthtocracy of stars and ?? Jerrold. Let your recreations be manly,, moderate, seasonable, and lawful: tih use of recreation is to strengthen your labour, and sweeten your rest.-Sfeele. . Goethe on Shahspears._HIs chlgractera!are ...


... MR. DAWSON ON THE STUDY OF GERMAN . ' .LITERATURE. 55 On Monday evening, at tbeMechlamicsInstitaation, GEORGE exI DAwsox, Esq. Of Birmingham, delivered the first of two lec. PO tures, on The Study of German Literature by Englishmealn. tra ?? at the Psreviouas course of lectures delivered at this institui- 'wo letion byltfr. DAWSONc, there was a very large and respectable thi as attendance, ...


... A BITTER TiUTH.c-We level the poor to the dust by our ge- neral policy, and take inflnite credit to ourselves for raising them up again with the grace of charity.-Fonblaaque. TIuE PLEASURE OF GIVING.-I am rich enough, and can aflbrd to give away £100 a year. I would not crawl apon the earth without doing a little good. I will enjoy the pleasure of what I give by giving it while alive, and ...


... - Metargo Jt 1~ -- - - It to BEAUTIES OF BYRON. th :NO. 1*1351. c gu ~of This tile is not a favourite of ours, although it con- |T. tains several passages of great beauty. We confine ourselves to thb following extract tsa TttE RSISING. Within that land was many 4 malcontent, li Who cursed the tyranny to which he bent; Si The soil full many a wringing despot saw, Who work'd his wantonness in ...


... Rtbfto. TAIT'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE - MARCn. Edinburgh: W. Tait, Princes-street; London: Simpkiin, Marshall and Co. BuRTo.'i's Life and Correspondence of David IHume is the subject of the opening article in this month's number of Tait's MIagazine. Judging by the extracts given in this article, the philosopher does not appear to great advantage in this work. We gather from this review that Mr. ...


... 00oetrp. 011I LUT MIE NOT DIE. Ot) jot me notilde wholn tills bright e brti is weaing Its rich brolidl'rd curpot or lonafint) of fluvror; I Would noot ticart whorl All ?? is breathing Its incelo of praise from deeatoil irolOoI ard bower. Oh I lot me iot dlie wirorl thD weot baontlo areo 1ingio. Theoir (ica frgrullO through ebrth rind through air, &aod out of ther ?? tlero Ioor 00e3 rleagimg, ...


... * TilOoAS 0o0153. TMU CHART39T'S WOREB. I THE PURGATORY OF SUICIDES. A Prison Rhyme. In Ten Books. (Orne Vol., 7a. 6d.) I The most wonderful effort of intellectual power pro| fluced within the last ?? Britannia. Here we have a genuine poem springing out of the spirit of the times, and indeed out of the heart, and ex- I erience of one who has wrestled with and suffered in it. It is no other ...

Public Amusements

... Oiblit Amnitomnito. (e COLOSSECm, REGxNT's PAkK,-We recently visited this Io magnificent exhibition, which, by the liberality of the it proprietor (Mr. Montague), is now placed within the r, reach of the industrious millions, the prise of admission r- being reduced one-half, whilst its attractions are in. Be creased. We were first introduced to the Glyptotheca, e or Museum of Sculpture, in ...


... oet~ro. THE MISERIES OF WAR. TT is a 6righhtfal Visloal far and wide Roii the fli~ice MiUMeS Of a humane tidle; There I1 the tolisguoe imarch, the ceaseless strife, The murder'd Ilnfat anid the ravish'd wrfoe, Tile bharniet hilxalnet, the descrtaQ plain,: CrueshIl by tilc living, elienerdl by tihe stain: There, tlo, the reckless itogh, the aclsatll cheer ThaLt stehel trim hoantd ofdcbous the ...


... 1Ltteraturc. Blohn's Standasrd Librsssy-Vfe If Leo the Tenth; catif S/ilegels 11' Fhiteassphy of Iistor-y.-II. Bohnl, York-street, Covenlt-gardenl, w London.ii Blihn's Standard Library is a marvel of cheapness. The ' works of whichl it is composed are of tile highiest character ;the paper, typography, and binding are unexceptionable; and the olmsaeissued to the public at a rice which places ...


... MUSICAL INTELLI GENCE. SACRED HlARMONIC SOCIETY. ?? lnis e en the uisiom of this society, for several soea50fl, to elevoto rne evenin.-.' to the l'trfortnieince Of ?? rn'i.Last ceight Exeokr-icail wee crowded for, the orerett01l n1inny amateurs comoing' front the euuntry expre'syt - to tendlie hr rmet' ug. Thes chrl' body was accrnricl.It'd o-n 10' the ithai nuoniors orgatn by Mr. TuRtLFc, Of ...