... _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - ?? A _ i.* .. 54 Fs7FHER's GALLERY OF SoCIPTURE ENGRAVINGS.- ch 4 Parts 1-0.-Londou: Fisher, Son, and Co. an 38 In this collection, the chefs d'wzwre of Raffaelle, Rubens, he Vandyke, Rembrandt, Guido, Corregio, Guercino, Leonardo or ie da Vinci, West, Copley, and many other world-renowned m - painters, are given at it very moderate price. The letter- is] .t ...


... TsiIt BliETssOVFN QtUAtrTrT SOClETY.-The second meeting took place last night, in Ilarley-street, in presenice of the Earl of Falmouth (the President of the imninittec), Sir W. Curtis, Sir Andrew Blarnard, Sir Giffil Wilson, Sir W. Newton, AMr. Alsager, Si! George Smart, Mr. Costa, Mr. Moscheles, Mlr. KIingemann, M. Climes, Mr. Neate, Mr. Ella, Mr. atitd Mr.. Anderson, Mr. Novello, Mr. C ...


... 1L I T I' 11. t le A'LI 'I'THLATIJ,?,'. Si r lD'A .A1t 1i, lt.b 1i.x 1LI ru o-i itiii Iv of .J1 ry itirst ro!l it-il ait this Ilattivt ivitS revivi I Iv-re, ilvi'i a Va~t ?? diiilrill_' li{-1 t1r- VI igioal'. 1Nc hlli,I of .dil-h li is ?? 0:1 pol Wir llNCH allnl Si RtllKi.ANJ, ijo pertinillld ClpfK>,lic~i 1Il..ieg/SmioothX 21lul ?? I ' I 11 il tiieir pliacs wure tile' i ly Mr. 1lit i nind Mr. ...


... --F-AS-I110-1VABL.g INPELLIGENCE. The Queens, Prince Albert, and suite, left Osborne Ruent at hialf-past nine o'clock on Friday morninig, oroesed In the Fairy eteata.paoce t to Gosport, and travelled to London by a secal ran. heroyal party arrived at Buckingbam Palaoe at lalfplcst one oelock, eecorted by a party of Liglst Dragooas. athelpg Conent'3 of Charieenlont haa succeeded the Mar. Thee ...

The Daily News

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. TO-MORROW EVENING, March 7, will be repeated (for the Second Time in this country) Verdi's celebrated Opera of N'abueo under the title of NINO, with new Scenery, Dresses, and Decorations. Ninus, King of Assyria, Signer Fornasari; Idaspe, Signor Corelli; Orotaspe (High Priest of the Temple of Isis), Botelli; Abdallo (an Officer of the King of Assyria), Signor Daiflori ...


... OXFORD, March 21. The examiners appointed to elect a scholar Beau Ireland's foundation for the promotion classical learning and taste, hare announced to the Vice-chancellor that they have elected Thomas Ansell Marshall, scholar of Trinity College. There were nine candidates. The following gentlemen have been elected of University College:—John Conington, demy of Magdalen College, Ireland ...


... VaaDt's Nabucco, music to the drama of Ninowa per- forme~d for thle second time on Saturday night. in the pro- 0 ductior OfloD curiously odd a libretto as that of Nino, VERDI I has beers disgraced, and but an ill coniplirnent paid to the a good settse unid good taste of thle subscribers. , The work, in I~ its unchanrgedt form, is one ot the religious. dramatic ora- b tories, such its the Mose ...


... - a.w - I DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. , The number of this dlagazine for the preseut month Is one of the rnli5a diversified and delightful which we have: b for a long ti -e read, in spite of some drawbacks buth poli- tical and religious. The opening artiuleli one teeming with ti eloquence, and styled The Sculptor's First Love. The hero ii of the tale in the selebrated Cauiva. If it could be ...


... kASSHIONABLE INTB.LLI lENCE -v ,The Marquis and Marchioness of Normanby, Lord Lady Holland, Lord and Lady Poltiniorehe Earl andt and of Lietowel and family, the Hon. r Yorkei &c., are amongst the English f ayhionebles a he beeltt , ing at Florence during the Carnival. lb The Marquis and Marchioness of Lasedowne are 51 seclusion at Bowood, owing to the late domestic ?? their family. icn Lady ...


... JI.M1SYC'L LV'IX'llf.lNCE. from , intr, of'IN tis' li'llsi.. imloiicte's that Vjt1im %; netw opera of .cAtfle, ivits ?? the( FCIIi('e oiit., preceditit eVelnhe', %with i~e moest ellttiiioie~te i'reTcs, till' composer andl the singrers Polityclh'tt Oil thle ettp't inl 11t' course of' thi ?? Ilon' ttiltt ?? titl'05. It Wil- thtus CI'tt :-.Atttht1, M ~Iix ;h~i Ci'(OS V NeI N'tI (barifottt) ; ...


... LSC.SI CA L INTELLIGENEC'. g FIRST CONCERT OF 'THE PR1ILIIARM'iONIC is SOCIETY. i r Suichi an open nlg concir ri c ?? of is st nic lit at thle r- Ilntinover-square Rooms1 lisa tever hinfore beer, known lin 3t Phlilhiarmonic annuls. Never Aius stint, extriiorliniiry ie enthul sini mini fested ; it woai itidee'l1 pritinevit ot ty gpiitriotitnm e'tiltiti in tlie. upeman ocy of utoivte talenit. ...


... LITERlATURE. HOGG'S WEEKELY ISTRUCTOR. art XIII. di The numbers of the Instructor for the month now closing p, present the usual attractive features of sterling original talent, and careful and judicious selection. The opening paper deals Pn with that vital question of social economy, Institutions for ri Reclairning Deserted Children, as to which, through the In untiring benevolence of ...