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Bristol, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... 4'bOgtrD,u T'III IfIOlmolm Ole WAR! lvmlitiiti~ ~ ~ ~~II 1 lo tii!i~utllrjill8ai ilul Aarls 4 ilI l f t1110 44411I *|,1 .YIT m ]'lhh= iitr ffill ilmwi Ilid{ltllll l I I lll 11 I VIIl llo WIiidf mll'lllts il~t A 1111 4 if14441111 Ita lu';{1 Y1 $ I r iu Jl it 1 414141 JPil, i1q 4141 I I114114 ul l4 A11 1 ll III 41'l4s Alliltlilll~lt( ) It 011111' 4411441 imit llm orY' 'lrlt~t 'PI, lffilll' ztr ...


... 00oetrp. 011I LUT MIE NOT DIE. Ot) jot me notilde wholn tills bright e brti is weaing Its rich brolidl'rd curpot or lonafint) of fluvror; I Would noot ticart whorl All fAturo is breathing Its incelo of praise from deeatoil irolOoI ard bower. Oh I lot me iot dlie wirorl thD weot baontlo areo 1ingio. Theoir (ica frgrullO through ebrth rind through air, &aod out of ther soItru tlero Ioor 00e3 ...


... oet~ro. THE MISERIES OF WAR. TT is a 6righhtfal Visloal far and wide Roii the fli~ice MiUMeS Of a humane tidle; There I1 the tolisguoe imarch, the ceaseless strife, The murder'd Ilnfat anid the ravish'd wrfoe, Tile bharniet hilxalnet, the descrtaQ plain,: CrueshIl by tilc living, elienerdl by tihe stain: There, tlo, the reckless itogh, the aclsatll cheer ThaLt stehel trim hoantd ofdcbous the ...


... 1Ltteraturc. Blohn's Standasrd Librsssy-Vfe If Leo the Tenth; catif S/ilegels 11' Fhiteassphy of Iistor-y.-II. Bohnl, York-street, Covenlt-gardenl, w London.ii Blihn's Standard Library is a marvel of cheapness. The ' works of whichl it is composed are of tile highiest character ;the paper, typography, and binding are unexceptionable; and the olmsaeissued to the public at a rice which places ...


... A BITTER TiUTH.c-We level the poor to the dust by our ge- neral policy, and take inflnite credit to ourselves for raising them up again with the grace of charity.-Fonblaaque. TIuE PLEASURE OF GIVING.-I am rich enough, and can aflbrd to give away £100 a year. I would not crawl apon the earth without doing a little good. I will enjoy the pleasure of what I give by giving it while alive, and ...

Fine Arts

... Sine arto. --l- ------- ---I- THE ALBERT ROOMS. [sEcoND NOTICE.] The favourable ImpressIon made on a first visit to this colleo- tion becomes strengthened on a more careful inspection of the plcturcs-liany of which are of great merit-some admirable. The claims upon our space (occasioned by the very important business now before parliameut) preclude the possibility of a formal critical ...


... It Tie Westminster Review ; No. L XXX PI L-arcl .-G . ierford, Whitefriars' street, London. The IVestmninster opens with a paper on the Social, Moral, and Intellectual Condition of the Army, in which a low estimate i is taken of armies generally; and the necessity for the better i professional education of the British olficer Is insisted upon. In I an article on historical romances, '1 The ...


... Ingratitude is the Abridgment of all basoness-a fault never Joun nattended with other vliotusuess.-Faller. TnE SEIullvITY or CounT ins.-In the lMemoirs of Count Grammont,' it is related of Louis XIV. that baying a dispute ait ohess with one of his courtiers, no one ptesent would give an gpinion. Oh 1 said he, hlere cornea Count lhamilton, he shall acoide which of us is In the right. Your ...


... LITE RARY VARIETIES. I AIDS Tro REFLECTON.-An hour of solitude passed in eincere I and earnest prayer, or the conflict with, and conquest over, a esingle passion, or subtle bosom sin, will teach us more of I thought, will more effectually awaken the faculty, and form the e habit of reflection, than a year's study in the schools without o them.-Coteridge. I I3TELLECTUAL PRECOCITY.-A child ...


... poetr,. I TIOTETU'S NO SUCHI GKl1 AS 311NIO. oil I IIOCI CC COICIII iiI) Ati li rotse- go l fll~tql~woovl0ttlty 11017sonr0 In r~ol~jill o 111CC m of heartmC I'C )I iThl ijsr 111111n o wlortivor HIllO go 'I'lloro lo it migh wherever mb to paN s A IlinqR11 ilor wie tllm t roti thot poo~l.l, Io (lo'll], her tClo rioll nilt IColluC I HNlolm wol~olooli)Ct NvCry dour- AOIl, t1101,41 'H It) Ci iUCO ...


... LTrERARY VARIETIES. RussiANq AGRICULTvnE.-The skill of the Russian eppeI6 in agricultural operations, when I visited the country, could not be considered otherwise than in a very primitive state, and the implements in general use were of the rudest description. The s land is cultivated chiefly by women, children, or old men. It e is not an uinusuai sight to see one hundred women at plougli, ...