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Yorkshire, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRBIFSPONDFNTS. I b To II It. L., High FHoylaud,-The communication was attended to . last week but appeared in part only of our impression. i The letter of Mr. D. Ross, ou tile Saitalry ConditIon of Leeds, in our next. n The 8oWrC QE on Wednesday ie evening last, tia Oteoof the noet' b)flhisnt of the Beaesn.. - )y The Deske fof IDevons ieiprooilging his stay l h. Mon'sibur Eolapd biather ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W~a~ ?? (h;CPER. T13I~Z GAl'eT'lST'h i3 WOEKS. (To be had of John Cleave, and all boolksellers.) Just published, TWO ORATIONS AQOIKST nt TAKING AWAY HUMAN LIFE, p TTNDEiZ any Cireumstanecs; rind in explanation and U defence of the mnisrepresented doctrine of Non Resistance. (Delivered in the National Hall, Holborn, on the evenings of February 25th and March 4th.) Chapman, Brotlers, 121, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f l ?? #is for~ jrersiO _ _ _ _ -Ths P~iI~h ?? usual ii' QUARTEBLT COLLECTION for the ChoiT ot this i i lbe made after Morning and Evening Service, on ' uedayl, th.Fjfletralb v5it IESLEYAN SUNDAY S0 i EPMONS- will be preached in OxOI L0 HPL ~cs ?? , M15l1 tile El'ghlJL, InI beafo D Sna -5chools connected Wit thabv hpl ?? It. iAJpkcIloNALE3. Servcetcomnea llfps Te.o lck itie orning, end t s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEST UiDING OF YORKSHIRE. SPRING SESSIONS, 1846. N OTICE Is hereby Given, that the SPRING GENE. N RAi. QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACl for the West Riding of the County of York, will be holdei at PONTEFRACT, on MousNr, the SIXTH day ofAPSIF next; on which day the Court will be opened at Eleven o'clock of the forenoon, and on every succeeding day at Nine o'clock. Prosecutors and Witnesses In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be ready -ext Monday, Price Is., TWO ORATIONS, GAINST TAKING AWAY HUMAN LIFE, under A any Cireuustarnces; and in explanation oind defence of the risrepres.tuted doctrine of No.-Resistaice. (Delivered in the National Hall, Holborn, on the evenings of February 25th an1d ?? 4th.) BY THiOMAS CooraE, THE CHJARTIST, (Author of tho Purgatory of Suicides, & c.)-ChapmOam, Brothers, 121,N.ewYgate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... coot4A TOlR!HE CHA TZUT - ~WOESD. - - To be had Of John Cleave, and all booksellers., (Price One Shilling.) TWO ORATIONS AGAINST TAKING AWAY HUMAN LIFE. TNDElt any Circumstances; and ia explanation and U defense of the misrepresented doctrine of- Non yesistance. (Delivered in the National Hall, Holborn. en the evenings of February 25th and March ith.) These orations, regarded merely as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jst ps'l ihsd, Sixteestl& Edition, iustrated with cu aes, and ci fu l-lngth engravings, price 2s. 6d., in a scaled envelope, it aw d sent free to any part of the kingdom, on the receipt vi of al Ias.0or oder for 3a. d. n THE SECRET COMPANION, a MEDICAL WORK on nervous debility and the con. L A cealed cause of the decline of physical strength and T loss of mental capacity, with remarks on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THOM.IAS COOP;R, THE CILARTIST'S (To be'had ot Johu Cleave, and ell bookseliers.) Just published, price It. TWO ORATIONS AGAINST TAKING AWAY HIUMNAN LIFE, TT$DER any Oircumstances; and in explanasios and V.- defenice of the misrepresented doetrine of Non. Resistance. (Delivered in the National Hail, Holborn, on the evessings of February 25th and IMsrch 4th.) Chapman, Brothers, 121, Newgate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 EEDS BACHELORS' BALL.-Resolved,1 M- That this llall be POSTPONED from Wednesday, the Bo Fifieenth, to irday, tiC Seventeenthl olf April next. By Order of the Committee, _ 3. AlarchI 3, It4i, JlEltTIE IliKtfLAND. Is Tr ;t -4IU letters, Post-pald, addressed to Advertisers throvrgh, the Of i Printiers are inrvriably forwarded to the part Advertsins _ *k it Ihurefin' an. Atpp~iieut d,:e; nlot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOUG;IS. l AW RSENESS, AND ALL ASI'- MAT1; AND PUi-.MONARY COMPLAINTS EFFECTUALLY CORED BY KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. U PWARDS of thirty iears' explerieace hasproved the V infallibility of these Lozengos in the Oure of Winter 'Cough. Hoarseness, Shortuesi of Breath, and gthsr Pul- monary maladies. The patronage ofhis Majesty tle IKing of Prussia has beevt bestowedb o them ; asalso has that of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. SPRING SESSIONS, 1486. I TOTICE is hereby Given, that the SPRING GENt 3 N RAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE &, the West Riding of the CountY of York, will be holds at PONTEFRACT, on MOnDAY, the SIXTH day o(f Aas next, on which day the Court will be opened at Eleven o'clock of the forenoon, and on every succeedilg day at Nine o'clock. g Prosecutors and Witnesses in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? NDPNDENT CHlAPEL, RAWDEN. ~o M~dol. MtchTu0en/.Tltird. 1646, the Found&tioO( ol itS EiiI~ if be laid by IIENItY, FORtBES, 1ltq.C~ .~ehOucor 'rye ill be offered by the the ~ie~ JON DENINNING, ofl Huddersfiold. n 4dteDdcatoly Prayer by the Sec Rev T S A LES , of Leeds. T An Adewllb dlivered by the to croisgcal Profesro h AieaeIdpidtt college. 'sid tile e.J STRtINGERt, of Idle ilgv out lymnus ...