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... On Tuesday evening Mr Macready took his benefit, and finished his engagement. He performed Micbeth to a bouse crowded in every part. The following strictures, which are from a correspondent, contain, we think, a very just estimate of this actor's merits. We have not heard two opinions as to his representation of Hamlet being altogether inferior, and,. with the exception of a few happy touches, ...


... LITERlATURE. HOGG'S WEEKELY ISTRUCTOR. art XIII. di The numbers of the Instructor for the month now closing p, present the usual attractive features of sterling original talent, and careful and judicious selection. The opening paper deals Pn with that vital question of social economy, Institutions for ri Reclairning Deserted Children, as to which, through the In untiring benevolence of ...


... Is On F day evedink the veteran Braham once more appeared e on our stage, being, if we recollect right, the first time he has donned the dramatic costirne here for the long period of six- teen years. It is really wonderful to behold Brabamn, and still possessing so much of that former energy and soul that far dis- h taneed all competitors. Braham mu2st hare snrvived two gene- d rations ...


... BORN'S S'AN1D?AD LIBRARY. ROCERT HEALLs MISICELLAwEoUs WoRIS-RosCoE's LIFE or LEO . EHenrv G. Bod. London. This enterprising publisher, being the holder of manv valu- able copyrights, including the above standard works, has wisels rcsolved to anticipate that season when they become commo'n property, by republishing an uniform edition in a cheap and elegant form. The present are fine specimens ...


... ?? WfEEKL IST1TRUCTOR. PartaXII. Feb. 1846. This is an excellent portion of the Instructor, brimful of talented original articles, biographies, selected tales, and judi- dlous extracts from new publications. The second volume of the wvork is here brought to a close, and the necessary titles and index furnished. On a calm retrospect of the two vo- lumes, it must, we think, be freely admitted ...


... (From the Atlas.) The nation has reason to feel much indebted to Mr. Evwart for bringing into discussion the duty on foreign books imported into this country. If nothing else result from the conversation that ensued in the House, we have at least obtained some insight into the relative value set by .Ministers upon various descriptions of articles likely to be imported into, and, we onay add, ...


... WVe are glad to be informed that the annual fund for the current year is in a very flourishing state, and that, conse- quently, the committee of management hare alreadybeen able to make some very important purchases of paintings from the tweentieth exhibition of the Royal Scottish Academv, which is at present open wvitbin the galleries of the Royal Institution Buildings. These paintings, along ...


... THE THEATRI. On Mondaly evening Mr Macready once more appeared on our stage. afrer t~re long absence of twelve or thirteen years. and was recei'ved in thle most filattering mantier bi3 a nume rous Louse, which towards tile latter pirt of the evening be- came quite crowdedl. Ie cirese Hamlet far his first essasy, a mart wilch he has: frequently pe arf led here on forrmer occa- C.ons. In j:idzai ...


... EXHIBITION OF THE SCOTTISH ACADEMlY. - - -. -- - - FOscarT1 NOTICE. We shall now take a glance at the Landscapes-a depart- ment in'which British art has some pretension to distinction- Nor is it unreasonable that it should, for no country present; nature under-a more varied aspect, or affords better upportu- nities for observation than our own. Accordingly-, we do think that so far as regards ...


... SALE OF MAZZOGANV. ?. w *U be sold, by public roup, on Weunespat the 4th day ~c next, at the Pocra Yard, (near Messrs Alex. Hall & Building Yard,) , HONDURAS MAHOGANY, r ST. DOMINGO Do. i °. CUBA Do. commence at 12 o’clock Noon, and Credit will be given. NEIL SMITH, Jun. Feb., 1846. Public Sale of American Timber. exposed to sale, by public roup, at the Subscribers’ next ar ...


... THOSE ofthe Creditors of GEORGE INGR AM, Merchant, Huntly, who have not already lodged their claims on Estate, are requested to hand them, properly vouched and verified, to Mr William Murdoch, Solicitor, Huntly, or John Clark, Advocate in Aberdeen, the Agents for the Trustees, within Fourteen days from this date, otherwise they will be excluded from all share of the funds which will be divided ...


... X -PEhRIoDIcAu FOR ?? 1846. BLACXeWOOD.-The Twenty-fourth Book of Homer's fiad, translated into English hexameters, is the first article here submitted to the criticalijudgment of the learned, with a pro- mise of more if the award be favourable. The Student of Salamanca's stirring career continues. Moses and Son, a sketch of heartless cupidity, is followed by pleasant sketches of Vricly, a ...