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Morning Chronicle


... MUSICAL INTELLI GENCE. SACRED HlARMONIC SOCIETY. ?? lnis e en the uisiom of this society, for several soea50fl, to elevoto rne evenin.-.' to the l'trfortnieince Of ?? rn'i.Last ceight Exeokr-icail wee crowded for, the orerett01l n1inny amateurs comoing' front the euuntry expre'syt - to tendlie hr rmet' ug. Thes chrl' body was accrnricl.It'd o-n 10' the ithai nuoniors orgatn by Mr. TuRtLFc, Of ...


... TIHE P OLITIC AL B ID)S-- OT 0 T lER I A .ANIMA LS. (NOT OF ABRTSTOVttIANEs.) ?? THE IlEhiSE. Quirl;! quirlk! quirk! qllirk quirk' C obble! gobille! gobl)le! Here 's a pretty piece of work We're in t hobble. To feed on the land Our species wItS born Bet our ruin is plaun'd Throughi Free-Trade in corn. What a ?? shle me Let us hiss Peel and Graliin. Oh !cani' they the slid lug-scale Inatiape to ...


... LITERA TUR E. A History of 0.eere. L. Legendarn Greece. 2. Grecian Histo)fly t/, the. 'enivn of Peisistrutus at Athens. By GEOnrisn GROTri, Esq. Vol. 2. [Londou: John Murray, Albemnarle-stree-t. 1slCON(D NOTICE.] Me Mr. Grote, in this volumDe, CommenceS with tlle ;- closing events in the legendary history of Gret cc- Th'liese are the re turn of the IHerakicids to Pelopon- eness: thie origin ...


... I JtMUSICAL INTE'LLJGL'NECE. IlId- I-- - ren- CONCERT oF ANCIENT MUSIC. The fii'ot concert for the season was given last iiigit, ?? the ?? Rooms, under thle direction ,,oll of the, E'arl of' Cnw-oar, Sir 11. R. Biishop offiiciltllg- fas ?? conductor, and Mr. Lucas as organist. The rnime of' lender'' hasl been very ilromtl'l abolbilsheld, fnod wi011 A go, thils'9iig disapplears a monstrousa ?? ...


... ITILLAIi TESTIMONIAT FUND, IN AID 01 Tlll: EItI.- N ro01o A MUMUSIC AlL.L.-'The seconld choral inietilig took plame last night ut JExeter lall, the pro- gimiiinlme, aiS u1sual, being dividled into sacred and secuir parts, conducted by Mr. MAY. Amongst the fitrmer pieces were FARRIA Nr's altheml, ' Lord, ibr thy tender lnefeitil sake, which is always taken too slow ; and CROTCIH'S fine in1otet ...


... TsiIt BliETssOVFN QtUAtrTrT SOClETY.-The second meeting took place last night, in Ilarley-street, in presenice of the Earl of Falmouth (the President of the imninittec), Sir W. Curtis, Sir Andrew Blarnard, Sir Giffil Wilson, Sir W. Newton, AMr. Alsager, Si! George Smart, Mr. Costa, Mr. Moscheles, Mlr. KIingemann, M. Climes, Mr. Neate, Mr. Ella, Mr. atitd Mr.. Anderson, Mr. Novello, Mr. C ...


... 1L I T I' 11. t le A'LI 'I'THLATIJ,?,'. Si r lD'A .A1t 1i, lt.b 1i.x 1LI ru o-i itiii Iv of .J1 ry itirst ro!l it-il ait this Ilattivt ivitS revivi I Iv-re, ilvi'i a Va~t ?? diiilrill_' li{-1 t1r- VI igioal'. 1Nc hlli,I of .dil-h li is ?? 0:1 pol Wir llNCH allnl Si RtllKi.ANJ, ijo pertinillld ClpfK>,lic~i 1Il..ieg/SmioothX 21lul ?? I ' I 11 il tiieir pliacs wure tile' i ly Mr. 1lit i nind Mr. ...


... VaaDt's Nabucco, music to the drama of Ninowa per- forme~d for thle second time on Saturday night. in the pro- 0 ductior OfloD curiously odd a libretto as that of Nino, VERDI I has beers disgraced, and but an ill coniplirnent paid to the a good settse unid good taste of thle subscribers. , The work, in I~ its unchanrgedt form, is one ot the religious. dramatic ora- b tories, such its the Mose ...


... JI.M1SYC'L LV'IX'llf.lNCE. from , intr, of'IN tis' li'llsi.. imloiicte's that Vjt1im %; netw opera of .cAtfle, ivits ?? the( FCIIi('e oiit., preceditit eVelnhe', %with i~e moest ellttiiioie~te i'reTcs, till' composer andl the singrers Polityclh'tt Oil thle ettp't inl 11t' course of' thi ?? Ilon' ttiltt ?? titl'05. It Wil- thtus CI'tt :-.Atttht1, M ~Iix ;h~i Ci'(OS V NeI N'tI (barifottt) ; ...


... LSC.SI CA L INTELLIGENEC'. g FIRST CONCERT OF 'THE PR1ILIIARM'iONIC is SOCIETY. i r Suichi an open nlg concir ri c ?? of is st nic lit at thle r- Ilntinover-square Rooms1 lisa tever hinfore beer, known lin 3t Phlilhiarmonic annuls. Never Aius stint, extriiorliniiry ie enthul sini mini fested ; it woai itidee'l1 pritinevit ot ty gpiitriotitnm e'tiltiti in tlie. upeman ocy of utoivte talenit. ...


... PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. We have much gratification fii announcing to our musical readers that her MAXESTY baa commanded the noxt Pi- harmonic Concert on the 30th instant (this day week), and will honour it with her presence, accompanied by the Princo Consort. ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC. This institution has now been in existence neorly a quar- ter of a century; it has maintaitned a very creditable ...


... MUSICAL INTELLIGENCE'. CONCERT OF ANCIENT MUSIC. The second concert, tinder the direction of the Duke of WELLIGTONwas given last ilight at the Hianever- square Rooms. We annex the scheme: PAIT'l 1. Coronaltion Anthemi Thle Kllrr shlall roedoi ?? IANDSL.r Aria, Signor F. LA rLACTIn. I) voi delI' Eireho (La It- HAINDEL ?? ?? I.. ?? ?? .. .. : TriO fnod Chonis, mrs. SHAWrs, Matamle Cmirnil ?? ...