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London, London, England

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..II \M SHIPS from LONDON-BRIDGE! 1^ V. 11 \RI . — Pa--eiigers w.iik on buard. Magnificent fir-t- , ?? „,,-iiip-

... direct and best loutel, - „ - 1 i NO. .-very Wednesday and sa; uday morning. M . .very Thursday and Saturday Morn; £. , „ i|>..v.ry Thu.-s.lay and Sunday Mornin-;. I 1 ,v.ry Tuesday ami Friday, at ■> Morning. „ ?? :'il 111. ev.ry Wedues.dayand baturelay. at 0 EviMiing. ?? ami any further information, apply to the Ge- -11 N.ivis-.iii.u. Coinpanv, at ?? Lombard-street, or 37 ' c . -. Pi. idilb ...

Published: Monday 09 March 1846
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 18924 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? T ? N ' U - S -> calliQ g **t HALIFAX ' i tfSa* n

... A'x, y ?? alls and Pass°ngers.-The BRl- ll^hiy_f_f^lß^ . HOY^ MAIL STEAM- CAMi^NIA cant .? P ?? wlce ever y monthasunder:- -: C BUI A, Cknt £w £' ?? OTT - Saturday, April 4. JVh? !• '^ludinenrnvi- E JUDKI NS > Sunday, April 19. I V b U witb outw g i^! 1 1 . S !- ns ' t0 Hallta * ° r Boston, 38 gui- ?? Vi^-Wsfw !Tn«. hquorB ' * hich can b « obtained on I Kfr a ? e a PPIv t o _ if U ii nea^ ...

I-) ?? . via Brighton and Dieppe, every Satur- i.v ?? Ge ue-ral Ste-ani Navigation Company's .-le-irant ?? ?? tr

... ?? Kingston Wharf. Shorchain. March 14. at . ?? .* Irv.- afternoon ; 28, at Twelve noon. For lais apply at 69, Lombard-street, and 37, Regent- - P. llla.-k, Old S-.'vnr, Brighton; and the l; Iwav Stations. Ml \i l- FOR COALS Ful; HER MAJESTY'S M *vll STEAM-PACKETS, _re. 1 1 UIIMFVf oi the STOREKEFLPER-GENERU oi ! ■ N V\ V, !-oin.r-i--uace, March 10,1846. •r X Commissioners for executing the ...

Published: Thursday 12 March 1846
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16003 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

De Da *£? N J RACTS F OR CANVAS. 1 epartment of the Storekeeper General of the Navy, SkJI?? MISSI

... °NERS for executing the o» ?? r 'tai„ ?? 1 P-S h Admiral of the United Kingdom ol 2,? R II>AV tv lsnd do HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, thai ' trc'al Jl] of A P ril n « xt . at One o'clock, they will be C TR ACT f_. th s,l,h Persons a. may be willing tc ™i'il, Port, L WPlying her Majesty's Dockyards al (i__i ? I* 1 ?? and ficvonport, with &% 1-60 B if , BOLT » OF CANVAS Wd Deoe Knwt 18 inches wide| ' ...

■WERT. ROTTERDAM, and the RHINE, ?? ,- best route from Black wall Pier.— The Genera; Company's first-rate and ..

... IU-csty's mails, are a), pointed to leave the above pier ■ |;I>AM, every Wednesday and Saturday Morning at „ VNTWLTIP every Thursday, at ten Morning. -• . - -\ ipp'.i ,. 51*. Lombard-street; or 37. Regent- CONIR Vi 1 - 1 OR CANVAS. ■vI'IMKNT ol th- SToREKEEPEE-GENERAI.of th, NAVY. N.nierset-placc, Marcii s. lfi46. nr.niissioners for executing the Office of l:_ . Admiral of th- l nited Kingdom ...

Published: Tuesday 10 March 1846
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16912 | Page: Page 1, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

• VTWKRP. BRUSSELS, and the RHINE V -'■ H.-uis ?? .—The Antwerp lompa-.v'- '■•'■ '-rv fay. r.o steam-ship ..

... V- JACKSON. Command.., leaves the st. • i ..wer. . v ry S«i day morning at Ten o'clock An'w.rp every We.l-i-sdav morning, at Eleven. •.::• s upimnt of ?? v, ?? be nr.i.'.e l-i M. ssr- ?? heiielmr.-h-str-et, -vbere. as well as tl t ;h ...

Published: Friday 13 March 1846
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17597 | Page: Page 1, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE CAttS!* 3l INDIA HOUSE, llth March. 18.8. ft. ikdia n? T of DIRECTORS of the EAST -V_. i W.;

... T p CO A p ANYdo HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, ?? Bill/* O '^EXCHANGE at which they will receive iirt ; a «. ombay is. n jd. the Company's rupee. TTjq^ — . JAMES C. MELVILL, Secretary. ?? °OMp AI jy N GDOM LIFE ASSURANCE too&dbyA ct ' f £' Waterloo-place, Pall-mall, London. 1$ ji» ...

•OTKAM to BOMBAY. CEYLON, MADRAS. UiCTTV and CHINA.— ELANS of all STEAMERS th' 1 .:ui maj be had on application;

... and every infor- ■■'. with tbe journey, whether by long sea or over- •'■ pr pth afforded on inquiry. Packages • v.rv i educed rates. Arrangements have been made ■•. .: . :■ i.vevv of samples. JAMES 11 VRBER and CO., 17, St. Mary Ax. . A NTWERP. BRUSSELS, and the RHINE f\ ?? co S.veu Hour- onl;, .—The- Antwerp Company's „ -plii.did. and very favourite steam-ship PRINCESS IK I' THOMAS ...

Published: Wednesday 11 March 1846
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 20083 | Page: Page 1, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

_„„ ARMY CONTRACTS. Nr.rrt9Xt ICE of ORDNANCE, Pall-mall, March 9, 1846. UIICE is HEREBY GIVEN to all persons ..

... CONTRACTING to SUPPLY to h«. ?? EAT . BREAD, OATS, and FORAGE, ?? I r la J es *y's land ferces (Bread and Meat for the Foot toents A^Z. for the Household Cavalry excepted)) in canton- *allv \5 .S r r rs > a d barracks, in the counties of England seve- re ?? a , les > in North Britain, in the Isle of Man, and in J_avn_T? n - el Isl ands, for Seven Months from the Ist of W next, inclusive, ...

P T^ltp» 0 v J? EW YORK. -The GREAT Mat^'AT WEBTp P _/\r MSmP COMPANY'S Steam ships, )VS i.-T ??

... lN * 1 « ) l | tons, 450 horses' power. B. K. -U-* 0 8 . IOWWT' , Comm ander; the GREAT BRITAIN, '• •'\ vor * Lieutenant JAMES HOSKEN, nier.are intended to SAIL as follow :- -1,1 u VERPon. R , EAT WESTERN. ?? . '''i NEW YORK, 1846. ■im .V ' nl - Thursday 7ch M ay. ?? f__\ *V- Thursday 26th June. fcC:* lath i I' Ih««d^ 2oth a Uf : m ?? J2? g«P«- Thursday Mil Oct -V, r7„, oct - Thursday ...

Ur\UK. ROUEN, and PARIS.— The General: - . V n .-arioii (*ompaiiv'> lnavniriceiit and rapid Steam- w . id .:

... VME> WAIT, ire appointed t.i leave the- - Wh.irffur Ha-n. March If). 20. -5. and 29. ' at •!. Morning. The RAINBOW To-morrow. To secure N apply al tin Genera! Steam Navigation Company's n. bard-street, or 37. R-gent-circus. „v r; HOLDERS of SPANISH PASSIVE ?? Meeting ol the ?? ?? Passive Bondholders i ii -o ...

Published: Saturday 14 March 1846
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17205 | Page: Page 1, 8 | Tags: Classifieds