... P~~)OFETR~Y. - I7 . Crlerf o no surbt GMit asw mi~ne. On, ,there's no such girl as mine In all the wide world round: With her hair of golden twine. And her voice of silver sound. 1ier eyos are black as the sloes, And quick Is her ear so fine, And her breath Is as sweet as the rose- There's no such girl as mineI Her spirit so sweetly flows. Unconscious winner of hearts: There's a smile wherever ...


... lpottrp, THE POLISH INSURRECTION. [We suspend for a week our Beauties of Byron, to make way forthe following lines, which wreextract from the ll1s trsted London News of Saturday last-] 'ondFreedomi shrielt'd when liosciusko fell.-C1ttipboU. Eternal Pow'r! whose Word Divine Bath said that where thy Spirit dwells There also Freedom builds her shrine! And there the huuman bosom swells With ...


... | APSHIONABLg INTELLIGhENCE. . The Duke of Devonshire left WiS marine residence at Kiemp Town on Tuesday, for his graces villa at C nd fmck. The Marquis and Marolhioness of Abercorn an a sf arrived in London on Monday, from Brighton. The establlh ment shortly remove to the Priory, Stanmore, until after Easter. The Earl and Countess of Clancorty have taken up their residence at Beaufort House, ...


... j I Selioolftf the Voice, Or' theO Pri'tttcij)7,3 of Slait qgl ii 7Trtatfs lo'n the' c~tslt e attd evltos illent 01 0 tle Voce By JOHssIiIN BA RNET. ?? ''This is aninjvslutilo WOrk, asd sttelt is LI) ght be, uxeeptlttt F ?? Ott f tito first sittg;ittg'tttstuv8 inl thsl tcountry. It isLIT a oon Isotis to moaster aitd ptpsil, ?? vill Ifind ti o too Irsi 1 q%,ltly dishl utd tirotry path~ Of' ?? ...


... .pottrp+ THE POLISH INSURRECTION. [We suspend for a week our Beauties of Byron, to miake wayforthefollewin-lines, which weextract from the illustrated London ews of Saturday last.1 And Freedom shuiek'd when Kosciusko fell.-C'anpbel. Eternal Pow'sr! whose Word Divine Hath said that where thy Spirit dwells There also Freedom builds her shrine ! And there the human bosom swells With ...


... L's aruas's Trazee/s in Englanid. [Chapmnartam] 11n1. Suich a great and profound workfas this of D~octor u Carus ought not to be ?? taken i hand by ally et-I r'eadoir Or critic. III the fi rst place, it is ?? verv biulky work, thle larg-e pagos of' NN~x nit o] ' iii? quiiti' paintfully crowded byN type, hut kfl~o, to a hit'l Caunal glancet, 'it appear's to be alicolutel v stale, and StL ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS—Tuesday, Mahch 17. The committee on each of the following bills was ordered to meet on Thursday next: —Sligo and Shannon Railway Bill ; Gal way and Kilkenny Railway Bill. The following bills were specially reported from the Standing Order Committee, and leave was given to proceed with them: —York and North Midland Railway (Widening and Enlargement) Bill; Cambridge and Lincoln ...

If were to put implicit faith in the American press, or the American public, or in accounts received in

... Letters from Washington, we should have been alternately at peace and at war with the United States every fortnight for the last six months. Each mail brings a statement of one or other of these contingencies prevailing ; at one time all fury, at another all smiles ; when, if we come to examine the cause of the change, we find it to be some straw thrown up on the surface of opinion, either ...

Accident to Wm. Barth, Esq., President of ! the Money Ohdeh Department the General Post Office. —We have ..

... stating that, though the injuries received by this gentleman, from having been run over, arc of very serious nature, strong hopes are entertained of his ultimate recovery. The Income Tax. —The mode of putting this tax operation, in the Rochdale district, is becoming daily a greater nuisance. Appeal days have been going on at the Wellington Hotel ever sincc this year came in. A man with a 50s. ...


... LITEIA [lURE. -~(F'IRST NOTICE.) aA flitory, of G,'eei'e. 1. LTegelldory3 Greece. 2. (h'ecicn hi/t's t the Reoln7 qf' Peisislratzes at rt Athens. B3y (;roiv;T- GRpOTE',' ESq.- Vos. I [s anti 2. ,) Lonldon :John Murray, Alheitarie-streut. :% This is,, iii ec ui'v sense, a rellntt ktible nold most ?? Aillwh Io take! interest iii letts~ital literature I itt't, roisoil to Ile gratefitl for thle ...


... I I HrER MAJESTY S THEATRE. The opera of E}rnani was revived on Tuesday, for the purpose of introducing to the public three new vocalists, who failed so completely that it is unnecessary to record their names, or to give any detailed opinion. The manager is no doubt con- vinced of their inefficiency, since there is no hint of a reappearance. LYCEUM. The modern school of minor dramatic writing ...


... THEEATRICALS, &c. ?? The art itself is nature.-SHrAtsPsrEu. PRaNcriss's.-Mr. C. Mathews and Mad. Vestris have commenced their engagement at this theatre, the lady making her appearance in a new vaudeville called At Speaking Likeness, and the gentleman in ]its fdvourite character in Ile Would be ansAtasr. The vaudeville is of Fretoch extraction. and nothing is more simple that its stony:-A ...