... FAiHbON4DLE hBLVLGENCR. I . The Marquis and Maro7hioness of Londonderry leave Holderness House at the close of the weelk for Paris The marriage of the Viscount Caitlereagh with Lady Powerscourt will not take place before June, when the two years' widowhood of her ladyship will expire. The Viscount Castlereagh was expected in London on Monday from Paris, but will return to the French capital in ...

Bank of France.—lt would seem that the establishment of various Joint Stock Banks in France has had the effect of

... inducing the Bank of Franee to increase the number of branch banks. We find the following in the Journal des Debats: — The Bank of France has just come to an important decision. It is going to establish four new branch banks: one at Strassburp;, one at Valenciennes, one at Nismcs, and one at Mans. There will also be fifteen institutions of credit in the different departments belonging to the ...


... MUSICAL INTELLIGENCL'. ?? SOcIETY.-The firit eonlirt fallesi place at the 1anover-square RIoomi t,-nirtt. (ir SlItu- day morning wias the first rehear ?? A change has bheo made in the hour of begirininr it commenced at elevsn o'c'ock, and in three hours and a l all tlie i ntire pror amlimrele bad bc en gone through, thus leav'ng to the artisits v;l citri time before their evening duties. I lhe ...


... THIRD NOTICE. The class next entitled to notice, is that of CONVXRSAsIONS, by which the Dutch School chiefly acquired its renown. It is peculiarly fitted for the cabinet of the amateur, exhibiting hu- man life in every phase, and all the charms of colour, and all the interest of action within a small space. IST INTERIOtR&. No. 12.-1 The Jews Harp, by Wilkie. This little bit of the master, ...

LONDON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1846. In the House of Lords last evening, Lord Brougham said he wished to ask the

... noble chairman of the Building Committee, what hope there was of the new House of Lords being finished? Nothing had been done, in consequence, as he understood, of a quarrel between the architect of the out and the fitter up of the in side, since last May. The Marquis of Ci,anricarde observed that the evidence given at the last sitting of the committee was of that character which had induced ...


... I'Ll, NIVEVR SIN ;C AG AIN. (I':om 'a th Wlsil ol Cblsfr yn.l) A tir'd anol aged ?? jIrISS'd, \\ ithl hal p) in handt, piltl his way ile ?? unti: gi ao c! -- i.t, ?? his liast- T'l r artis ?? dlist ItIt eitv IN (Zn Frotim ?? to lae ioth'll iisl7ess, tttr''l1, At le'ngil t:,rni ?? hit elit iii Oatk{ Aid thIus, Ilis tl s i,,s 'ro ?? ?? 'I - Atiit l ourn: ?? t1 ce C delev biotic:- Aht ! !_tl' ...


... VARIETIES!, D The general' subsbriptions in Paris in favour of the Poles amounted, on Thursday week, to 25,100f., and that at'the Chamber ?? to 'nearly 8,000f., making, a total of about 33,000c . Removal of Foreiqn Bodirs from the Eye. -A Gorman writer has recently proposed that when a foreign body, such as a particle of straw, dust, &a., gets between the eyelids and globe of the qye, but ...


... Mr. Editor-The accompanying lines I forward for inser- tion in your Magazine, exactly as I received them; nor, although not intended for the public eye, do I fear any reproach from their distinguished writer in offering them for publication unauthorized. They are hold, manly, and well timned. Yours, L. ?? dear L.-I send you the song you wished to have. The Annericans totally forgot when they ...

One Martin Jennings was on Monday charged at Clerkenwell-office with the wilful murder of Mary : Murray. ..

... the blows inflicted by • the prisoner on his victim. The prisoner, who 1 was twice about addressing the court, says the rej porter, was stopped by the magistrate, saying it was not the proper time, and that he could not be too j cautious. It is not wholly improbable that Martin Jeni kings, conscious of his guilt, and hopeless of escape from the direct testimony of eye-witnesses of the 1 ...


... THE OLD CLOCK ON THE STAIBS. S _ . ?? BY 11. W. tONGPIILLOW. 0 I] Somewhat back from the villago street t Stands the old-faehioned country sect. Across its antique portico - Tall poplar trees their shedows throw; And from its station in the hall ri Au ancient time-piece says to all,- r tl For evor-never! Never-for ever! v V Half up tle stairs it stands, i And points aeiid beckons with its ...


... XE fLITERARY EXAMINER. A History of Greece. By George Grote, Esq. Vols. I and II. Murray. This book has been some time expected by scholars, with an interest sharpened by Mr Grote's occasional contributions to the classical and other reviews, on points connected with the subject of his inquiry. The volumes now put forth are an instalment of apparently about a fourth of the entire work. They ...