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... FASHIIOMABILE AMBITION. A TALE-WfIR7TTE FOR Tiir NlEt-I.r.TTKR. ' Well, dlmr muiiznina, yon muist try arid prevail upon psapa to Jet uts go to the races ;you know we have so vcry little ainose- mei'iit in thite dill eountry ; we see so little lociety, that I really it' inlk we shall become like savages at last. I'h'lre's Clara makes 11io bluish eveiy timei she openls her lips, she stiit ters, ...

returned to town res- Cm ar has arrived in town. The a Ueaujolic are still prolonging their stay Was ven

... the Clarendon Hotel on i? ount Karoli, by the Hon. George Smythe, L™' \i wcrc present the Marquis of Granby, Lord 1 , Mr. Peel, eldest son of the Premier, and guests. ainnrrl ' lU ' still prolonging his in* ' aro,K ' l)n Hotel, but will leave town in a few and Seal has arrived in town. hear repairing and decorating his > ma, the Beividere. i-Tr.J 111 ' I-adj Hatherton will leave town in a few ...


... LSC.SI CA L INTELLIGENEC'. g FIRST CONCERT OF 'THE PR1ILIIARM'iONIC is SOCIETY. i r Suichi an open nlg concir ri c ?? of is st nic lit at thle r- Ilntinover-square Rooms1 lisa tever hinfore beer, known lin 3t Phlilhiarmonic annuls. Never Aius stint, extriiorliniiry ie enthul sini mini fested ; it woai itidee'l1 pritinevit ot ty gpiitriotitnm e'tiltiti in tlie. upeman ocy of utoivte talenit. ...


... aitcrattire. S E lEC TIf I) P0 11'UF1.' COPE'lRN l tUS. The Mountain church of IFrauenburg liath many a narrow bed, Whtire the ?? n cross points npward And passnnts aweep their dead;- Stand we 1.1isi i. von' glavel store, A ad voil the reverent brnw, Al ?? upon the nmglity one 1\ lose hod v lies lbelow. EJ-t Ihiln 1 iinrlies,. as ni Star iIi- ro;V npoll the Ilivht, Andl outlin-s of the ...

If were to put implicit faith in the American press, or the American public, or in accounts received in

... Letters from Washington, we should have been alternately at peace and at war with the United States every fortnight for the last six months. Each mail brings a statement of one or other of these contingencies prevailing ; at one time all fury, at another all smiles ; when, if we come to examine the cause of the change, we find it to be some straw thrown up on the surface of opinion, either ...


... LYCEUM THE.ATRE. Lust evening the veritable General Tom TmiruBtews product d nt this theatre in a new Iyrical trgi-comedy, entitled Hop o'sey TUnnib, and founded upon the well- known nursery story about ?? giant and a pair of seven- league boots. The authorship of this production is Mr. ALBERT SMITHI, Who IIsI done something laz this way before, and in the present instance he certainly has pai ...


... I'Ll, NIVEVR SIN ;C AG AIN. (I':om 'a th Wlsil ol Cblsfr yn.l) A tir'd anol aged ?? jIrISS'd, \\ ithl hal p) in handt, piltl his way ile ?? unti: gi ao c! -- i.t, ?? his liast- T'l r artis ?? dlist ItIt eitv IN (Zn Frotim ?? to lae ioth'll iisl7ess, tttr''l1, At le'ngil t:,rni ?? hit elit iii Oatk{ Aid thIus, Ilis tl s i,,s 'ro ?? ?? 'I - Atiit l ourn: ?? t1 ce C delev biotic:- Aht ! !_tl' ...