... A BITTER TiUTH.c-We level the poor to the dust by our ge- neral policy, and take inflnite credit to ourselves for raising them up again with the grace of charity.-Fonblaaque. TIuE PLEASURE OF GIVING.-I am rich enough, and can aflbrd to give away £100 a year. I would not crawl apon the earth without doing a little good. I will enjoy the pleasure of what I give by giving it while alive, and ...


... MR. DAWSON ON THE STUDY OF GERMAN . ' .LITERATURE. 55 On Monday evening, at tbeMechlamicsInstitaation, GEORGE exI DAwsox, Esq. Of Birmingham, delivered the first of two lec. PO tures, on The Study of German Literature by Englishmealn. tra ?? at the Psreviouas course of lectures delivered at this institui- 'wo letion byltfr. DAWSONc, there was a very large and respectable thi as attendance, ...


... OXFORD, March 21. The examiners appointed to elect a scholar Beau Ireland's foundation for the promotion classical learning and taste, hare announced to the Vice-chancellor that they have elected Thomas Ansell Marshall, scholar of Trinity College. There were nine candidates. The following gentlemen have been elected of University College:—John Conington, demy of Magdalen College, Ireland ...


... THE THEATRICAL EXAMINEIL. IJAYMARKET. When the papers do agree, says Pnel their unanimity is wonderful. Yet can we hardly think it wonderful that they have agreed about the new comedy. It is really very clever. It is carefully constructed, and has both incident and character. Not that there is anything, in: either respect, absolutely new in it; but in both it has some new combinations. A ...

The Horse Guards e.—Colonel Bouvcrie has with his usual generosity contributed 10/. towards the library that in ..

... formed for the l>enefit of the noncommissioned officers and privates of the Ilorse Guards Blue. Ostexd, March 23.—The General Steam Navigation Company's steam-sliip Triton arrived at our quay Saturday afternoon, at four o'clock, after a splendid run of ten hours only from London-bridge wharf. The Murder of tiie Police Constable at —Yesterday the adjourned inquest on the body of James Jlastie, ...


... IHE LITERARY EXAMINER. Letters on the Condition of the People of Ireland. Bv Thomas Campbell Foster, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Reprinted, with Ad- ditions and copious Notes, from 'The Times' Newspaper. Chapman and Hall. These are the much disputed and much discussed letters of the Times 'Commissioner.' In publishing them Mr Foster regrets the necessity which forced a ...


... TsiIt BliETssOVFN QtUAtrTrT SOClETY.-The second meeting took place last night, in Ilarley-street, in presenice of the Earl of Falmouth (the President of the imninittec), Sir W. Curtis, Sir Andrew Blarnard, Sir Giffil Wilson, Sir W. Newton, AMr. Alsager, Si! George Smart, Mr. Costa, Mr. Moscheles, Mlr. KIingemann, M. Climes, Mr. Neate, Mr. Ella, Mr. atitd Mr.. Anderson, Mr. Novello, Mr. C ...


... oet~ro. THE MISERIES OF WAR. TT is a 6righhtfal Visloal far and wide Roii the fli~ice MiUMeS Of a humane tidle; There I1 the tolisguoe imarch, the ceaseless strife, The murder'd Ilnfat anid the ravish'd wrfoe, Tile bharniet hilxalnet, the descrtaQ plain,: CrueshIl by tilc living, elienerdl by tihe stain: There, tlo, the reckless itogh, the aclsatll cheer ThaLt stehel trim hoantd ofdcbous the ...


... 1Ltteraturc. Blohn's Standasrd Librsssy-Vfe If Leo the Tenth; catif S/ilegels 11' Fhiteassphy of Iistor-y.-II. Bohnl, York-street, Covenlt-gardenl, w London.ii Blihn's Standard Library is a marvel of cheapness. The ' works of whichl it is composed are of tile highiest character ;the paper, typography, and binding are unexceptionable; and the olmsaeissued to the public at a rice which places ...

Public Amusements

... Oiblit Amnitomnito. (e COLOSSECm, REGxNT's PAkK,-We recently visited this Io magnificent exhibition, which, by the liberality of the it proprietor (Mr. Montague), is now placed within the r, reach of the industrious millions, the prise of admission r- being reduced one-half, whilst its attractions are in. Be creased. We were first introduced to the Glyptotheca, e or Museum of Sculpture, in ...


... LITERA TUR E. A History of 0.eere. L. Legendarn Greece. 2. Grecian Histo)fly t/, the. 'enivn of Peisistrutus at Athens. By GEOnrisn GROTri, Esq. Vol. 2. [Londou: John Murray, Albemnarle-stree-t. 1slCON(D NOTICE.] Me Mr. Grote, in this volumDe, CommenceS with tlle ;- closing events in the legendary history of Gret cc- Th'liese are the re turn of the IHerakicids to Pelopon- eness: thie origin ...


... kASSHIONABLE INTB.LLI lENCE -v ,The Marquis and Marchioness of Normanby, Lord Lady Holland, Lord and Lady Poltiniorehe Earl andt and of Lietowel and family, the Hon. r Yorkei &c., are amongst the English f ayhionebles a he beeltt , ing at Florence during the Carnival. lb The Marquis and Marchioness of Lasedowne are 51 seclusion at Bowood, owing to the late domestic ?? their family. icn Lady ...