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Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, ADELPHI. Under the Direction of Madame Celeste. flON Mondav and during the Week the per-, . forrsances will commener with an entirely New Drama, celled INDUSTRY ANDIIN DOLENCE. Characters be Messrs, C. Perkins, Howed. bisb. Wright. Psiul Bedford. 0. Smith Madame Gelatn, Miss Woolor.Mis K.ChalisandMrsLoss. fte whchis an extra lFx- reas en Exroornta etiledPIR'R ITKINS; or, TilE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IHI S jot MA I) IIAS miii ii,' tejit aat, at et,' ?t iii stipi at tit? - X M to ('ill NA.-IIE(*V LAlI ]i4ONPPIII'X r as . I, .? . 't ?? ft ttt ?? ii 'It, iiu''2t1'li ef ?? rev tie I Pt l?p I N I ' 'p 'I IPI'ti'tV ?? - isv litaI'atipu, at Iti Pt N 'It I ?? It. I *l* ?? ¼ I' Nit I .t vt Ii 'i-ti,.3 eta -tOiL' titiv litili'iiipli. ?TEA\I it. A ItEIH)EEN, mid R EI)V(1'ION ?t K K tI el ii. t'. ...


... OXFORD, April 18. Wednesday next, being the first day of Easter Term, a Congregation will be holden at ten o'clock, a.m., for the purpose of granting graces and conferring degrees. And a convocation will be holden at two o'clock of the same day, to admit the new proctors into office. St. John's College.—The Rev. Samuel Prosser, M.A., formerly Fellow of St. John's College, has been elected head ...

Society of Arts.—The thirteenth ordinary meeting of this Society was heH last evening at the Society's house, ..

... Esq., V. P., in the chair. Messrs. J. H. Russell and George Bell were elected members, and C. Algernon Wilson, of South Australia, a corresponding member. The communications made were, On Mr. Godson's Patent Furnace for Consuming Smoke and Economising Fueland On a Machine for Measuring and Registering the Velocity of Railway Trains. The Boy Jones.—The boy Jones, of palace-entering ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IwAC~uNES flfltenof a TAPE MAd ,* T07,rsatr o take the maflagemen 'mad Stereo. Also, .TO fulsl c nt t bring , PCRFECTING MA- 01 eon1enorpe to for a5 Nperat AC pp1Y at ,i, Great Pitt.lg l5 (Sdpls;r22SrsInvor S Propretr -8 H n- proe stouter thati v - Nod ?? ?11 toi Id per r WirtdoSVO an ?? ccr f~ont sina tt& iii per Ilb ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS— April 28. Lord REDESDALE presented a petition from the parish of St. George the Martyr, Southwark, against Sunday trading. A NOBLE LORD presented a petition from East Peckham, against the sale of intoxicating spirits on the sabbath ; also a petition from the Marine Society against the Charitable Trusts Bill. The Marquis of ANGLESEA presented a petition from St. Gcorge's-in-the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P P1 VIING.?PLAThl) ARTICLE?,WlltUll mi theotr2h, Ii lll'L hINt) hr the N 11W l'RO- I doors froita Gitrcl*tc ri'lc.stis'ei I. l.i lice. CARL'S AHUENTI XE PLATE, containing a neat c1eantity if pure ,iIt'Q?, ni ruti?ttt' oetV artiele.-TO be bad at S fIlL an 1 SON'S LojislOit soul SiteReid IIo'i'i'e, No. IS, Car'd'ill, and itt, PotitlO?. Fiddle 1)auble-ttirt'ad King's Putt. Patleeft. Volt. 12 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? III-N`A- 1E'GULAI R MON'VII? ?? . ICO) StU I CATrION fitt i'asseititvr taid t.tIS ittt' P Nt;, oiINftAVO~lP, und ilONG-KON0, vii yt--f,'II p.1 ?? Met Orienttal Z'i050l N'ttvigatiit ot jtnanyt~ti nk l to tilt ti'.org ports irtointS tlt-itoo fe lilthI orors 1',..,arioInuiulars, titilili at the ('tia oflicts No. Stf. St. M1 I so.Loot, oil Not. 67, Itl-ro,. ,iotof ..0 to CEYLON, mAi)1tlS, auid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A ?? PIUBLICWA'IONS. jtitat A VALUAIBLE A1SSISTANT FOR THE CUUTMMVATION OF dlaw LAN'I). Iii a few days s-it ll te publidied, the i-igitai Etdition of ru'HE cOMIPLITE (iGRAZIMMI; or, FA11- T El W ttod C. l IlilBEElEIVR'S atid nIAALEWI'$ AS- A, SISTANI'. A Compentdiumo of Itusbanmdry, enlarged, rovised, anti A oraly re-writti'n, by WILlIAM YOUATT, E-li anthor of TIe lorse, Cattle, &c., aed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~TEAM to C1-INA.-RREGULAR M~ONTHL[Y S jzOlt:AAM ('ONMSNIICXI'IN for passensgers asid Liglit Gowds to PEN ANG. SINGAP'OREl, andl 1IONGl-liNG, vi,' Egypt.-I'lle t'eniavtiilm awd Oriental Steait -Navigation Compaony tbook PAS- stENII rivi Io thle alove p'orts Fromtoulthnattpton, tlte Pituh of every mo~nth.- For pairticulars, apply at ithe Compauy's, offices, -No. 51, St. Sary-axe, Londton, or No. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBfLI(' A ilIUSL'.lIENTS. HER a MAJ'ESTY'S TfIEATRE.-The nobility, subseiioers, a llt. the pilill ic are respectfil ly inforined that this theatre wil! Re-open (ont Tuesday next, April 14, w ahea till bo performed (for thO first time tlis season) BetIhel's opera I PUR'ITANI. Elvirt, Marde. (risi (her first appea erace thiis season) Asturo, Sig. Mario (Iris firs, aplspearance this seaso); ...