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South Wales, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... PEOPLE WHO ARE NEVER PITIED.—We have no sym- pathy for a railway speculator who is reduced to his'last shilling. None for an ill-tempered man with the tooth- ache. None for a stout man running after his hat. None for an alderman who is laid up with the gout. None for an opera singer who cracks his voice in try in» to bring out Q in alt. None for a dandy splashed by a mud-cait. None for a man ...

.,...';'..:71.,--.---0':,-_---=-I , bBt&Sfi 8F^LLAJJDAFF; ,*

... I bBt&Sfi 8F^LLAJJDAFF; The following letter has Ksen afhtresscd by the Loici Bishop of Llandaff to the clergy of his djoc.ese:— Deanery. St. Paul's, April 7, 1846. HEV, SIlt. Frequent coip-itaiurs have been made to me of irregular marringes being celebraterl by banns in parishes where he parties did not reside. The evil uf Kite years scctns to have i lcreaseil, and some flagitious instances ...


... U TLLSLLIITE. The Duke of Beaufort is confined to his house by a slight attack of gout, which prevented his graee from joining the dinner party given by the Earl and Countess of Wilton on Sunday evening last. ABERUAVENNy.-OIl a brilliant ball was given at Llanover to the party there assembled, among whom were the families of Tredegar, Ruperraj and Hendre; Lady and Miss Edwards, of Machynlleth ...


... BRECONSHIRE. REPRESENTATION of THE COUNTY.—In a for- mer number we stated that a requisition, numerously and influentially signed, had been presented to Joseph Bailey, of Glanusk Park, Esq., M.P., requesting that gentleman to allow himself to be put in nomination for the representation of this county whenever a va- cancy should occur. A correspondent has since assured us that Mr. Bailey has ...

Shipping intelligence

... BANKRUPTS.—(From the London Gazettes.) 'FRIDAY.—John Charles Birrat, Strand, carver and gilder. David James Kinghorn, Boston-stieet, Marylebone, baker. Jonas Tebbutt, Cambridge, auctioneer. William Rogers, Lewes, Sussex, draper. Robert Clifton, Brandon, Suffolk, brewer. Joseph Titninins, Caynham, Shropshire, brick maker, Benjamin Mercer Burroughs, Liverpool, ironmonger. John Arkell, Donnington ...

Causes of IMIgestbii Demonstrate?!

... THE BIRMINGHAM ATHENIC INSTITUTE. DINNER OF THE MEMBERS. Last week, the second anniversary of the above institute was celebrated in Birmingham. The association, which con- sists principally of vonng mechanics and labourers, was esta- blished four years ago. for the mutual improvement of the members in the rnote useful branches of literature, and also for the restoration ot the old Knglish ...


... Ittterarg Ifomtie*, A correspondent of the Boston Atlas tells the following story of a fellow who applied to a magistrate for a license to preach. He was asked the usual question— Can you read and write? Neither, said the aspirant to pulpit honours. Then, asked the licenser, how can you think of preach. ing? Oh. replied the clown, Mother reads, and I 'spounds and 'splaim. I was going ...


... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. By the latest edition of the Sun of Thursday, we learn that the iron-masters' quarterly meeting was held at Wolverhampton on Wednesday. There were a good many orders and offers announced at reduced rates but none were accepted, and the business done was of a tri- fling character at present rates—viz., pig, £4 15s. to £5 10s; bar, £10; railway iron, JE10 to £11 per ...


... THE BARbY GREEN; Thou art welcome—right welcome—sweet Spring's early green Peeping timidly forth, the brown branches betweea- Half unwilling to brave the chill northerner blast— Half in doubt whether Winter's rudø tempests be past; But with health in thy bosom, and hope for thy dow'r. Thou wilt glow in the sunbeam, and ope to the show'r. Proudly cope with the storm-cloud and night breezes keen ...

dFomtpt Intelligence

... FRANCE.—The Paris papers of Thursday contain no news of importance they are chiefly occupied with arti- cles on the public revenue of England, and the &tate of Ireland. Suleiman Pasha, the new Ambassador of the Suhlime Porte, presented his credentials to the King on Wednesday. The Constitutional announces that the Prince de Joinville has been appointed to the Command- in-Chief of the ...


... Glamorganshire Quarter Sessions. The Easter Quarter Sessions for this county were held at Cowbridge, on Monday and Tuesday last. On Monday the COUNTY BUSINESS was transacted, upon which occa- sion we observed the following magistrates present-:— HENRY THOMAS, Esq., in the Chair; The Most Noble the Marquis of BUTE, K.T., Lord Lieu- tenant and Cvatos Rotulomm. Richard Bassett, Esq. (Bolston) ...

TO JOSEPH BAILEY, of Glanusk Park, in the County of Brecon, Esq., M.P

... WE, the undersigned Freeholders and Electors of the County of Brecon, being dissatisfied with the Par- liamentary Conduct of our Representative, COL. WOOD, request that you will allow yourself to be put in nomina- tion for the Representation of the County of Brecon, whenever a vacancy shall occur, feeling assured that you, who are so largely connected with the Agricultural and Manufacturing ...