... eat ip- 1 is gs. ind vas of by ro- Ig- r'e laly the 't a ind ur in- lOIS ills ,hc en ihe Lhe lve las cer ina ill ies it- ice ok ir, :er tit 015 ed ke ?? of It .s, y_ d- at C, ge [IC eC. 11, its 11, VO ot *n ?? ti' Ig at .ts It, to cc Id tit of le ly ir, ie ci A1) k iI, of d, As et ie le id it Li. 90 so ii-, le Id (I a t at ly I C ig IC e; gI. le lC ty Uyt ntI L'd d ot orI sc ie it, ,t.I i- i. ...

The Daily News

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRt'RT-LANE. Tins EVENING will be performed the Opera of THE CRUSADERS. Bohemond, Mr. W. Harrison; Raymond, Mr. Borrani; William, Mr. Weiss; Hassan, Mr. Stretton; Almea, Mis* Homer; Iseult, Miss Rainforth. conclude with the Ballet of THE ISLAND NYMPII. THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET. Mr. B. Webster, Sole Lessee and Manager. THIS EVENING will be repeated New and Original Comedy, Five ...


... h received from a correspondent in a position to accurate information respecting diplomatic =- „ Mtk contained a very well written )° U of a p,,liticalunderstan«bng between h and the Cabinet the ludenes. the Court ot • accomplished, it will merit all Doubtlc» since, sooner or must the atteatw' he system of alliances at present adopted necessary* >'»« - Rut pre yi o usly to giving ...


... -1USSIAL JNTrJLL GI ULNUL. TIlE MUSICAL UNflr)N. Tlhe first nleetillp' for thle seasoin tcookpie'ystr Derot'iloor, ait tih' Prittcesso's-Rooto1, ill C:tRtlv'.strect, utui ?? I oI:tt0otti'o' by the I pretisvI e oit' t Ie Pres o I itt, Ie ~ Royalf IfI i g-I nleos the Duke Of CAMPIZtDno'. '110 0 Iit of' ?? Uuttix'n*' ilatos froim tite issc'tibftg o'tta it. fiw pl-ofepsot'S tore iti wrk, ait thue ...


... ?? L I ?? I Srifi u S WE AND SPhkaIUU5 o. I D Jornt; '(;NNEIj rEsq' 14 M r ,VITgD Dair welsington-quaY.) (Jades~eS~l has O'Connell has thought fit to .0ereiee . igther iihislifetime, the monument il distinguished men after i , he3 bee often by tho hands of editors more or OD ' anfd for the udertakilg. We are also ?c~i 0etatliaho besdonh his part in rendering it j 5 name ?? upon it. The edition ...

:? e Her Royal the Duchess of Kent visited e the Queen yesterday and remained to luncheon with her Majesty

... and Prince Albert. ?ral Mr. P. Buchanan and Major Fagan had interviews yesterday with Mr. Secretary Gladstone at the Colonialled. office. no Despatches were received yesterday at the Colonialron office from the Governors of Hong Kong and Ceylon. Despatches were sent off yesterday evening from the Colonial-office for the Governors of the West India ela colonies. A deputation respecting New ...


... LITERA TUllE. Ilhe Miscoellaneou~s Work'ls of sir' James Alcile/;niosh. ?r- ovols~. [ Longnoin i. or These voltimes contain, as, flin l'rlliiintiry adll vs rtisemn nt states, vdift lever i.k or i ,ostviut'nt( Ivi'itil gs Of' Si i' Jamen(s lid erk i ito h, wrifh thle (,N- qcepittoii of' hlis History ot England. Thrie Disserta- tionl onl tin ?? oit' Ethiical Ph ilosopdIvy, anld f the. Djiseonise ...


... Wontan's Love, A Ronance o/ Sniles and Tears.-Parte 1 and 2,-Published by Sams, St. James atret, London. This is a new work from the pen of Herbert Rodwell, whose writings are so well known for their versatile talent, showing as they do the true genius of poetry and prose. We have not yet dived sufficiently deep into the mysteries of the plot to give a critical opinion of its merits; but these ...


... ae.. I *gig soang -splrt. By JDaeB HiAMMOND, O'e'r valley nnd height shono a flood of light Heaven amil'd upon the scene. Her emlpire gained, the bright moon reigned. All tranquil and serene! And I said, to rove In a night liko thin, What blight can there be upon human bliss. But a spirit pasa'd by, with a heavy sigh, And whisper'd my list'niig ear. can you hear the groln of a spirit lone, ...


... MUSICAL IVTEL LIGENCE. it -d c e 'I ?? rd SACRED IHARMTONIC SOCIETY. HTANfl EL'S ~TrS/clcc~. wa~s ?? ]last, Iligit at Exeter- cccl. This Oratorio ws ccecmpostA icc 1747, tics C arne ylcar nil *Jcphjjet/ ill I 7-lU1, 170,cci-d 1751, closincg' his Ploriou's car~lcr lil sacred writiccc. If we cjlcncce at th ccc Eat/icc, cola- posed in 17210, altin-lcigtlc Onlcy ?? fil 173Q, at tle Tar yllpJ~ t ...


... The Queen had an evening party yesterday at Buckingham Palace. The company began to arrive at nine o'clock, and passed up the Grand Staircas? and through the Green Drawing-room into the Picture Gallery. Her Royal Highness thc Duchess of Kent arrived at the Palace soon after nine o'clock, attended by Lady Augusta Bruce, JSir George Couper, and Captain the Hon. James P. Murray. Her Royal ...


... bm id ewnnvrh of orI2IlhiI pi'etry for muonths tn Cn rLITE^RARY NOTICES. ,. fllontEtAixot~.-A a few weeks ago Dr, Forhes, the ?? ., editor of the Forecgn and lirflith~ Medical Re~view publisbed a peool LL longanii elaborate article on tho ?? of Hcmtaeopathy and towD, l- Young Physlc. This productlon prodoed a great sensation towm o amonog the profetsion at large, by tho liberaity of Its ...