... Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company'* Offices, 51, St. Mary-axe, April 7. The committee appointed by the minutes of the board the 31st of March, 1846, to investigate the circumstances connected with the loss of the Great Liverpool steam-ship, on the morning of the 24th February, at 4 o'clock, about ten miles from Cape Finisterre, report :— That having read the letter of the late ...


... LAY OF TIHE DIAGICIAN VIRGILlUS. III days which nually a nurscry rhyme m )Describes as ?? once upon a tinim, 1:efore geography laid down nr The whereabouts of state and town, Or history with her crabbed pen Wearied with dates the sons of mcn St Wlhen science for art inmgic past id (Nouw owned the magic art at last), le And clowns believed that onl a book le 'T would raise the devil 'eon to ...


... 3Rtbttb)!5. TWO ORATIONS AGAINST TAKING AWAY HUMAN LIFE UNDER ANY CIRCUM- STANCES; AND IN EXPLANATION, AND DEFENCE. OF THE MISREPRESENTED DOCTRINE OF NON - RESISTANCE. By THOMAS COOPxa, the Chartist. London: Chapman, Brothers, 121, Nevigate-street. We perceive by the notices quoted in Mr. Coorsa's advertisement, that several of our contemporaries have awarded to these orations their praise ...

The Feast of the Poets

... 2Cbt fot of tat votoet Easter is at ]land, and the holiday time now com- mencing affords a fitting opportunity for our usual Feast of the Poets ; two reasons combine in sup- port ot this, 1st. that our poetical feast appears to us to be in accordance with the time, 2nd. the ' big talk having ceased for a few days, we are at libetty to fill our columwns with more entertaining matter than ...


... LITERATUR L lntroductory Lecture, iic. By DAv iD GRAY, M.A., Professor of Natural Philosophy, Marischal College. Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co. THis Lecture was delivered by the author, at the opening u the Class of Natnral i'hilosophy. fir the Session which is now Lihout to close. It contains a brief, but clear and comprehend c out- line of the plan ot instruction which Professor Gray proposes to ...


... Mr Haydon is exhibiting, at the Ezyptian Hall in Piccadilly, two large pictures of the Banish- ment of Aristides and the Burning of Rome by Nero. These pictures fbrm parts of a series of six designs with which the painter proposed to decorate the old House of Lords as many as thirty- six years ago. In the interval, he tells us, he has laid his plan before every Minister. One remarked to ...


... M1USICAL REVIE3IV. T/hc Ritual S'ong qf' the 6'hurei of Enqlaiith117 0t' tkce Prayer-book noted. B3Y Jolly MEmRIM,ti. UNovello, pa, TIbis is anoitlir repril t of thle celebrated If l'eiri-Sotg, ?? sct by Alerbecke, thle caloti of Njindiior, lin 1550, to King p~ Edward tho Sixth's first prteyer-boolt. Me. Picekriig, has itibi published at beautifu fiac-shmile rnprint of tile Original ?? ...


... Rtbftbu04 TWO ORATIONS AGAINST TAKING AWAY HUMAN LIFE UNDER ANY CIRCUM- STANCES; AND IN EXPLANATION, AND DEFENCE, OF THE MISREPRESENTED DOCTRINE OF NON - RESISTANCE. By TNoMAs CoorER the Chartist. London: Chapman, Brothers, 121, Kwevgate-street. We perceive by the notices quoted in Mr. Coocx'a's advertisement, that several of our contemporaries have awarded to these orations their praise-sorry ...

The Feast of the Poets

... cbe paot of tl)t pott0. Easter is at hand, and the holiday time now com- mencin- affotds I fitting opportunity for our usual 1Feast of the Poets; ; two reasons combine in sup- port of this, lat. that our poetical feast appears to us to be in accordance with tho time, 2nd. the:.' big talk having -eased for a lew days, we are at libeety to fill our colurmns with more entertaining matter than ...


... THE .MONTH'S MAGAZINES. FRASER, provides his usual supply of pleasant reading, .Earl Grey and Lord Morpeth are the contemporary orators whose characteristics and qualifications are this month discussed. Considering Fraser's strong, ,conservatism, the execution of this series of papers is -benourable to his head and heart. The sketch of Earl Grey, for instance, is singularly impartial~as ...


... -II ?? Abbotlford Edition of the Waverlej Novels: ROBERT CADELL, Edinburgh.-The many fascinating stories con. tained in this work' dserved to be brought out in a supe. ior style ; and by the aid of the most eminent British artists this desideratum has been effected by the intro- duction of an almost exhaustless variety of engravings, consisting of views of places both ancient and modern, ...