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... I =TELLIGRn | ,:;:-pFalmerstonh have arrived in at Do VllsuV rompleted his 77th Year on .2fr) of X~day. 1769. beea' hii erribed at Lansaowne ,iebeef 51,asdoWne ?? ri! ,gVrA s lwis soD far reoovered from bis @fgt Mlurry teeblied to take occasional carriage D G AL SIB HOW.ARD ELPHIN- ra oF l' veble and much respected baronet Of C.'ili veer a seillnes, at his residence, Eve- s' far3r , Ill thle ...


... I FDUFY'S LIBRARY OF IRE'ai, ' ?? _. I -- - T I St) _ THE POEMS OF TlOMAS WITTH 3iOTES ANDi O1rTonlCAL TrAr N (Dublin: Jrmes Duffy, Welli -t nOAtti, Few men have effected Ec Lruch ir a labour as has Thomis Davi,. In a I ori lb da not seeking personal reco'gnitionl hc Intre P all notoriety, he filled thec t kir , i sen'e of his literary aind political ac~ .r - the name of the moving spirit nas ...


... FASHIONABLE IlV ?1rLL ICi\eC | I in- nts-u - Z Ifl tar lirznt S I;ftrtln. D ?? sary of the Queen's natal diay . 1, 'la, t]le Duchess of Kvent arrived esrly att1 3u,,R i mained to brcakfast With her Mje~t D p. The Queen also received V o er Ir of the day from her Iajesty tile Qrate . Highness the Ducitess of Cloucat,, Pi the Duchess of Cambridge atlld tile Pri0 Royal Ilighuneses the Duke of' ...


... Foutards in various styles; bareges in both large and small checks ; chine royal in stripes on either dark or light grounds ; poults de soie, taffetas, and pckins, with foulards in narrow satin stripes of gray cerise lilar, green nankin, &c., with plain popeliness and poils (le chevre, compose the materials for spring toilettes. Dark colours will be confined to morning wear; whilst pink, blue, ...


... I Cal, DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. w There tire eleven articles in the Uniiversily Magazine for.May, two or three of surpassing merit, and all, with the exoeption of that on the social condition of Ireland, act where the fine Roman hand of a 1state of the country Th editor is discernible, poseebsing interest of an exciting D, kind. In the first rank we plane a new story commenced dinI by ...


... I 1oNABrrs INTLLIGEN Z j F S1.- hulin ?? ?? Esq., IY. ?? ?? -v 0,rei 0 SedtilOuslY attending to the wants of the IIdI IBarood -Ljuivlti CHRoNrCLIZ. Ic reilozr, Dart., bus arrived at Mernkatow', 'lf S Hl1t3 t LLrE.-The marriage of Lewis s te a,00mplished and amiable daughter b,011 1 to Eli z g.a P for this county, was oelebrated ,Jlo1t DF4 raer, and aftertyarda, according to tle iL' C t o ?? ...


... . .. _- _1 The fourth, and we believe the last, concert for the season, of this society, took place last night, The programme of the per. formances was as follows- PART FIRST. Slnfenis-No. 6 .. .. ., .. Ferdinandltlem. Romaliaz-A In Tessa ci Dlvisero (Sig. Marrao) Mercadante. Recit. and Duet-' Now for him Iloved (Mrs. Sunderland and Altis Doiby) ,. Spobr. Concert-Stuck In F-Pianoforte ...


... T lHE NORTH tITISI RITEVIEW. NO. 5EM Edinbocurgh: 11 P. Ke nne(ly, St. Andrew Street. Dublin: James Al Gilashan. The first article in the present number is an extremely interesting one, the subject being the history of the do mes. ticaterl animals, founded on the works of Stack and Low. A number of highly instructive facts and anecdotes relating to the natural history of the goat, the sheep, ...


... atterature. SELECTED POETRY. TIlE DRUNKARD'S WIFE. 'rhe flihering light dies in te himp, The fireless room is toll awid damp, Whehre shivering sits tile drunkard's wife Watt hing hier ilfHfnt'S wasting life; And, 'miid the gloom, she dnes not know 1lhe sod of Ur atili hab tonelledl its brow. I he morinilg dawnr-its straiggling b(aes Fall on the infisnt's bed, And iranlicly the mother scremns, ...


... atterature. eisive grounds for the oph)ion, tiult every conceptioa, every mental affcotion. ia fotlowed by cimn6es in tho sb ehemiealuature of tbo secreted fluidstbat evory thought, 8e every scasation, i6 aecompanied by a change in the eom- ls position of the stibstance ef the brain.' But She brain 8h nffect6 tilo stomaeh, aud, tbreugh it, tbe wvholo body. ?? ei SELI. C 1'}:19 P OE TS Y. TIHE ...


... THE MARINER'S LAMP-A TALE OF SCIO. In nen of those little trays, or rather fillets, which indunt the coast of Scio arid tire othier Greek ishlads, lay, during a breath- less canhn, a graceful and elegant schooner. 'line vessel, usually trsed ie the trade ot' the Archipelago, woo sufficiently superior in tier atppointmenst to induce irotice. Her long low hull, of an rrsit'ori black, rose not ...


... LITERA TURE. iE IRISiH NATION&L MAGAZINE, AND WEEKLY JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, CIENCE, AND ART. ?tttisbed by T. Le Messurier, 8, Lower Abbey-street, Dublin.) le note with sincere pleasure the appearance of this Weekly Magazine, The contents of this its first num- ;'iske us proud that such a publication is produced in and, sad we do not hesitate to say that if it continues to bit the ability which ...