
... poetry0i SONNET. now rosy fair my Ilody was to see C1,11of by my uancourtly wvorsd, ho told; Bather a 1hoping borrower let ia be-.- A debtor to the lloaster minds of old. Of golden wires, or capture I susbeams made, Hler lovely locks fell o'er her neck of snow; Her arched hro'vs Inelosed, in fringed shade, Two nurplo violots thlt slept el own .f rcddet cornl were her houeyed lips (anrdig the ...

France.—A telegraphic despatch received yesterday announced that Prince Louis Napoleon escaped on Monday ..

... Picardy, where had been confined since the sentence passed upon him after his attempt to create an insurrection on the occasion'of his landing at Boulogne. The Riots at Elbeuf.—-The precautionary measures taken to keep an armed force in the town of Elbeuf after the riots, have had the effect of preserving tranquillity. Further arrests have been made, to the number of about thirteen or fourteen ...


... I =TELLIGRn | ,:;:-pFalmerstonh have arrived in at Do VllsuV rompleted his 77th Year on .2fr) of X~day. 1769. beea' hii erribed at Lansaowne ,iebeef 51,asdoWne ?? ri! ,gVrA s lwis soD far reoovered from bis @fgt Mlurry teeblied to take occasional carriage D G AL SIB HOW.ARD ELPHIN- ra oF l' veble and much respected baronet Of C.'ili veer a seillnes, at his residence, Eve- s' far3r , Ill thle ...


... I A SIGH. o let me quit the close Town, The noisome ah; the crushing throngs o lot me seek the free Down, To wander wild its dells among I Thi flowers pale, Do Spring hail; The throstle wakes the budding grove; The soft shower, The green bower, Arc wooing all who Nature love. Then let me leave the busy crowd, With Nature's self awhile to dwell, And change Man's challenge, harsh and loud, For ...


... iI -111. ?? I Ob- ? I ot rp:4. . i BEAUTIES OF BYRON. NO. xxxvll. ?Tit ISLASD. For the first time, we have this week read this We had been repelled from its earlier perusal u5not1D, we cannot say how or why formued, that w bomw poor bad spiritless, or at least greatly deiin nteusual beauties of Byron's verse. We haptpr to say that we have found that we were ompletely mnivtaken. The Island ...


... Puttin SONGS FOR THE PEOPLE. NO. XV. FORGET NOT THu FIELD. AIn- The ;amrnactione of At9hri:a. Forget not the field where they perlsh'd, The truest, the last of the brave, All gone-and the bright hope we cherieh'd Gone.with them, and quench'd in their grave! Oh I could we from death but recover Those hearts as they bounded before, In the faee of high heav'n to fight over That combat for ...


... MllUSICAL ATIELLIGEN CE. CONCERT OF ANCIENT MUSIC. The seventh concert wuts given list night, under the di- rection of his Grace the Archbishopt of YORK, for thle King Of IIANOV~I1. We subjoin the scheme:- PAa~r 1. Overtier ?? Handtel. 'Selectieti fromiatt(livin iiti C ?? tClierublifi. Ails (Herr liteizel) IItebj tplaa lo sdegiio,'' (Guiseptie ?? .ilagaretli. Nationa st tni roa. TLrS si ?? ...


... MMrIoirts olr} MR. W. H. W. BETTY, TanE ENGLISHo ReSCIUS; .o which is affixed a Sketch of the Theatrical Career of his Son, ,Jr. Henry Betty. Cousins, Duke-street.-This is a good subject ;poiled in the handlirg. It is the manipulation of some injudicious 'rihed, who excites ridicule when he would call forth admiration. The lines which salute us on the title-page and wrapper are osukse 3nough, ...


... . .- I . . . A Patent for improvement in th mauatueo yarn, twivo, and cordage, has been0 bthied bymau ctr.oeh of Douglas, of the Spitat Tongues Colliery. The g~reet de- p 6ideratuns of the. insvention, for which tisla, patent is gr~anted ai consiets Iin the spinning or twisting throusghr a flexible tuba by gj mecans of a travellingmacbint. Propelled by steam psower. This it tuachluie moy be ...


... POETIC Fleic.'-We should have a glorious conflagration if all who cannot put ?? into their works would only consent to put their works into the fire. That was a good remark of Seneca's, when he said Great is he who enjoys his earthenware as if it were plate; and not less great Is the man to whom all his plate is no more than earthen- ware. LisEnRT.-Liberty is to the collective body what ...


... THE THEATRICAL EXADMINER. IrEt MAJESTY S TIIEATRE. Wve have given the new opera, I Lombardi alla p/rima Crociata, twosteady bearings; and theyleave us free from fttigue, and with a havourable impres- sion. It has succeeded better than either of the operas by which Verdi wvas previously made known to tihe London public; and wve should say that it was his best, did not ewe take into account the ...


... CONCERTS OF ANCIENT MUSICl Sixth Concert, Wer/idesdoql, May 13. UJlnder th/e Dircction ?? th ELarl ilowe. PART 1. Coronation Anthem, ZaLdok the Priest . Handel. Carale, 0 let us magnify the Lord J. Eccard, 1597. Recit. and Aria, Mad. Caradori Allan, DciD! parlate (Ii Sacrifizio d'Ambraros) Cimarosa. Chorus, Lift up your heads (M!Iessiah) Handel. Recit. and Air, 1. Hoeazel, Sholn ...