... TRE E t.'sttsr NiOTI^E) ROYAL HIBEENIAN It is much to be lamented that wbilst- 1n 'et1'n r e many excellent artists, as well as 3aty goadojd v 'es logs, the general tone of criticism in art j3 g not t . harshly, below what it should be; indeed the C0Sp is much better in England, We have often b ?? is li U both countries complain, and justly complain of theti tical and authoritative tone ...


... A FEW MORE WORDS TO THE PUBLIC are due from us, on the enterprise which this day commence. The need of any formal statement of the principles which we are guided, the objects aimed at, or the spirit in which we pursue t&ose objects, Is superseded by the four months' acquaintanceship between ourselves a&d our readers, which we infer, from their encouragement, to have been productive of mutual ...

It is truly monstrous and wicked on the part of d the Americans, after having violently taken Texas d from

... Mcxico, to proceed to pick farther quarrel with the country they had robbed, and which had resorted to no measures of offensive warfare. Were r the Mexicans ever much resigned to submission, o they could not have covered it with less reserve of I, pride. They protested against the alienation of i- Texas, but expressed no wish or purpose of rcgain> ing it arms. The Mexicans were even willing e ...


... - OR- - RSODN 1'.AlLTIWIJJ'.YA7IRY CORRESPONrDE.Y CE LETTERl X. FROM SIR 1'INIRIN CLUMP, IDARIT;,, it.P. TO 'TIME REV. GABIRliEL STOIRKES, RECTOR 01' MONEY- BAGtS-CU31M-1ASSOCKS, - SHliRE, \lVell, the Duke and old Gully nre both of them winners, At Westminster one, and tile other at Epsom. Our Peers have betrayed us, the renegade sineioo, Although in our ranks Stanley certainly kept some. We ...

Montreal, MAY 13. Session of Parliament still lingers. The prorogn ion expected before the end of the present h ..

... country members, who have agricultural inter jsts to call them home to Upper Canada, are begi ning to quit their seats, and leave legislation to tho- who have but little to do any where, and arc of but ttle worth in the collective wisdom. M. Laf'ontain ...


... yjcs I ?? 1 T1LLI G'iX Co'L'. piil.II1ARMONIC SOCIETY. ,rite sixtlj coiicert ?? given last night fit thle Hanover- sqttt oOm11S A the Seasonf progresses it would Iseem its ?? hse perforntmfttetL' increatsed on everyt occsio. Te ?? of art is evidently in the osceititt. I'lwtitltioble entertatinmentstt, where qunaht t~~~ ?? ity abnll,~ ~ its IS t a diswount, are now fatilures, ~o~tthe deerv ...


... POEMS AND PICTURES.-A Collection of Ballads, Songs, and other Poems,; with One Hundred Illustrations o7 ITWoOd. By Enylish Artists. London: James Burns. 'Iis is one of the plessantest boolks for Summer reading that we can imagine. It contains several hundred of the best short poems in our language, printed on thick draw. ing paper, and enshrined as it were on a perfect labyrinth of ...

We have received our usual express the Paris journals of Sunday, ■with our private correspondence. The ..

... debate in the Chamber of Deputies has subsided, and the honourable members, at the sitting of Saturday, applied themselves to the discussion the budget of the Home Department. Several clauses were voted, and on M. Lamartine's motion the subsidy granted to the second Theatre Franrais was increased from 60,000 francs to 100,000 francs. Then came fresh complaints from M. Leyraud and others ...


... Tracts on Met Oregon, Q11estion. )IN an Amontni1- ~P CAN.'e Yoik. 1846. S W~e lhive so oftenl Neamied our readers iucailist 3t applti'ent nitoduration of both the American JOiir- o lf ?? alnd tht(! Amnerican sitiesmeli,, so oftten iii- ti of istetl uponl thie. Speiiiotusness ot: thjou' ?? ?? a to prsi n O eeijoa a~~rgned tli t, inl W0 spire of' tit1 so-called uoilcossionls, at reajlly' )utStat ...


... POLIlTR Y. IXNIG. I, . With'n tile caveIlS of the earth, |l JLong, loug ago, I do to, ty birth ; .'lic chosell servant o hf the fir, I iake them tll'y especial Cale, It Al y figtltc Stllil:, lily suby1ill1e1 bright, i 'It fltted to IIy %verllers, tight; C atlrlot ml cC It myslfi, 'ti trtle, llnt il itheir aid Illost Ilitlibly Eo. E Nvh w'll L ei lonv tile wvarrior bhld, Il tile crusdi:ljg ...


... FPVLE AIRS The LEvpcviNental Squadron. A Series of Drawings, by L. NAGM~E, lithographer to the Queen.C [Lyrniigtoit: A. The doings of the experimental squadron of last year r, have Itere found a ittuadusome pictorial record. The three 51 views, of which thle series is composed, represent, so to speak, 0. three stages i tit th departure of the fleet from Spithead. 0' Ire have first the ...

Paris, May 30. The political debate to which the budget of the interior gave rise, ended, as all the world

... foresaw, iu a vote in favour of Ministers. It was not, however, supposed that the majority would have been numerous or so compact. Out of 367 who voted, Ministers obtained 220, and the Opposition only counted 147. In general the Ministerial majority has fluctuated between 40 and 60, but on this occasion it was 73. This fact is explained in different ways. It appears that the Legitimist ...