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... oi - 91T1OLVA.OLE f REMOVAL OF TiE COUseT.-Her hlaJes, Buckinghnm Palace for Osborneahouse, Isle of Mi 01e11 e day (Friday) for a sojourn of about three vweek' 1S it, as this present arrangements. Her Majesty has orderedh ding 3 train to be in readiness at the Nine Elms static ed bef 3 Western Railway at ?? minutes past two i° the eatah above day, and will arrive at Gosport about ftre ' a lbo ...


... LEONTINE. By AIe. iVIALSERLY. (Colburn, London,) From the date of the publication of is The Love Match, Mrs. Maberly has taken rank amongst the most popular novelists of the day, and every new work of hers is looked forward fo with the most intense anxiety. Her newest work, and indeed the latest of the easons, is that the name of which heads this notice. The action of the novel of ' Le- ontine ...


... I FASIJIONABLR INTELLIGRNCE.. HER MAJESTY'S ACCOUCHEMENT. OPPICIAL BULLSTiN-31ONIDAY. The following bulletin ef her Majesty's health was Issued this merning:_ ?? Palace, Monday June 1, 1846. Nine o'clock, Awl. The Queen and the Infant Princess continue well. (Signed) JAMES CLARKE, M.D. CHARLES LOCOCK, M.D. ROaERT} Facevso, M.D. Her Majesty's recovery is so far advanced that no farther ...


... POEMS AND PICTURES.-A Collection of Ballads, Songs, and other Poems,; with One Hundred Illustrations o7 ITWoOd. By Enylish Artists. London: James Burns. 'Iis is one of the plessantest boolks for Summer reading that we can imagine. It contains several hundred of the best short poems in our language, printed on thick draw. ing paper, and enshrined as it were on a perfect labyrinth of ...


... ni Utraturc. S L 1E C T7RD P 0 ETR ?? (ilIl WllERE Af'h THR DHlEMAISA ! Oh! wiwhrs are the dreams of the heart's cherisli'd truth! Tnat onife g:,ve ef liaht anil deep rapture iu youth. Oih] whieln the h;ild fiiend, wrho then 0lose at our side, 1r, eil, pao.irg pieaseire anod thought could divide. PIh! where is the spot so long mnarkld for repose, Wherc the weary and worn shell forget oll their ...


... PASHONABLE INTELi R c The Earl and Countess of Mleath have lef IR continental tour. Lord Carberv. accompanied by his brother tb William Evans Frekel will shortly arrive in L' tbe II,, Ireland. Oa4o fro ' Ibrahin Pacha, the future Sovereign of Egyt s$% to visit Newcastle on his return from Scotlandwt 'r *etfpot shortly proceed front Belfast. ?? 2h 1 The Earl of Shannon has engaged a beautiful ...


... I FASHIONALS IINTELLIGENCS. I HXar MAJESTY_-The inquiries at Backingbam Palace, on Wednesday morning were very numerous. The answer given was, that her Majesty and the infaut princess were going on well. lier Mnjpsty and Prince Albert accompmied by the youthful royal family, are expected to leave flolcingliain Pa. lace the second week in the ensuing month, for Osborne Hoece, Isle of Wiglt. The ...


... o£terature, S ELEl ' P D P O h2'f ?? TIHE, RlAILWAY WHISTL1E. it5OM POLEMS, BY CAMILA TOULMIN. T'le whistle! I love it-its shrill note-hark! flath it milluisic onto lsly soul, 1,icher and sweeter than throstle or lark For matie mould ever troll. E:ach day loth it teach me, by some dream, For I hear it a score of tinues, J 1I ?? to scatch for the feathery steam, Or list to its gladdening ...


... I -FASHION4ABLE INT.EJLLIGRlNCB. l i, edne5aY morning. at half-past nine o'clock, the cre- Ofdchurclhing the Queen was performed In the private opyI at gu1kingham Palace by his Grace the Archbishop of Cpe bury There were present only fis Royal Highnees CaooAlrert, tile Dowager Lady Lyttelton, and the Master of ltti er Majesty and Prince Albert took an airing on WVed. e~y in an open carriage ...


... ?4SJllO ? soand Prince Albert, and their Royal Highnesses 1d opachils of Saxe Coburg and Gotha arrived at 'JeS Isle of Wight, on Friday evening, from Lo- ; ?? that ier Majesty and his Royal Highness tert purpose to prolong their residence at Osborne ill rijursday wveek. Ca11 I Highnesses tbe reigning Duke and Duchess ?? Bollg Gotha, accompanied by the Duke Ferdinand irgend suite are to leave ...


... I FAbNALENl The King of Hanover corup!etelkhi. ?? 6 yesterday. . oo The Duke of Wellington arrived in LondonQ jnesday. from Straillieldeaye. Tae Duke alid Duchiess of Lepda are exlectedt the Clarendon Hotel at the end of tlbe uoont te;e vte his 3iajesty the King of Holland. * Viti1 ,o BaIlGHTON, WEDNESDAY -S;r H',ry P.tti suite arrived this morning Irom Dieppe, by tie Gj 'ezit Navigation ...


... I untraturt. SELECTED PORTRY. BOVE-WHAT IT IS, AND IS NOT. She said she loved him,-but when those Who loved bim not began to blnme;- WhVen her own friends became his foes, And talk'd but lightly of his name;- When they derried his honor's tone, Her heart away from him to move-. She halt believed them, though she knew His nprighlt ?? this be love? She saidasho loved bim;-but her eiro Put inlhis ...