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... THE EXHIBITIONS1T1IRD) NO'rfCl. SOCIETY OF tqu AR RTiSTS. Although in order of time thre Scciety of Irish Artisls a opened their exhibition previous to the Hibernian Aca- o demy, yet, as the officere of the latter institution discharged a the courtesy due to the press prior to any step in that way s having been taken by the College-atreet E7hibition, on the c principle of first come first ...


... The Prince Louis Napoleon honoured the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry with his company at dinner on Sunday, at their beautiful villa, Rose Bank, near Fulham. Lord Dowrnes and the Hon. Miss Burgh have arrived in London for the season, from their seat, Bert House, Kildare. The Count D'Orsay left London on Monday for Strath- fieldsaye, on a visit to the Duke of Wellington, where a distin. ...


... I LJTITR'TUJE. T1iE CHIARACTERS OF PUBLIC MEN~ AND 'THE D)UTIEfS OiF PATRIOTISM, BY THOMIAS MIAC NEVIN, A.B., T.C.D. (Dublin: MI'Glashan. London: Ridgeway, Piccadilly.) d Mr. ?? has commenced hia publisbing career well, le lis introduced a workcto the world cheaper than Air. Duffy's Library (only sixpence), and by one of its authors; and a work which all patietis will road with de- light, for ...


... I ~_ ' I POEMS AND PICTURES. (London: James Burns ) The title page of this book runs thud-.' Poems and pic. l tures:-A collection of ballads, songs, and otherpoems. a With one hundred illustrations on wood, by English artists. IL There is nothing very pretending in this, nothing to load F you, had you not seen the book, to imagine there was any- E thing out of the common aboutit. See it ...


... I'tISHIO NABL E X'I'ELL -, TrIO GrimmN PoILI51t 13AI-L--.l(uid7 n DiQelt grand fancy and full dresa b:all, in Al ef flJ h, ennntl ary Aeseciation of thc friends of P1.,iitpi t,,, q °f th er Roalms (A lmack' t, under ?? rnot d ?? at *iCI'C r Ve were informed that there were ahes r but tic comparny (ill tot exceel t t a in Inb, ric t e of the lflihest ariEtocracy. 'iiCia ha l A ln, r There were ...


... I , I (SECOND NOTICE). ROYAL HIBERNIAN ACADEMY (CONI:NUED). We resume our notice of this exhibition. No. 17 and 273 are two landsoapes-the subject taken to from the sublime Scenery about Delphi, in the Joyce coun- UT try, by G. Columb. They equal in effect and in the ad- wc mirable selection of subject any of the former efforts of ad this able artist. No. 1 7 particularly pleased us; the ...


... I FASHrONWRLE IN TLLIGENCB. I PRaES:ENTS TO HER MAJESTY.-Her Majesty has beon i graciously pleased to preseut a portion of the foreign animals, which arrived on Wednesday last by the Oriental steamer, to i the Royal Surrey Zoological Gardens. Four fine antelopes ar- rived at the gardens on Thursday. Tbo Earl of Nfortury entertained a select party at dinner on Wednesday evening, at his ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGCFNCE. WINDSOR FBIDA r EVE>cNc..-T.'..he Court was expected to arrive at the Castle about the I 0th or I Itho of next month; her Majesty having arranged to leave Osborne iouse for Buck. ingham Palace (there to remain for four or five days) on the preceding Monday. The' defeat of the government last night in the House of Commons, and the anticipated political chanres ...


... atteraturr. SELECTED POETRY. EVENING. In the evening of the day When thy step is slow and weak When thy locks are silver grey, And thy tongue must feebly speak; When thine eyes can scarce discern Faces most familiar dear, And thy deaf ears vainly turn, Where the song resoundeth clear; When thou creepest to the fire. Warming thy poor withered form. And the stretch of thy desire Ia safe shelter ...


... atterature. SELECTED POETRY. FAREWELL. Farewell I And if thou canst forget the past, Forget Butb bliss will be denied to me; emreinbrance even now recals thO time When first I knew that I was loved by thee. And I will hnsten to the giddy tihroog, To crush the ribing feelings of regret, And strive vhilst moving in the mazy dance Io ?? scenes that haunt my memory yet. I'erchance some wlhisper'd ...


... Fifteratilrc. SELECTED POETRY. ON THE MINIATURE OF -TIIE FORSAREN. The P'ainter's mimic art hath wrought each grace To exquihite perfection; but an air Of mrelanclholy steals along thy face, Anid shrouds the lustre of thy flowing hair. So young! so ftrimed for love! bath Sorrow's blight Withler'd thy budding hopes, and veild is night The hours that should bo sunny, while its spell Profnlee ...