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Advertisements & Notices

... INDIAN CORN MEAL AND FLOUR, &C. fIiE SIJIISCRIBER hai made such arrangemelnts .T as wvill secure to him a regular supply of Prime and Sweet Indian Corn, BO'TH W I lTE AND HIElD, Whivii he wvill haive grouind, from ?? to tiny, lv one of ttbe lfist Millers ill the North, so as to se A RE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAREWELL VISIT, to Mr. COLLINS' departure for America, FyiO°she engaged to represent the Irish Character, ,. 1se prk Theatre, New York, in August next. Itthe gUsBCAL ENTERTAINMENT on THIS S' gOgING (Tuesday), 16th June, and WEDNES- 1-nlth, and THURSDAY, 18th. 'COLLINS, the Irish Comedian and r ,,list, of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden ITheetre Royal, Haymarket; and the Princess's t1? London ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - PRICV;8 OF IRnlH STOCKS DMUNG Ties Wt k I Tiiels5, pI ol. sAT. I l- - 3 per Ct Cons. q61,6 M36 9 Reduced do .. __ - _ 3* per CtStock 973 97 9776 97 6Il 33 Debentures _ _ L Annisites .. - - Iank Stock .. 20o86 2083 R.Canal Stock _ G.Canal Stock __ _ __ Do Debs 6pr ct Do Debs 6prct _ _ _ Do Debs 4prct et Do Debs 4pr et new . City do 4 pr e t _ Do do 4 pr ct new. 4 pr et 1ial Off DebswithGOv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC HALL. 'THE LAST NIGHT BUT ONE. N THIS EVENING (Tuesday), June 9th, m nA FTHASEH , MisS FRASER, Miss M. FRASER, g Vrrlessr, FRASER, the highly popular Vocalists, A gjt) ;eIllostrstOIB of Scottish Soug, who have been p. () rith the most enthusiaetic applause, will have W- t ..ur.of making their fouvth appearance. Br tie knd -ermission of Colonel Trevors, the Band of N : th ResgiffleDt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? SCHOOLS. GRACEHILL ACADEMt FOR yOV.j(: GENTLEMEN, I TI. 1,Ireak uP. for tile Summer Vacation, ott y l-I)NrESPiAY, June 24; ant will R-(OPEN, fthe salrfl~i~si of Pupils, oil T111JRSI)AY, July 30. IN TEXE DOAIMING-SC1OOxL, rtlt YOUNG LAtDES, will commence on S VlTRDAY. June 727th, ;ivatio' Sciool will lRE OPEN, alter ?? Recess, o Aug-'t 3. A. HASSE. SALE TO-DnORR0ow AUCTION OF QUEBEC T l( N- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT ?? L Persons professing Repeal Principe5l and A who may be entitled to be admitted to the ldedom of the City of Dublin, are requested to send in fortbth the p rtiuar of their claims to the Committee Rooms, Corn Exchanga, when the necessary steps will be taken to faoj tors. T. M. RAY, Secretary. MRS. C. MATHERS, COURT MILLINER, TrAS the honor to inform the Nobility and ntry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL, DUBLIN. ,IEI, Mir. BORRANI, and Mr. IV. HARRI- ill of the Theatre-Royal. Druryilane), are engaged ,t )ff lhhtz, and will make their second appearance. ,5.l~s PRESENT TUESDAY, the 30th June, 1 ,4, On which OccasiOn the performances will comn- jq, With the Grand Opera of GIL THlE BOHEMIAN GIRL. .s~rnheim0 .. Mr. Borrani. ?? rn e n Mr. W. Uarrison detls ?? ?? Romer. To ounclude ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II ~~ MUSICH L. 1i' S EVENING (Thursday), June 4, * 5gRAS, Miss FRASER, Miss M. FRA. hth Messrs. FRASER, the highly popular tied I ejal illustrators of Scottish Song, who qtted with the most enthusiastic applause, Von t ' D0r. of making their F, urth Appearance. i . d permission of Colonel Trevorm, the Band of C. io~~ent e'ill perform. r. ? 1toegiUS -WeNE hat call e Music ? 'Tis *t; of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7flA1B 1WOYAL, DUBLINV. end under the immediate Patronage of the biliful the Masters, Wardens, and Brethren of the 6 ?? Lodges of the City of Dublin, for the I0 FlIT of Nr. D. LEONARD, being, most posi. BESE is Last Appearance in Dublin, previous to his o for Amelica. deliTHIlS EVENING (Tuesday), 2d JUNE, ) j846, the performances will commence with the in Two Acts, called Rfl, ]ING O'NEILL; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. BE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL AS. T SOCIATION OF IRELAND will meet on THIS P)AY, the 15th June instant, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for ASSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end gallery, and also the benches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE, Iehaboo GUANO, of prime quaity rrime ALSO, G. Prime Sweet Americau PhOUR. TIO.1AS G. FOJAINOSAT, Donegall-quay Belfast, 5tLh lay, 1846. Dnaqa COAL TAR IS NOW SELLIN;G, AT THa BELFAST GAS WO1thS, 4 At 2dper Gallon; 7 Ai Gs 6d per Barrel, Barrel included; A t Ss do. do. exceeding 10 Barl,. and, for 20 Barrels and upward4, a ?? of .5 to )0 per Cent. will be deducted, according to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONA REPEAL ASSOCIATION. HE LOYAL NATIO1AL REPEAL AS. DY, the Sth june I nstant, tat ONE o Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE BOOMS. gW The priicipal door in front to the ground floor is fsee for AssoCIATEs enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under Che end gallery, and also the benches of the en1jgall y itijef, to which they ...