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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... QUEENfS BIKRT-DAY.I rhN TUESDAY the 9th instant, which has been fixed ΒΆ3 for Ibis THE ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS Will be Open at HALF-PRICE. An efficient Instrumental Band. will he in attendance. o Admission, 6d.; Children, 3d. A( ed ROYAL BAINK OF SCOTLAND, an Edinburgh, 4th June 1846. to THE COURT OF DIRECTORS of the ROYAL BANK wli T of SCOTLAND give notice, that the General Court of so! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEAF AND DUMB3 STlITUTIOU , THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the SUB- SCRIBERS to this INSTITUTION will be held in the licsic HTA, George Street, on MONDAY the 15th Jux;, (TlHlS DAY), at One oclock, when the Pupils will be Examined. The Right Rol. the LORD JUSTICE-GENERAL in the Chair. THIS DA Y. EXTENSIVE SALE OF S E T L A N D S. H A W L S BY AUCTION. R fE TAYLOR 0 respectfully intimates to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOST, In or near YO-RKc PLACEr, on Monday Evening, BLACK REAL LACE VEIL. A suitable Reward w-aill be given to any one returning the same to Camp- bell's, No. 5, George Street. June 16, 1846. EDINBURGH, LEITH, & GRANTON RAILWAY. j HE DIRECTORS of this COMPANY are ready to re- I ceive TENIDERIS for LOANS, on Debenture Bonds, for Sums of not less than L.500, for a periord of Three Years, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY REGISTRATION.I LIBERA L 7IN'TEREST. THE COMMI%1TTEE ROOMS for the REGISTRATION Tof VOTERS in th'e LIBERAL INTEREST, are open every day, from 10 to 4, and from 6 to 8, at No. 31, IEw BrsantYGS, NoaTH BRIDGE. As she existing Parliament is nearly at an end, there will, in all probability, be a GENERAL ELECTION before next year's Registration:. so panties will see the necessity of avail- ilug ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. T E Public arc respectfnlly- informed, chat, in consequence1 T oF the Maniagement not being, able to obtain an efficient B3and for 'Satnrd'ay and Monday Evenings, as formnerly an- eaonared, they have engazed the services of Mr O'H1ANNI1- GA.;ho will perform a series if popolar Pieces and Airs en thre UN ION PIP1ES onl SATURDAY EVENING, from Fivo ?? I Dus~k. Admission, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PETITION. S the PETrnON to PARLIAMENT in fivor of the A EDINBURGH & LEITH NEW WATER COM- PAN1'S BILL must Close on SATURDAY, it is requested that the inhabitants will Sign without delay. The Petition lies for signature at the following places- ,Messrs Andw. Melrose & Co.'s 93, George Street. MIessrs W. & G. La-'s, 31, St Andrew's Square. Mr Thomas Calder's, 2, Albany Street. Messrs A. Thomson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLED ONIAN HORTICULTUIRAL SOCIETY. THE EXTRA.A SUMMUNIER MEETING will be held in the SOCETYr's GARDEN, ISVERLEATN, on FRIDAY the 26th of Jr-N. in terms of the published Prize List. The PRIZE COMMITTEE meet at Eleven A.r.; and from Two Till Five P.m., there will be a PROMENADE, wvith MIILITARY Music, and UEXHIBITION of EXOTIC PLANTS, in the Pavilion on the Lawn, and in the New Hall. Price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZK-MDATWITOX OF THE BLUID. TrHE DIRECTORS of the EDINBURGH ]BLIND JL ASYLUM have the Pleasure to announce, that te j .A'\NNUAL EXAMINATION of the MALE and FEM2ALE, SE BRANCHES of the INSTITUTION wvill take place in the El MUTSIC HALL, George Street, on WEDNESDAY next, the fo :3d of Jvar, when w The Most 3Noble the MARQUIS ofBfUTE willipreside. P The C'hahr to be taken aet One o'clock of All ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STATUARY, NATIONAL MONUMENT, I 5d, SEASOA, ITAS RE-OPElNED on MlosnzAr the 18th altimo, and lt contains in all TWENTY-FIVE different GROUPS and STATUES, sculptured fron the best Specimens et our Native Stone. Visitors 1ill be permitted to inspect a Series of FULL SIZED MODELS in CLAY, iD preparation for a similarEx- hibition in another quarter. Open from 10 till dusk. Admittance-One Shilling ...