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Advertisements & Notices

... e in WOOD SALE POSTPONED. T{ 6E SALE of TIMBER, a~dvertised to take place htlcnverarv, o AreUsllhire. on Wednesday the ?? current, is Post- PONED to a fuinre day, to be intimated by after adverttsemaents 2d June, 1846. 8 F 0:3N 1). GREYEHOUND DOG.-The owner may have him on gr A proving his property and paving expenses, by applying to Aitken & Co., Brewers, at1Tsirk. eth June. 184. . ?? FOIUND. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is Publislhed, priee 6d Q HEIST THIRE HE AD ( F T 'iE C IRU C E. . i ?? SEiiK :40N nImF lte . Ope-inz of the General Assembly of the Church oT1hur_1da.V May ?? hr J.f Sci1itiS~'y o;l -L ?? s9 ALrEXANDER HtILL, h.D., Professor of Divinity in the L niversity of Glagow. William Blackw'ood & Sons, Edinburgh and London. Sold by ?? SM 11 I SON, and the Booksellers, Glasgow. :,s Juist out. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOST, In or near YO-RKc PLACEr, on Monday Evening, BLACK REAL LACE VEIL. A suitable Reward w-aill be given to any one returning the same to Camp- bell's, No. 5, George Street. June 16, 1846. EDINBURGH, LEITH, & GRANTON RAILWAY. j HE DIRECTORS of this COMPANY are ready to re- I ceive TENIDERIS for LOANS, on Debenture Bonds, for Sums of not less than L.500, for a periord of Three Years, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY REGISTRATION.I LIBERA L 7IN'TEREST. THE COMMI%1TTEE ROOMS for the REGISTRATION Tof VOTERS in th'e LIBERAL INTEREST, are open every day, from 10 to 4, and from 6 to 8, at No. 31, IEw BrsantYGS, NoaTH BRIDGE. As she existing Parliament is nearly at an end, there will, in all probability, be a GENERAL ELECTION before next year's Registration:. so panties will see the necessity of avail- ilug ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH OF SCOTLAND 7 n D ASSflEAICZ COZMA=. i lCE 1S HIEREBY GIVEN that the TENTH AN- j TIC GENERALMEETINGofthePARTNERS will *! awl i their Hoe~use in Aberdeen, on FRiDnaY the 12th day 3 hddeuin~l. at 12 o'lock naoon, for the Electionr of Directors. s9tated in theContract: and that the usual tlIe;,Js&L per rent, free of Income l'ax, wvill be paid at the ,jbidk9lce ard AKgencies, as form erly, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. T E Public arc respectfnlly- informed, chat, in consequence1 T oF the Maniagement not being, able to obtain an efficient B3and for 'Satnrd'ay and Monday Evenings, as formnerly an- eaonared, they have engazed the services of Mr O'H1ANNI1- GA.;ho will perform a series if popolar Pieces and Airs en thre UN ION PIP1ES onl SATURDAY EVENING, from Fivo ?? I Dus~k. Admission, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,;t Rjlued *on the Kazket&i ASgaFDEru, Q8 CASTLE SSRrET, 23diuule, IS-P. TO the 34ftm. E s h~BtBIE as ag~ain the pleasusatbis distp~ of iisfioraiueg te has wavilett /insdefof the jl 't.weeklto make °p~rchnes, pertsomall. ini Me 9rit,;sh marhets, of Goods ethe prest extr'ordinel demrand. He 7coeiidespeciaily gopar attnin to his ttsesstded Stoc o~f .lfourntin0 and jtOrow M hssTo Washing Siles; r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD AND EDUCATION, T, AnLrrD STREET, BATH. 1rVE MISSES POOLEY beg to inform their Friends and the peblic that their SEM INIARY, e; the EDUCATION and :B0,RD of YOUNG LADIES will bh Re.6pened, on 4th ?? eill be in Glasgow during these holidays, and be consulted by Parente or Guardians. She will also be JsPP! to accompany to Bath such Ladies as may be entered as fap'l5 ' The best MNasters are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11;rjR DAAMELEY continues to give FINIS3INGW PiANO 1 PORTE and VOCAL LESSONS at his Residence, I37, .3A8SHrB5TON[ PLACE, Renfrew Street, Glasgow. GLASGOW PROTESTANT FEMALE ORPHAN a INSTITUTION. e erEE: CO1 fITTEE; Of the above INSTITUTION beg to Tinform their Friends and the Public, tha they hafe b6w REMrOVED ?? Whiteaale to ?? ?? Premises, No. IJ, WILLIAME STRE:E;T, qwhere, in sfuture, theb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOST, On Friday Last, X DI,%MONI) PIN.-Any Person baring Found it, -will A receive a Reward of One Guinea, on hadling it to Messrs. FiEloy & Field, Goldsmiths and Jewellers, 72, Buchanan Street. 210th June, lS45i. MONEY FOUND, Within the last fewr weeks. rr UlREE SMATLL SUNIS.-Owners may have the samte, by J proving property and paying expenses of advertising, on application to Capenal Wilson, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S IT I 0 F N 0 N E Y.-Apply at 101, Bluchanan j -L Street.I FOU-ND. KA At Hillhead, near Glasgow, on the evening cf Friday last, the 26th instant, A POINTER PUP.-For further particiLars, apply at thi - Hieraldl 051czc. - - e^ F OUND.I PolINTER D(1, in Quseen Street- Apply to J. Campbeltl, 01 At 415. 1erhiarn~lnt:LrY Raod. Inot claimed in, S davs, he villi at be Sold to pay expenses. ' t i WVAN ...